American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Annual Meeting 2020
Format:158 videos + 337 pdfs, size: 15.5 GB
Course Audience: ophthalmology surgeon
1. Outcomes of Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stent Alone Vs. Combined (PDF Format)
1. Transscleral Gore-Tex Fixation of a Toric Single-Piece Acrylic IOL (Video MP4 Format)2. A Sputnik Lens Landed on Iris (Video MP4 Format)2. Morphogenetic Activation of Nucleic Acids for Retinitis Pigmentosa (PDF Format)3. 5-0 Prolene Belt-Loop Technique for Scleral Fixation of a Dislocated (Video MP4 Format)3. Comparative Study of Combined Versus Staged DSAEK and Phacoemulsification (PDF Format)4. New Pupil Expander Used for Capsular Bag Support (Video MP4 Format)4. Single Sitting Bilateral Cataract Surgery in Children (PDF Format)5. Another IOL Suture Fixation Technique for Dislocated Lenses (Video MP4 Format)5. Shorter Death Excision Time of Donor Cornea As a Risk Factor (PDF Format)6. Dexamethasone Intracanalicular Insert Surgical Technique Pearls (Video MP4 Format)6. Outcomes of Subconjunctival Gel Microstent Implantation Age (PDF Format)7. A Whiter Shade of Pale (Video MP4 Format)7. Conventional Keratometry Vs. Total Keratometry for IOL Power Calculations (PDF Format)8. A Comparison of Healing,Pain Response and Tolerability of 2 Different (PDF Format)8. A Killer Wave – Surviving Descemet’s Detachment (Video MP4 Format)9. My Third Year of Refractive Surgery (Video MP4 Format)9. Repeatability and Reproducibility of Manual Anterior Segment-OCT (PDF Format)10. The Three Pillars of Anterior Segment Support for IOL Placement (Video MP4 Format)10. Uveitic Glaucoma A 10 Year Retrospective and Risk Factors for Requiring Surgery (PDF Format)11. Cyanoacrylate Tissue Adhesive for the Treatment of Corneal Thinning (PDF Format)11. Insitu Repair of an Implanted IOL Haptic during a Cataract Surgery (Video MP4 Format)12. Keratoconus Can be Treated Based on the Stage of the Condition (Video MP4 Format)12. Review of Current Peri-Operative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for the Boston (PDF Format)13. Challenges in the Management of Uveitic Cataracts (Video MP4 Format)13. Nomogram for the Prediction of Probability of Rubella Based on Eye Outcomes (PRBEO Nomogram) -a Cross Sectional Sentinel Surveillance Study (PDF Format)13. The Role of Rheology in Artificial Tear Solutions (PDF Format)14. In Vitro Antibiotic Resistance of Intraocular Bacterial Pathogens (PDF Format)14. That’s Not Supposed to Happen (Video MP4 Format)15. Ab Externo Scleral Fixation of Subluxed Intraocular Lens (Video MP4 Format)15. Uveitis and Bilateral Endothelitis By ORAL Moxifloxacine (PDF Format)16. Novel Hybrid Phacoemulsification Tip to Enhance Capsular Safety (Video MP4 Format)16. Repeatability and Agreement of Objective Refraction and High Order Aberrations (PDF Format)17. First Clinical Experience with an Artificial Hydrophylic Acrylic Endothelial Lamellar (PDF Format)17. The Lost GraftSudden Expulsion of an Endothelial Graft (Video MP4 Format)18. 3D Digital Visualization FLACS in Heredofamilial Vitreoretinopathy (Video MP4 Format)18. New Options to Enhance Patient Outcomes with a Monofocal Intraocularlens (PDF Format)19. Extended Depth of Focus and Trifocal Intraocular Lenses in Myopic Versus (PDF Format)19. The Role of Tenonplasty in Severe Chemical Injury with Anterior (Video MP4 Format)20. Persistently Worsened Tear Break-up Time and Keratitis in Unilateral Pseudophakic (PDF Format)20. Treading on ICE An Approach to Capsulorhexis Creation (Video MP4 Format)21. Magic of Terminator the Wedge Tool a Modified Classical (Video MP4 Format)21. Visual Outcomes of a New Non-Diffractive Extended Vision Intraocular Lens (PDF Format)22. Comparison of Visual Outcome in Patients Implanted with Extended Depth of Focus (PDF Format)22. Thinking Outside the Box Crosslinking the Impossibly Thin Cornea (Video MP4 Format)23. Anterior Surface Smoothness Changes Caused By Non-Operative Corneal Exposure (PDF Format)23. Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography Guided Management (Video MP4 Format)24. A Matched Case-Control Study Effect of Laser Energy Levels on Surgery (PDF Format)24. Zonular Weakness the Main Challenge of Cataract Surgery (Video MP4 Format)25. Active Hemorrhage from Iris Microhemangiomatosis Diagnosis (PDF Format)25. Surgical Management of Limbal Dermoid (Video MP4 Format)26. Long Anterior Lens Zonules Anatomical Variant and Its Impact on Phacoemulsification (PDF Format)26. Repair of Angle Recession with Double-Flanged Polypropylene (Video MP4 Format)27. Time-Efficiency Assessment of Guided Toric IOL Cataract Surgery A Pilot Study (PDF Format)27. Tube Placement (insertion) into a Long Scleral Tunnel with a Catheter (Video MP4 Format)28. Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty S-Stamp Orientation (PDF Format)28. Mega Implantable Phakic Contact Lens – a Ray of Hope for Buphthalmic (Video MP4 Format)29. Intrascleral Fixation Technique Using 27-Gauge Blunted Needles (Video MP4 Format)29. Use of Capsular Tension Ring to Correct Z Syndrome in a Patient (PDF Format)30. Hydrogen Will Change the World of Ophthalmology (Video MP4 Format)30. Temporal Association between Influenza Vaccination, Herpes Zoster Reactivation (PDF Format)31. Serious Ifis (Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome) (Video MP4 Format)31. Trans-Epithelial (Epithelium-On) Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Using a Novel Ultraviolet (PDF Format)32. Case Series of Urrets-Zavalia Syndrome after Descemet Membrane Endothelial (PDF Format)32. New Technique to Make Diagnosis of Big Bubble in DALK (Video MP4 Format)33. Late “in the Bag” IOL Exchange after 4 Years of Retained Viscoelastic (Video MP4 Format)33. Outcomes of Istent Implantation with Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)34. Early Results of 2nd Generation Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stents (iStent injectr) (PDF Format)34. New Device to Realize the Orientation of the DMEK Scroll (Video MP4 Format)35. Don’t Cry for Me Argentina (Video MP4 Format)35. Kahook Dual Blader Goniotomy with Phacoemulsification Versus Cataract Extraction (PDF Format)36. Challenging Cataract Surgery Performed with Slit-Illumination (Video MP4 Format)36. Mid-Term Outcomes of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty in Patients (PDF Format)37. Advanced IOL Calculations Using High-Resolution Scheimpflug and Spectral Domain (PDF Format)37. Complications of Intrastromal Bevacizumab Injection after Lamellar (Video MP4 Format)38. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Using Fibrin Glue Versus Sutures for Connective Tissue (PDF Format)38. Some like It Warm (Video MP4 Format)39. Hydro Assisted Four Step Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis (Video MP4 Format)39. The Long-Term Prognosis of Type I Boston Keratoprosthesis Reimplantation (PDF Format)40. Long-Term Outcomes of Conventional Versus Accelerated Corneal Crosslinking (PDF Format)40. “Kissing Mvr Technique” A Novel Approach for Safe and Effective (Video MP4 Format)41. In Vitro Evaluation of the Feasibility of Slit-Lamp NdYAG-Laser (Video MP4 Format)41. Safety and Efficacy of Cataract Surgery in Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices (PDF Format)42. Outcomes of Pulsed, Accelerated, Epithelial-on Cross-Linking for Keratoconus (PDF Format)42. Unseen Danger of Expulsive Choroidal Haemorrhage (Video MP4 Format)43 Cataract Occurrence Secondary to Needle Injury Post-Intravitreal (Video MP4 Format)43. Comparison of Corticosteroids Treatment Effects in Corneal Alkali-Burn Injury in Rats (PDF Format)44. Contact Lens Associations with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in the Era (PDF Format)44. Tinkles for Capsular Wrinkles – Demystifying Zonular Support (Video MP4 Format)45. Biometric Calculation and Refractive Management of a Post-Keratoplasty Complex (PDF Format)45. In Despair (Video MP4 Format)46. IOL Explantation through a Small Incision (Video MP4 Format)46. Preventing Dry Eye Disease and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (PDF Format)47. Minimally Invasive IOL Extraction (Video MP4 Format)47. Primary Diagnoses of Emergency Office Visits in an Ophthalmology Private Practice (PDF Format)48. Amsler Sign during Phacoemulsification in a Heterochromic Indian Eye (Video MP4 Format)48. Managment of Lipid Keratopaty Contact Lenses Related with Intrastromal Alfibercept (PDF Format)49. Detection and Treatment of Nocardia Keratitis after Multiple Negative Cultures (PDF Format)49. New Bimanual Aspiration Irrigation Cannulas (Video MP4 Format)50. Double Trouble (Video MP4 Format)50. Terrien’s Marginal Degeneration A Case of Spontaneous Bilateral Corneal Perforation (PDF Format)51. A Machine Learning Approach to Potential Risk Factors for Complex Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)51. Mission Impossible – MIGS for the Developing World (Video MP4 Format)52. Implantation of a Toric Intraocular Lens after Several Radial Keratotomy (PDF Format)52. Running to the Edge of the Intraocular Lens Optic Transplant (Video MP4 Format)53. Sulcus IOL Lets Capture It (Video MP4 Format)53. Surgical and Follow up Results of Patients Treated with Trifocal IOL (PDF Format)54. Comparison of a Virtual Reality Visual Field Program to the Zeis Humphrey (PDF Format)54. Intraocular Lens Malpositioning. Second Opportunities (Video MP4 Format)55. Autologous Fibrin and Tenon Patch to Treat Chronic Scleral Seidel (Video MP4 Format)55. Evaluation of Mydriasis Using Intracameral Mydriatic Solution for Primary (PDF Format)56. Endophthalmitis Mimicking Keratouveitis after Flanged Intrascleral IOL Fixation (PDF Format)56. Surgical Pearls from Resident-Performed Ab Interno Canaloplasty (Video MP4 Format)57. Effect of Pterygium on Corneal Wavefront Aberration Comparative Study (PDF Format)57. Novel Technique for Treatment and Evaluation of Open-Angle Glaucoma (Video MP4 Format)58. Hemi-Gonioscopic-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy Combined (Video MP4 Format)58. Prevalence of Dry Eye in the Pediatric Population of New York City (PDF Format)59. Comparison of the Surgical Outcomes between High and Low Pulse Energy (PDF Format)59. Simplified Cyclodialysis Cleft Repair (Video MP4 Format)60. Clinical Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Patients with Sj”gren Syndrome (PDF Format)60. Morphogenetic Activation of Nucleic Acids – GENE Editing (Video MP4 Format)61. Medium-Term Effect of Electromagnetic Waves at Terahertz Frequencies (PDF Format)61. Pinpoint Intrascleral Haptic Fixation Using