American Roentgen Ray Society Managing Incidental Findings A Practical and Current Approach 2017
Format:40 videos, size: 3.85 GB
Course Audience: radiologist
Module 1. Liver Imaging – An Approach to the Incidental Lesion in the Cirrhotic Liver (Video MP4 Format)
Module 1. Liver Imaging – Case-Based Approach to the Incidental Liver Lesion (Video MP4 Format)Module 1. Liver Imaging – Diffuse Abnormal Hepatic Attenuation on CT or Signal Intensity on MRI (Video MP4 Format)Module 1. Liver Imaging – Hepatic Perfusion _ Vascular Lesions (Video MP4 Format)Module 2. Pancreaticobiliary – Dilated Pancreatic _ Biliary Ducts (Video MP4 Format)Module 2. Pancreaticobiliary – Incidental Abnormal Gallbladder (Video MP4 Format)Module 2. Pancreaticobiliary – Solid Pancreatic Tumors (Video MP4 Format)Module 2. Pancreaticobiliary – The Incidental Solitary _ Multiple Pancreatic Cysts – Imaging _ Management Strategies (Video MP4 Format)Module 3. Abdomen – Incidental Colon Findings – When to Worry, When Not to Worry (Video MP4 Format)Module 3. Abdomen – Incidental Findings of the Stomach, Duodenum _ Small Bowel (Video MP4 Format)Module 3. Abdomen – The Misty Mesentery _ Incidental Mesenteric Nodes _ Masses (Video MP4 Format)Module 3. Abdomen – Why We Love to Hate the Spleen – Incidental Findings in Adults (Video MP4 Format)Module 4. Genitourinary Imaging – Incidental Findings at Prostate MRI (Video MP4 Format)Module 4. Genitourinary Imaging – The Incidental Adrenal Lesion (Video MP4 Format)Module 4. Genitourinary Imaging – The Incidental Cystic Renal Mass (Video MP4 Format)Module 4. Genitourinary Imaging – The Incidental Solid Renal Mass (Video MP4 Format)Module 5. Gynecology – Adnexal Solid Mass at Ultrasound, CT _ MRI – Now What (Video MP4 Format)Module 5. Gynecology – An Algorithmic Approach to the Incidental Enlarged Uterus on MDCT (Video MP4 Format)Module 5. Gynecology – Managing the Incidental Cystic Adnexal Lesion (Video MP4 Format)Module 5. Gynecology – The Endometrium is Abnormal – What Next (Video MP4 Format)Module 6. Lung Imaging – Approach to Pulmonary Calcifications (Video MP4 Format)Module 6. Lung Imaging – Fibrotic Lung Disease – A Simplified Approach (Video MP4 Format)Module 6. Lung Imaging – Imaging of the Aging Lung – What is Normal _ What is Not (Video MP4 Format)Module 6. Lung Imaging – The Incidental Pulmonary Nodule – What Should We Do in 2017 (Video MP4 Format)Module 7. Chest Imaging – Incidental Cardiac Masses (Video MP4 Format)Module 7. Chest Imaging – Incidentally Detected Pericardial _ Pleural Disease (Video MP4 Format)Module 7. Chest Imaging – Management of Incidental Pulmonary Emboli for the Radiologist (Video MP4 Format)Module 7. Chest Imaging – Unexpected Thoracic Lymph Node Enlargement – Next Steps (Video MP4 Format)Module 8. Musculoskeletal Imaging – Common Incidental Soft-Tissue Lesions on Body Imaging (Video MP4 Format)Module 8. Musculoskeletal Imaging – Incidental Bone Lesions on Body CT – A Location-Based Approach (Video MP4 Format)Module 8. Musculoskeletal Imaging – MRI of Bone Marrow (Video MP4 Format)Module 8. Musculoskeletal Imaging – The More Commonly Encountered Incidental Bone Lesions on Body CT _ MRI (Video MP4 Format)Module 9. Pediatric Imaging – Infants _ Children With Genitourinary Variants _ Lesions – What the Radiologist Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)Module 9. Pediatric Imaging – Managing Incidental Findings Detected on Pediatric Chest CT (Video MP4 Format)Module 9. Pediatric Imaging – Musculoskeletal Findings of Accidental _ Nonaccidental Trauma in Children – How to Avoid Interpretative Errors (Video MP4 Format)Module 9. Pediatric Imaging – Pediatric Abdominal Incidentalomas – Pitfalls _ Mimics (Video MP4 Format)Module 10. General Radiology – Approach to Incidental Hot Spots on PET-CT – Challenges _ Solutions (Video MP4 Format)Module 10. General Radiology – Incidental Thyroid Nodules on CT, MRI _ PET (Video MP4 Format)Module 10. General Radiology – Ultrasound Approach to Incidentally Detected Thyroid Nodules (Video MP4 Format)Module 10. General Radiology – Vascular Compression in the Abdomen _ Pelvis – When is it Real _ When Should We Worry (Video MP4 Format)