American Society For Microbiology Microbe Annual Meeting 2023
Format: 70 videos, size: 83.9 GB
Course Audience: immunologist
toGeorge R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX
Attend ASM Microbe 2023 on June 15-19, 2023 in Houston, TX.
Join thousands of scientists, researchers and healthcare professionals in your field, who are all traveling to Houston, TX from June 15-19 for the largest microbial sciences gathering in the world! Andy Weir, John Nkengasong and Edward Holmes are just some of the world-renowned speakers lined up in ASM Microbe’s cutting-edge scientific program.
2023 ASM Microbe Opening General Session (Video MP4 Format)
2023 ASM Microbe President’s Forum (Video MP4 Format)2023 ASM Microbe Science & Society Lecture (Video MP4 Format)A new look at Buruli ulcer a flesh-eating disease on the rise (Video MP4 Format)AAR (ICAAC) Lecture Antifungal Surveillance of Candidemia Emerging Species, Resistance Trends, and Molecular Insights (Video MP4 Format)AIMachine Learning Approaches for the Design of Antimicrobial Peptides (Video MP4 Format)Anti-Phage Defenses The Battle between Prokaryotes and Their Viruses (Video MP4 Format)Antimicrobial Drug Discovery Rejuvenated (Video MP4 Format)Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs Beyond the Looking Glass (Video MP4 Format)ASM 2023 Awards Spotlight (Video MP4 Format)ASM Training 1 (Video MP4 Format)ASM Training 2 (Video MP4 Format)ASM Training 3 (Video MP4 Format)Automation in Clinical Microbiology–10 Years of Experience (Video MP4 Format)Beta-lactamases Functional-structural Aspects (Video MP4 Format)Changing Patterns of Clinical Infections and Treatments in a Changing Climate (Video MP4 Format)Close encounters in Respiratory Disease (Video MP4 Format)CPHM Award Lecture 2023 ASM Research or Leadership in Clinical Microbiology (Video MP4 Format)Disaster Microbiology (Video MP4 Format)Drinking water microbiome from measurement to management (Video MP4 Format)Electrosynthesis Driving Microbial Metabolism with Electricity (Video MP4 Format)Emerging infections – What is the next Pandemic (focus on Nipah and Marburg) (Video MP4 Format)Environmental Biotechnology for and Biodegradation of Forever Chemicals PFAS and Plastics (Video MP4 Format)Environmental pathways of water-related diseases under climate change (Video MP4 Format)Explicit Representation of Microbial Processes in Climate and Earth System Models (Video MP4 Format)Funding your research in medical microbiology Navigating the NIH application process (Video MP4 Format)Genome-resolved and mobilome-resolved metagenomics new technologies enable new discoveries (Video MP4 Format)Hepatitis C and organ transplantation (Video MP4 Format)Host niche specificity in symbiosis (Video MP4 Format)I have to do What Making Sense of Regulatory Requirements in Clinical Microbiology Labs (Video MP4 Format)Immune Responses to Fungi (Video MP4 Format)Is climate change affecting the epidemiology of infections and AMR (Video MP4 Format)Lunch & Learn APIC Consulting Services Takes Your Questions About IPC Consulting (Video MP4 Format)Lunch & Learn CBIC Takes Your Questions (Video MP4 Format)Lunch & Learn Learn How State local Health Depts Can Partner with APIC for IP Workforce Needsw event (Video MP4 Format)Marine Invertebrate Mass Mortalities in the Caribbean (Video MP4 Format)Meddling in Mucus Colonization of mucosal surfaces (Video MP4 Format)Meet Meat Microbes Current Issues in Livestock Microbiology (Video MP4 Format)Meet Meat Microbes Current Issues in Livestock Microbiology_2 (Video MP4 Format)Mentoring Programs and Outcomes for Historically Underrepresented Individuals in Microbiology (Video MP4 Format)Microbial Technologies to Mitigate Methane Emissions (Video MP4 Format)Microbiome Therapeutics Innovation, Opportunity and Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Navigating roadmaps of funding opportunities in climate change microbiology (Video MP4 Format)Navigating the Challenges of NTM Susceptibility Testing Updates and Innovations (Video MP4 Format)New Agents (AAR) (Video MP4 Format)Origins of Life from prebiotic chemistry to the origins of coded protein synthesis (Video MP4 Format)Parasitic genes as drivers of microbial ecology and evolution (Video MP4 Format)Phase separation as an organizing principle in bacterial cells (Video MP4 Format)Powering the Future Applied Microbiology in the Energy Industry (Video MP4 Format)Recent Advances from the Next Generation of Microbiologists (Video MP4 Format)Refining Clinical Breakpoints via Integrated PKPD Approaches (Video MP4 Format)Renovating the diagnostic lab training pipeline (Video MP4 Format)Research Design for Climate Related Studies (Video MP4 Format)Research Integrity in the Time of Plague (Video MP4 Format)Role of Host and Microbial pore-forming proteins in regulating infection and immunity (Video MP4 Format)Signaling in soil how microbes adapt to changing environments (Video MP4 Format)Something Old… Something New (Video MP4 Format)Standardizing Blood culture Contamination Metrics by Submission to the National Quality Forum (Video MP4 Format)The causes and consequences of microbial interactions (Video MP4 Format)The math of microbes computational and mathematical modeling of microbial systems (Video MP4 Format)The Opportunities and Pitfalls of Synthetic Community Research (Video MP4 Format)The Pitch (Video MP4 Format)The Rise of Vibrios Climate Change Impacts on Vibrio Diseases (Video MP4 Format)The Year in Clinical Microbiology (Video MP4 Format)To Report or not Report What to do with Whole Genome Sequencing Results (Video MP4 Format)Top Papers of the Year in Antimicrobial Resistance and Susceptibility Testing AAC, JCM and mBio (Video MP4 Format)Tracking transport using state-of-the-art technologies (Video MP4 Format)Treating African Sleeping Sickness (Video MP4 Format)Unusual Clinical Presentations of Rare Fungi (Video MP4 Format)Update on Apic’s Instructions for Use (IFU) Survey and Advocacy Efforts (Video MP4 Format)