I Fixation Technique (Video MP4 Format)62. Corneal Keloid Formation after Photorefractive Keratectomy in a Young Patient (PDF Format)62. Flower in the Eye (Video MP4 Format)63. Accuracy of Ladas Super-Formula for Trifocal IOL Calculations (PDF Format)63. After PCR What Next (Video MP4 Format)64. Extreme Difficulties for Toric IOL (Video MP4 Format)64. Functional Vision with a Trifocal IOL (PDF Format)65. Autorefractor Accuracy with a Trifocal IOL (PDF Format)65. Innovative Pars Plana Approach for the Anterior Segment Surgeon Light (Video MP4 Format)66. Small Is Tough – Challenging the Challenge (Video MP4 Format)66. Spectacle Independence and Visual Side Effects in Post-Myopic LASIK Patients (PDF Format)67. Impact of Global-Optimization of Lens Constants on Refractive Outcomes (PDF Format)67. Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome Combating the Challenge (Video MP4 Format)68. Autologous Fibrin Glue and Platelet Rich Plasma for Ocular Surface Surgery (PDF Format)68. Ready or Not, There They Go – a Case of Unexpected Zonular Loss (Video MP4 Format)69. High Astigmatism Correction post KPP with customized toric intraocular IOL (PDF Format)69. To Dance DMEK, Swim in the Shallows 3D DMEK Tutorial on an Ex Vivo (Video MP4 Format)70. Double-Marking to Facilitate Alignment with the Catalys Femtosecond Laser (PDF Format)70. The American Dream (I’ll Take the Penalty) (Video MP4 Format)71. Severe Inflammation and Hyphema after Micropulse Diode Transscleral (PDF Format)71. Tips on Damage Control and Optimizing Outcomes Keeping a Small (Video MP4 Format)72. Contact Lenses in Cataract Surgery Hard Contact Lens to Do Cataract (Video MP4 Format)72. OCS-01, a novel option for once a day treatment of Inflammation (PDF Format)73. Phacoemulsification without Hydrodissection – `Passive-Hydro Phaco’ (Video MP4 Format)73. Salzmann Nodular Degeneration in a Patient with Kartagener Syndrome (PDF Format)74. CSI Heidelberg DMEK with Artificial Implant Instead of Human Tissue (Video MP4 Format)74. Recurrent Late-Onset Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis Eight and Twelve Years (PDF Format)75. Iatrogenic Descemetorhexis during Cataract Surgery The Intraoperative (Video MP4 Format)75. Long-Term Outcomes of Topical Cyclosporine 0.05% in the Treatment of Dry Eye (PDF Format)76. Contrast Sensitivity Function Following Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (PDF Format)76. Partial Refraction Topography-Guided PRK Combined with Refractive (Video MP4 Format)77. Decreased Total Ultrasound Time and Surgical Time with Active SentryT Hand Piece (PDF Format)77. The Use of a Pupil Expansion Device to Stabilize the Capsule and Allow (Video MP4 Format)78. Lens Sparing Cataract Surgery (Video MP4 Format)78. Stability of Scleral Fixated IOL Lens with Nonabsorbable Polytetrafluoroethylene (PDF Format)79. Ophthalmic Viscoelastic Device – Free Posterior Chamber Phakic (Video MP4 Format)79. Pattern Electroretinogram in Glaucoma Suspects with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (PDF Format)80. Fluorescein An Ode to a Humble Stain (Video MP4 Format)80. Retinal Ganglion Cell Dysfunction in Low-Tension Glaucoma with Obstructive (PDF Format)81. Accuracy and Efficacy of Primary Posterior Capsulotomy in Pediatric (Video MP4 Format)81. Conjunctivochalasis Surgery Shooting Sparrows with Cannons (PDF Format)82. Outcomes of Resident-Performed Trabeculectomies (PDF Format)82. The Absolute Fixation of Toric IOL (Video MP4 Format)83. Algorithmic Intraocular Lens Power Calculation According to the Nine Types (PDF Format)83. Thinking out-of-the-Bag Tackling the Narrow Anterior Segment (Video MP4 Format)84. Evaluation of Patient-Specific Computational Modeling Platform in Predicting (PDF Format)84. Zonulopathy- Different Case Scenarios (Video MP4 Format)85. IOL Acrobatics (Video MP4 Format)85. Refractive Accuracy with Intraoperative Aberrometry for IOL Power Determination (PDF Format)86. Complications Associated with a Cosmetic Iris Implant (PDF Format)86. Umbilical Cord Patch Graft and Compression Sutures for Leaking Bleb (Video MP4 Format)87. Point Break Pre-Fracturing Techniques for Phacoemulsification (Video MP4 Format)87. The association between osmolarity, matrix metalloproteinase-9 and severity (PDF Format)88. Efficacy of Using Vitrectomy Probe in Removal of Marginal Primary (Video MP4 Format)88. Singling out Retinal Pathology Single Line Macular OCT Ganglion Cell Analysis (PDF Format)89. Evolution of an Administration Technique for Dexamethasone Intraocular (Video MP4 Format)89. Investigating the Rate of Second Glaucoma Surgery in Pediatric and Adult Patients (PDF Format)90. Lenticule Tear Following Incomplete Femto-Dissection in Relex SMILE (Video MP4 Format)90. Preoperative Evaluation of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)91. Four-Flanged 5.0 Polypropylene Intrascleral Intraocular Lens Fixation (Video MP4 Format)91. Mechanistic Explanation for the Calcification of Hydrophilic IOLs (PDF Format)92. Intraindividual Discrimination of IOL-Power with the Slit Lamp (PDF Format)92. Murphy’s Law and the Ahmed Valve (Video MP4 Format)93. Glaucoma Outcomes Following Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1 Surgery (PDF Format)93. IOL Implantation – the Unforeseen Complications and a Breathholding Finish (Video MP4 Format)94. Comparison of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Formulas in Patients (PDF Format)94. Turkish Delight Repositioning of a Dislocated LensCapsular Bag Complex (Video MP4 Format)95. Challenging Penetrating Keratoplasty (Video MP4 Format)95. Teleophthalmology in Diabetic Screening (PDF Format)96. Eye Injuries in the National Basketball Association (PDF Format)96. Traumatic Dense Subluxated Cataract with Traumatic Mydriasis (Video MP4 Format)97. Cataract Extraction Following Blast Injury with Numerous Retained Metallic (PDF Format)97. JE-Rhexis – Capsulorhexis Simulator (Video MP4 Format)98. Phacocele Formation after the Routine Injection of an Intraocular Anesthetic (PDF Format)98. Troubled Water (Video MP4 Format)99. Face and Content Validity of Simulated Ab Interno Canaloplasty and Goniotomy (PDF Format)99. Faco Support with Assistance of Suture Thread and IOL Fixation (Video MP4 Format)100. Spectral-Domain OCT Lens Meridian Position As a Metric to Estimate Effective (PDF Format)100. Usefulness of Sulcus-Fixation of Standard Capsular Tension Ring (Video MP4 Format)101. CM T- Flex IOL – a New Option for Aphakia (Video MP4 Format)101. Use of Netarsudil to Improve Endothelial Cell Function before and after DMEK Surgery (PDF Format)102. Multiple MIGS in Open-Angle Glaucoma Treatment Viscodilation of Schlemm’s Canal (PDF Format)102. On Line Safety Calculator for Refractive Surgery. Compilation of Security (Video MP4 Format)103. Crescentic Lamellar Keratoplasty for Late Graft-Host Ectasia after Penetrating (PDF Format)103. What Lies Beneath (Video MP4 Format)104. Post-Operative Visual Acuity and Higher Order Aberrancy Following DMEK Plus (PDF Format)104. Taming the Danglers (Video MP4 Format)105. Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) A Savior for Small Timers (Video MP4 Format)105. Refractive Accuracy of Multivariable Formulas for Eyes with Short and Long (PDF Format)106. Non-Traumatic Open Globe Injuries Presenting Characteristics and Visual Outcomes (PDF Format)106. Serendipitous Use of Topical Moxifloxacin (Video MP4 Format)107. Congenital Cataract with Persistent Fetal Vasculature What’s behind It (Video MP4 Format)107. Effectiveness of Ophthalmic Hydrogel Sealant in the Setting of Combined Cataract (PDF Format)108. A Tri-Radiate Corneal Perforation Wired Open and Wired Shut (Video MP4 Format)108. Keratoconus A Refractive Surgery Straight to 20 20 (PDF Format)109. ART of Pterygium Surgery Cosmetic Outcomes & 18 Years Follow up (PDF Format)109. Toric IOLs in Small Pupil- No Problem (Video MP4 Format)110. Cataract Rescue with Capsular Hooks and Cionni Ring Fixation (Video MP4 Format)110. Corneoplastique Reversing Refractive Complications to 20 20 (PDF Format)111. Management of Post-Keratoplasty Severe Astigmatism (PKa) (Video MP4 Format)111. Taking Refractive Surgical Complications to Premium Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)112. Presbyopia Correcting IOL Options (Video MP4 Format)112. Vision-Related Quality of Life Among Rural Elderly in Northern India (PDF Format)113. Femtocapsulotomy in Presence of a Phakic IOL (Video MP4 Format)114. Bilateral Phacoemulsification of Grade 4 Nuclear Sclerosis (Video MP4 Format)114. Rho Kinase Inhibitors Endothelial Dystrophies Approach (PDF Format)115. A New Simple Cost Effective Pupil Expansion Device (Video MP4 Format)115. Effects of Topical Insuline As Alternative Regeneration (PDF Format)116. DMEK-Pd Give a Little More (Video MP4 Format)116. Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling Trainer for Vitrectomy Beginners Using Quail Egg (PDF Format)117. Severe Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency and Cicatricial Conjunctivitis Secondary (PDF Format)117. The Final Call Double Manual DMEK Triple (Video MP4 Format)118. DMEK Scroll-Y-Tales (Video MP4 Format)118. Lens Status- a Protective Factor for Endothelium in Phacofragmentation (PDF Format)119. Mindfulness, Neuroplasticity and Me (Video MP4 Format)119. Various Types of Heterochromia Iridis (PDF Format)120. Idiopathic Lipid Crystalline Keratopathy (PDF Format)120. Opacified Intraocular Lens Explantation – New Technique (Video MP4 Format)121. Nd YAG Laser Assisted Eye Color Change (PDF Format)121. Redefining Forme Fruste (Video MP4 Format)122. Fabry Disease A Case with Corneal Manifestation (PDF Format)122. Paradise Lost … and Regained (Video MP4 Format)123. 3Z App Building a Machine Learning Based Software, Guiding (Video MP4 Format)123. Long-Term Outcomes of LASIK in Pediatric Myopic Anisometropia (PDF Format)124. Intraocular Trabeculectomy (Video MP4 Format)124. Long-Term Visual and Refractive Stability and Ocular Biometric Changes (PDF Format)125. Malyugin Chronicles The Curse of the Ring (Video MP4 Format)125. Ocular Biometric Data and Prevalence of Corneal Astigmatism (PDF Format)126. Basket Suture to Prevent Lens Expulsion during Penetrating Keratoplasty (Video MP4 Format)126. To Determine If Chronic Glaucoma Is an Optic Neuropathy or Optic Axotomy (PDF Format)127. Intra-Operative Bag Dialysis during Phacoemulsification (Video MP4 Format)127. Intraocular Pressure and Wound State Immediately after Long Versus (PDF Format)128. DSAEK Vs DMEK for Failed DSAEK (PDF Format)128. Modified Cionni Ring Fixation for Bag Dialysis and Iridodialysis