American Urogynecologic Society PFD Week 2017
Format:45 videos, size: 4.37 GB
Course Audience: nephrologist, urologist
A Modified Transvaginal Mesh Colpopexy for Anterior and Apical Prolapse (Video MP4 Format)
A Site-Specific Technique for a Posterior Repair (Video MP4 Format)Assessing Frailty in Women Undergoing Elective Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery (Video MP4 Format)Autologous Fascia Lata Spiral Sling Anal Sphincteroplasty Salvage Repair for Fecal Incontinence (Video MP4 Format)Deconstruction of Colpocleisis and Vaginal Resuspension (Video MP4 Format)Excision of Vaginal Mesh Exposure in The Bladder A Robotic Approach (Video MP4 Format)Extravesical Robotic Ureteral Reimplantation for Ureterovaginal Fistula (Video MP4 Format)FPMRS Journal Update (Video MP4 Format)General Scientific Session I (Video MP4 Format)General Scientific Session II (Video MP4 Format)General Scientific Session III (Video MP4 Format)General Scientific Session IV (Video MP4 Format)General Scientific Session V (Video MP4 Format)General Scientific Session VI (Video MP4 Format)Harvest of Autologous Fascia Lata From the Thigh Surgical Technique Video (Video MP4 Format)Identifying the Defects Data From 563 Consecutive Anterior Wall Dissections (Video MP4 Format)J. Marion Sims Lecture Vesico-Vaginal Fistula (Video MP4 Format)Le Fort Partial Colpocleisis A Low-Cost Model (Video MP4 Format)Logothetopulos Control of Intraoperative Hemorrhage with Pelvic Pressure Pack (Video MP4 Format)Management of Presacral Bleeding (Video MP4 Format)Master Surgeon Presentations (Video MP4 Format)Mesh Removal Debate (Video MP4 Format)Minimally Invasive Cystoscopic Suture Excision (Video MP4 Format)Modified Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty for the Transgender Woman (Video MP4 Format)Persistent Vaginal Leakage in The Setting of an Apical Vaginal Sinus Tract (Video MP4 Format)Prevention of Urinary Incontinence A Behavioral and Basic Science Perspective (Video MP4 Format)Raymond A. Lee Lecture Life-long Learning, Loving What You Do, and Paying it Forward (Video MP4 Format)Rectovaginal Fistula Repair Using a Gracilis Muscle Flap and Full Thickness Skin Graft (Video MP4 Format)Rectus Fascial Sling as Easy as Mid-Urethral Sling (Video MP4 Format)Removal Of Vaginal Calculus With Surgical Drill (Video MP4 Format)Retropubic Robotic Excision of Mesh for the Treatment Of Midurethral Slings and Transvaginal (Video MP4 Format)Robotic-Assisted Sacrocolpoperineopexy and Modified Anterior Rectopexy for Treatment of Pelvic (Video MP4 Format)Sacral Neuromodulation Lead Removal A Novel Technique (Video MP4 Format)Sacral Neuromodulation Using Retrograde Lead Placement in a Patient with Kyphoscholiosis (Video MP4 Format)Sacrocolpopexy Modification in the Setting of a Pelvic Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Sigmoid Epiploica Interposition During Robotic Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair (Video MP4 Format)Sling Selections and What to do When They Fail! (Video MP4 Format)State of the Society Presidential Address (Video MP4 Format)SUFU Update Treatment of Non-Neurogenic Urinary Retention (Video MP4 Format)The 4-Wall Sacrospinous Ligament Suspension Secrets to Success For Complex Cases (Video MP4 Format)Transvaginal Ureteral Dissection During Uterosacral Ligament Suspension Procedure (Video MP4 Format)Unique Approaches to Concurrent Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair at Time of Gynecologic Cancer Surgery (Video MP4 Format)Use of Extracellular Matrix During Vaginal Wall Repair After Wide Excision of a Mesh (Video MP4 Format)Vestibulectomy Technique for Refractory Vulvodynia (Video MP4 Format)What Are Urogynecologists Going to Get Paid and How (Video MP4 Format)