Repair One (Video MP4 Format)129. A Health Promotion Model for the Prevention of Preventable Age-Related Blindness (PDF Format)129. An Eye of a Cataract Surgeon with an Intraoperative OCT (Video MP4 Format)130. Minimal Volume Endothelial Keratoplasty (MVEK) Provides Superior Visual Outcomes (PDF Format)130. The Pendulum Phaco Technique (Video MP4 Format)131. Efficacy and Safety of KPI-121 0.25% for Short Term Relief in Dry Eye (STRIDE) (PDF Format)131. Phacoemulsification Assisted By a New Nucleus Fragmenting Forceps (Video MP4 Format)132 Directed-Flow Hydrodissection Take a Step Back to Improve Cortical Cleavage (Video MP4 Format)132. Patient-Reported Tolerance and Satisfaction with Intraocular Administration (PDF Format)133. Comparison of Pre-Operative Measurements and Intraoperative Aberrometry (PDF Format)133. Iridodialysis Repair (Retroflexion is the key) (Video MP4 Format)134. Missed It By That Much Recruiting Femtosecond Laser to Remove a Lens (Video MP4 Format)134. The Effect of Lifitegrast on Refractive Accuracy, Higher Order Aberrations (PDF Format)135. Patient Satisfaction & Spectacle Need with Mini-Monovision (PDF Format)135. Understanding the Eyes of Patients with Marfan Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)136. Comparison of Three Toric Intraocular Lens’ Shape Recovery Time (PDF Format)136. What Not to SMILE of (Video MP4 Format)137. Clinical Outcome of Preoperative Lipiflow for Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)137. DMEK Dot Line Lynch Technique (Video MP4 Format)138. Adjustable Corneal Ring; New Technique Possible (Video MP4 Format)138. Safety and Efficacy of LASEK in Myopic Patients with a History of Keloids (PDF Format)139. The Lost Graft (PDF Format)139. Tiltless Gore-Tex Scleral Four-Point Fixation of an Injected Hydrophobic (Video MP4 Format)140. Ab Interno Canaloplasty Combined with Phacoemulsification (PDF Format)140. The Double Flange Technique for Fixation of Toric and Multifocal IOLs (Video MP4 Format)141. Ab Interno Canaloplasty and Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation in Different Types (PDF Format)141. The Perfect Phaco (Video MP4 Format)142. Eyebus As a Screeningsmobile Eye Care (PDF Format)142. Taming Irregular Corneas to 2020 (Video MP4 Format)143. Contact Lenses Offer Significant Protection from Traumatic Corneal Epithelial Abrasions (PDF Format)143. Subluxation in My Nation (Video MP4 Format)144. Donor Descemet’s Membrane Positioning Prior to Anterior Chamber Delivery (PDF Format)144. The Perfect SMILE (Video MP4 Format)145. Transcleral Micropulse Laser (TML) & Pilocarpine Effects on Sclera, Ciliary Body (CB) (PDF Format)145. Transforming Lives – Challenges & Hurdles in Vitriolage Victims (Video MP4 Format)146. Comparison of Refractive and Visual Outcomes of Two Aspheric Hydrophobic (PDF Format)146. Mucous Membrane Graft for Lid Margin Keratinisation in Stevens Johnson (Video MP4 Format)147. Clinical Accuracy of Zhang & Zheng IOL Power Formula Compared (PDF Format)147. Technopoly in Ophthalmology (Video MP4 Format)148. IOL Implantation into the Capsular Bag after Posterior Capsule Rupture (Video MP4 Format)148. Relex SMILE and Femtolasik in Lower and Higher Myopia (PDF Format)149. Meibomian Gland Orifice Dilation and Ductal Probing Using a Sterile Safety (PDF Format)149. Use of End Gripping Forceps in Anterior Chamber Membrane Removal (Video MP4 Format)150. Femtosecond Laser Assisted Capsulotomy for Treatment of Anterior (Video MP4 Format)150. Topography-Modified Refraction (TMR) Partial to Total Cylinder Adjustment (PDF Format)151. Management of Epithelial Downgrowth into Anterior Chamber (Video MP4 Format)151. Myopic LASIK and Smile (L&S) Retreatment with Topography-Guided PRK (tPRK) (PDF Format)152. Intrascleral Haptic Fixation – Learn from Our Mistakes (Video MP4 Format)152. Novel IOL Power Calculation (IOLpc) in Keratoconus (KC) Cataract Using Keratometry (PDF Format)153. Comparative Analysis of Clinical & Cost Effectiveness of Premium Multifocal Toric (PDF Format)153. MIGS Made Easy (Video MP4 Format)154. Impact of FLACS (Lensx) Vs Ultrasound Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)154. Pointers for Performing Successful Trabeculotomy-Tips for the Beginners (Video MP4 Format)155. Considerations for Marketing Verified Outcomes in the Elderly Population (PDF Format)155. Mission Improving Instrumentation during Cataract Surgery (Video MP4 Format)156. Pencil Lead or Ectopic Cilia (Video MP4 Format)156. The Safety and Effectiveness of Ab Interno Canaloplasty in Patients (PDF Format)157. Refractive Surgery-Related Interventional Clinical Trials Analysis (1998-2018) (PDF Format)157. Rock and Roll Phaco A More Efficient Cataract Surgery (Video MP4 Format)158. Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Ludicrous Mode (Video MP4 Format)158. Prospective Study of Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients (PDF Format)159. Uncorrected Refractive Error and Barriers to Eyeglass Uptake in Southeastern Michigan (PDF Format)160. Use of the Posterior Anterior Corneal Curvature Radii Ratio on IOL Power (PDF Format)161. Clinical Efficacy of Dehydrated Amniotic Membrane Assisted Therapeutic Contact Lens (PDF Format)162. Analysis of Which Device Is Reliable for Measuring Central Corneal Thickness (PDF Format)163. Fixed Combination Versus Dual Therapy of Brimonidine and Timolol (PDF Format)164. New Ocular Drug Delivery System Using 3D Bio Printing Technology (PDF Format)165. Corneal Tomography Scheimpflug Vs Scanning Slit Comparison of Accuracy (PDF Format)166. Laser-Induced Cross-Linking in Refractive Surgery and Corneal Pathology (PDF Format)167. A Comparison between Self Test Refraction, OPD Scan and Subjective Refraction (PDF Format)168. Photorefractive Intrastromal Corneal Crosslinking with or without Epi Off (PDF Format)169. Finding the Right Presbyopia Treatment – Edof, Trifocal or Their Combination (PDF Format)170. Implications and Management of Clear Corneal Phaco Tunnel Buttonhole (PDF Format)171. Corneal Graft after Glaucoma Drainage Device Surgery in Patients (PDF Format)172. Retrospective Comparison of Initial Experience of Two Different Intrascleral (PDF Format)173. Artisan and Artiflex Phakic Intraocular Lens for High Ammetropia Long-Term Results (PDF Format)174. Efficacy and Safety of Combined Cataract Surgery with Minimally Invasive (PDF Format)175. Topography Guided PRK and Crosslinking in Keratokonus (PDF Format)176. Comparative Surface Imaging Study of Multifocal Diffractive IOLs (PDF Format)177. Small Amount Bioptics after Cataract Surgery with Different Type of Multifocal IOL (PDF Format)178. Efficacy of a New Automated Method for Quantification of Corneal Neovascularization (PDF Format)179. Performance of Recent Updated Toric Calculator Using Total Keratometry (PDF Format)180. Pain Sensitivity and Autonomic Nervous System Parameters As Predictors (PDF Format)181. In Vitro Comparison of Corneal Epithelial Cell Toxicity of Three Common (PDF Format)182. Modeling of Image Quality in Aspheric IOLs with Tilt and Decentration (PDF Format)183. Early US Experience with the Second Generation Trabecular Micro-Bypass (PDF Format)184. Comparison of Wavefront Guided LASIK Visual Outcomes (PDF Format)185. Outcome of Photorefractive Keratectomy with Advanced Beam Profile for Myopia (PDF Format)186. Comparison of Visual Outcome in 1,120 Eyes Using Rotational Asymmetric Multifocal (PDF Format)187. A Novel Minimal Fluid Technique for Effective and Safe Lens Hydrodissection (PDF Format)188. Indications, Clinical Outcomes, and Surgical Techniques of Corneal Transplantation (PDF Format)189. Clinical Outcomes and Complications of DMEK Versus DSAEK (PDF Format)190. Outcomes of Descemetorhexis without Endothelial Keratoplasty (DWEK) (PDF Format)191. Clinicopathologic Analysis of Conjunctivochalasis and Efficacy of Paste-Pinch-Cut (PDF Format)192. Alzheimer’s Disease Ophthalmic Manifestations in Glaucoma and Retinal Disorders (PDF Format)193. Oculodentodigital Dysplasia(ODDD), a Very Rare Autosomal Disorder Case Presentation (PDF Format)194. Sterile Iris Abscess Associated with Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (PDF Format)195. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus in a Young Individual Taking High Dose L-Arginine (PDF Format)196. Efficacy of Topical Steroid Versus Oral Steroid in the Treatment of Acute Ocular (PDF Format)197. Therapeutic Efficacy of Topical Chemotherapy in Squamous Ocular Surface Neoplasia (PDF Format)198. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Changes after Uncomplicated Cataract (PDF Format)199. Comparison of Applied Thermal Lid Therapy Techniques for the Improvement (PDF Format)200. To Describe a Novel Technique of Microscope Integrated OCT Guided Intrastromal (PDF Format)201. Management of Corneal Epithelial Toxicity Following Intravitreal Methotrexate (PDF Format)202. Efficacy of Combining Micropulse Transcleral Treatment and Goniotomy for IOP (PDF Format)203. Delayed Onset Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis Secondary to Pterygium Ingrowth (PDF Format)204. Minor Ipsilateral Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation (Mini-SLET) (PDF Format)205. Features and Management of Viscoelastic Induced Descemets Membrane Detachment (PDF Format)206. The Long-Term Effects of Untreated Posterior Segment Cysticercosis (PDF Format)207. Real-World Efficacy of Dexamethasone Intraocular Suspension 9% Data (PDF Format)208. Analysis of Performance and Best Practices with Dexamethasone Intraocular (PDF Format)209. Comparison of Tear Film Stability before and after a Single 5 Minute Exposure (PDF Format)210. Effectiveness of Intraoperative Iodine in Cataract Surgery Cleanliness (PDF Format)211. Surgeon and Patient Satisfaction with Sustained-Release Dexamethasone (PDF Format)212. The Association of Posterior Capsular Opacification Following Posterior Polar (PDF Format)213. Do We Need to Needle Clinical Outcomes Following Initial Needling Vs Medication (PDF Format)214. Visual Outcomes after Cataract Surgery in Patients with Dense Cataracts (PDF Format)215. Factors Associated with Improvement in Vision Following Femtosecond Astigmatic (PDF Format)216. Cataract Surgery with Artisan IRIS Fixated IOL for Ectopia Lentis in a Patient (PDF Format)217. Polymorphic Amyloid Degeneration of the Cornea Clinical and in-Vivo Confocal (PDF Format)218. Simple Limbal Cell Transplantation Another Alternative (PDF Format)219. Cataract Surgery Learning Preferences and Perceptions of Ophthalmology Residents (PDF Format)220. Laser Induced Damage to Disposable Single-Mirror Trabeculoplasty Lens (PDF Format)221. Loss of Intra-Ocular Lens and Capsular Tension Ring Implanted 12 Years Previously (PDF Format)222. Qualitative Evaluation of OVDs Behavior in Ifis Using Slit Side View (PDF Format)223. Anterior Segment Characteristics in Normal and Keratoconus Eyes Evaluated (PDF Format)224. Comparison of Keratometric Findings in Keratoconus Eyes Treated (PDF Format)225. Influence of Pre-and-Perioperative Variables on Visual Outcome (PDF Format)226. New Monofocal IOL of Improved Depth of Focus Following Explantation (PDF Format)227. Repeatability and Agreement of Axial Length Measurements in Silicone Oil-Filled Eyes (PDF Format)228. Recurrent Naso Lacrimal Duct Obstruction in Goltz Sybdrome (PDF Format)229. Case Presentation and Digitalized View of Self Healing Cornea from Vegetative Puncture (PDF Format)230. FDA Ide Clinical Study Results of a New Segmented Multi-Focal IOL Design Individual (PDF Format)231. Identifying Zonulopathy on OCT during a Femtosecond Laser Cataract Procedure (PDF Format)232. High-Dose Dietary Riboflavin and Direct Sunlight Exposure in the Treatment (PDF Format)233. Late-Onset Spontaneous Bilateral Descemet Membrane Detachment A Case Report (PDF Format)234. Comparing a Mechanical at-Home Lid Treatment Device to in-Office Thermal (PDF Format)235. Immunohistochemical Findings in Congenital Cataracts with Persistent Fetal Vasculature (PDF Format)236. Comparison of Total Keratometry (TK) Versus Standard Keratometry (K) in Predicting (PDF Format)237. Neisseria Sicca a Rare Cause of Bacterial Keratoconjunctivitis (PDF Format)238. The Safety of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with an Artificial Iris (PDF Format)239. Reverse Optic Capture to Treat Hyperopia and Improve Uncorrected Distance (PDF Format)240. Ophthalmology Resident Physician Documentation of Patient Medication (PDF Format)241. Outcomes of Corneal Refractive Surgery Performed By a Resident Physician (PDF Format)242. Relationship between Time Length of Digital Device Usage and Dry Eye (PDF Format)243. Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty a Good Option (PDF Format)244. Precision Pulse Capsulotomy Technology to Perform Capsulorhexis (PDF Format)245. Management of Gvhd-Induced Dry-Eye Disease with Amniotic Membrane (PDF Format)246. Clinical Analysis of Uveitis after Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)247. Molecular Mechanism of Long Noncoding RNA MEG3 Regulating Age-Related (PDF Format)248. Long Term Follow up of the Small Aperture IOL (PDF Format)249. The Effect of Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant in Patients with Non-Proliferative (PDF Format)250. Evaluation of Intraoperative Use of Dexycu on the Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye (PDF Format)251. Evaluation of Topical Ophthalmic Medication Administration (PDF Format)252. Clear Lens Exchange and Implantation of Multifocal Asymmetric Toric IOL (PDF Format)253. Failed Xen Gel Stent Secondary to Proximal End Occlusion with Iris Pigment Epithelium (PDF Format)254. Greater Rate of Corneal Transplantation with Bearveldt Tube Shunts (PDF Format)255. Estimation of Functional Results after SMILE Operation in the Eyes with Epithelial (PDF Format)256. 360-Degree Lamellar Intrastromal Corneal Micropigmentation for Traumatic Aniridia (PDF Format)257. Patterns of Ophthalmic Injury and Visual Outcomes Following Periorbital Facial Burns (PDF Format)258. Analysis of Ocular Involvement and Outcomes after Amniotic Membrane Grafting (PDF Format)259. Clinical Study Results of a New Segmented Multifocal IOL Design (PDF Format)260. Clinical Outcomes of Intravitreal Antibiotic-Steroid Injection of Triamcinolone (PDF Format)261. Refractive and Keratometric Outcomes of Resident-Performed Manual Limbal (PDF Format)262. Rifle Marksmanship Following Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (PDF Format)263. Cataract Induced By Eyelid Cosmetic Treatment with Intense Focused Ultrasound (PDF Format)264. Varieties of Contact Lens Fittings Depending of Keratoconus Stages (PDF Format)265. Safety Profile of Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Glaucoma Patients (PDF Format)266. Utilization and Integration of a 3D Digital Visualization System for Use (PDF Format)267. Prophylactic Treatment in Routine Phacoemulsification Combination (PDF Format)268. Reading the T-Leaves What Do These Toric Calculators Do (PDF Format)269. It Ain’t 30. Toric IOL Rotation and the (smaller) Angle of Doom (PDF Format)270. Endophthalmitis after Superior Mini Scleral Tunnel Incision Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)271. BMI Effects on Penetrating Keratoplasty Visual Outcomes (PDF Format)272. Intraoperative Fundus Inspection during Surgery (PDF Format)273. Bioptics Treatment of Astigmatism Utilizing Intelliaxis, Toric Lens (PDF Format)274. They See…. They Learn ; An Innovative School Screening Project (PDF Format)275. Visual Outcomes with a Novel Low Add Asymmetric Segmented Bifocal IOL (PDF Format)276. Efficiency and Economic Analysis of Optical Biometers Experience (PDF Format)277. Autologous Serum Tears (AST) Reverse Limbal Stem Cell (LSC) Dysfunction Secondary (PDF Format)278. Changes in Total Corneal Power after Endothelial Keratoplasty (PDF Format)279. An Evaluation of the Effect of Cyclosporine Ophthalmic Solution 0.09% on Goblet (PDF Format)280. Comparison of Surgically Induced Astigmatism between Fornix-Based (PDF Format)281. Lens Meridian Position A Novel Biometry Variable and Its Implications (PDF Format)282. Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Findings (PDF Format)283. Screen Time Association with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in the Era of Meibography (PDF Format)284. Diagnosis and Management of Acanthamoeba Keratitis A Review of Literature (PDF Format)285. A Ten-Year Report of Microbial Keratitis in Pediatric Population Under Five Years (PDF Format)286. Infectious keratitis after Pterygium Surgery (PDF Format)287. Trend of Microbial Keratitis in Six Years (PDF Format)288. Microbial Endophthalmitis and Trends of Microbial Isolates Sensitivity (PDF Format)289. Modification of Parameters to Increase the Safety and Efficiency of Femtosecond (PDF Format)290. Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis in HIV – Clinical Features and Management (PDF Format)291. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for the Long Term Treatment of Ocular Pain (PDF Format)292. Intraoperative Aberrometry to Validate Femto-Second Laser-Assisted Capsular Marks (PDF Format)293. Retrospective Study of Consecutive Trifocal IOL Cases in Which Intraoperative (PDF Format)294. Infectious Keratitis after Cataract Surgery Uncommon Organisms (PDF Format)295. Sunalp Lighted Chopper (PDF Format)296. Face and Content Validity of an Artificial Eye Model for Dual Blade Goniotomy (PDF Format)297. Double Anterior Chamber of Antifungal Medication to Treat Deep Fungal Keratitis (PDF Format)298. The Effect of Brimonidine 0.15% on the Development of Subconjunctival (PDF Format)299. Repeatability of Manifest Refraction Performed By 4 Optometrists (PDF Format)300. Importance of Obtaining Multiple Manifest Refractions before Surgery (PDF Format)301. Hyperopic Fs-LASIK Clinical Results with a Novel Excimer Laser (PDF Format)302. Journey of a Young Phaco Surgeon ‘from Greenhorn to Unicorn’ (PDF Format)303. A Rare Case Report of Oculosporidiosis from South India `Fish Egg’ Appearance Means (PDF Format)304. Conjunctival Ophthalmomyiasis from South India `Everted Lid Exposes the Enemies out’ (PDF Format)305. Arthropod Ocular Ectoparasites Causing Phthiriasis Palpebrarum in South India (PDF Format)306. Real World IOL Usage in Cataract Patients with Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL (PDF Format)307. Efficacy of Ab-Interno Canaloplasty (ABiC) with Itrack Catheter in Patients (PDF Format)308. Droptics – a Pharmacologic Alternative for Monovision in Pseudophakic Patients (PDF Format)309. Intraoperative Suction Loss in SMILE- Rescue Techniques (PDF Format)310. Characteristics of Refractive Surgery Patients Contributing to Press Ganey (PDF Format)311. Evaluation of In Vivo Glistening in Improved Hydrophobic Acrylic Intraocular Lenses (PDF Format)312. Biometric Characteristics of Israeli Candidates for Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)313. Carbon Footprint of Cataract Surgery – Are We Missing a Wake up Call (PDF Format)314. Fungal Keratitis Refractory to Natamycin A Case Report of Alternaria Keratitis (PDF Format)315. A Case of Bilateral Idiopathic Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis Associated (PDF Format)316. Bilateral Diffuse Anterior Scleritis after Unilateral Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)317. To Evaluate the Use of the Hyper-CL Contact Lens for Patients with Corneal Edema (PDF Format)318. Segmental Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy A Titratable (PDF Format)319. Prospective Study of NCX 470 for IOP Lowering Phase 2 Clinical Results (PDF Format)320. Case Report of Intraoperative OCT Assisted Surgical Management (PDF Format)321. IOL Implantation Time Related to Intraocular Pressure Using a CO2 Driven (PDF Format)322. Repeatability and Agreement of Essential Parameters for IOL Power Calculation (PDF Format)323. Iris Manipulation Intra-Operative and Post-Operative Complications (PDF Format)324. Patient Reported Satisfaction in Relation to Medication Volume, Side Effects (PDF Format)325. Corneal Endothelial Cell Density after Ab-Interno Gelatin Microstent Implantation (PDF Format)326. Efficacy of Hydrogen in Prevention of Corneal Endothelial Damage (PDF Format)327. The Visual and Ocular Findings Outcomes of the Recombinant Human (PDF Format)328. Tolerability Drop Profile of Propylene Glycol Hydroxypropyl Guar-Based Lubricant (PDF Format)329. Efficacy of a Propylene Glycol Hydroxypropyl Guar-Based Lubricant Eye Drop (PDF Format)330. A New Amniotic Membrane for Placement during Pterygium Surgery (PDF Format)331. Evaluation of Objective Measurements in Cataract Surgery (PDF Format)332. Challenges of Diagnosing Retinoblastoma in Low Income Countries (PDF Format)333. Early Evidence of Visual and Topographic Improvements Following Cross-Linking (PDF Format)334. Who Is the Expert Surgeon Quality of Ground Truth Vs Performance of Machine Learning (PDF Format)335. Long-Term Outcomes of Subconjunctival Gel Stent with and without Concomitant (PDF Format)336. A Comparative Study on Correction of Corneal Aberrations By Wavefront-Optimized (PDF Format)337. Comparison of Visual Quality after LASIK with Different Diameter Corneal Flap Made (PDF Format)