Oakstone Advances in Pediatric Neuroradiology Course 2015
Format:27 videos + 1 pdf, size: 5.2 GB
Course Audience: pediatric radiologists, general radiologists, adult neuroradiologists and pediatric neuroradiologists
Society for Pediatric Radiology
This course will provide pediatric and general radiologists with an opportunity to do the following:
- Summarize and provide an overview of the state-of the art neuroimaging modalities used in pediatric neuroradiology to evaluate pediatric Central Nervous System (CNS) disease
- Select the appropriate modality or modalities in evaluating a suspected or diagnosed case of pediatric CNS disease
- Evaluate neuroimaging of pediatric CNS disease as it relates to understanding normal brain development and maturation
- Apply and describe Magnetic Resonance (MR) advanced imaging techniques optimized for children with neuroradiologic diseases to advance diagnosis and improve management
A program comprised of highly pertinent topics for pediatric radiologists, general radiologists, adult neuroradiologists and pediatric neuroradiologists at both pediatric and adult facilities.
At the completion of this course, participants will be able to understand basic and advanced principles of CNS disease, and recognize and apply the techniques for advanced diagnosis and improved management.
Intended Audience
The activity was planned for pediatric radiologists, general radiologists, adult neuroradiologists and pediatric neuroradiologists at both pediatric and adult facilities.
Learning Objectives
This course will provide pediatric and general radiologists with an opportunity to do the following:
- Summarize and provide an overview of the state-of the art neuroimaging modalities used in pediatric neuroradiology to evaluate pediatric Central Nervous System (CNS) disease
- Select the appropriate modality or modalities in evaluating a suspected or diagnosed case of pediatric CNS disease
- Evaluate neuroimaging of pediatric CNS disease as it relates to understanding normal brain development and maturation
- Apply and describe Magnetic Resonance (MR) advanced imaging techniques optimized for children with neuroradiologic diseases to advance diagnosis and improve management
Date Of Original Release: February 15, 2015
01 Update on Radiation Safety and dose Reduction In Pediatric Neuroradiology Mahadevappa Mahesh, MS, PhD, FAAPM, FACR (Video MP4 Format)
02 Advanced Diffusion Tensor Imaging Applications In Childhood Jeffrey I. Berman, PhD (Video MP4 Format)03 Functional Imaging In Pediatric Neuroradiology Nolan Altman, MD (Video MP4 Format)04 Evidence Based Imaging in Pediatric Neuroradiology L. Santiago Medina, MD, MPH (Video MP4 Format)05 Intraoperative MR Asim F. Choudhri, MD (Video MP4 Format)06 Cranial and Spinal Ultrasound- How I Do It Alan Daneman, BSc, MBBCh, FRANZCR, FRCPC (Video MP4 Format)07 Trauma of the Coverings and Extraaxial Spaces of the Brain Gary L. Hedlund, DO (Video MP4 Format)08 Nonaccidental Trauma of the Spine Michelle Silvera, MD (Video MP4 Format)09 Advanced Imaging of Head Trauma Ellen Grant, MD (Video MP4 Format)10 Congenital Spine Anomalies Erin Simon Schwartz, MD (Video MP4 Format)11 Acquired Pediatric Spine Anomalies Susan Palasis, MD (Video MP4 Format)12 The Phakomatoses Gilbert Vezina, MD (Video MP4 Format)13 Congenital Anomalies in the Newborn and Infant Thomas P. Naidich, MD (Video MP4 Format)14 Fetal MRI of CNS Brain Anormalies Robert Zimmerman, MD (Video MP4 Format)15 Hydrocephalus Update Understanding and Assessing Hydrocephalus Charles A. Raybaud, MD, FRCP(C) (Video MP4 Format)16 CNS Vascular Malformations Diagonosis and Treatment Darren B. Orbach, MD, PhD (Video MP4 Format)17 Pediatric Stroke and CNS Hemorrhage Arastoo Vossough, MD, PhD (Video MP4 Format)18 Hypoxic Ischemic Injury in Newborn Aylin Tekes, MD (Video MP4 Format)19 Supratentorial Tumors Ashok Panigrahy, MD (Video MP4 Format)20 Infratentorial Tumors Tina Young Poussaint, MD, FACR (Video MP4 Format)21 Tumor Mimics Thierry A. G. M. Huisman, MD (Video MP4 Format)22 Leukodystrophies and Leukoencephalopathies Zoltan Patay, MD, PhD (Video MP4 Format)23 Neurometabolic Disorders of the Newborn Thierry A.G.M. Huisman, MD (Video MP4 Format)24 Skull Base and Cranial Nerves Paul Caruso, MD (Video MP4 Format)25 Developmental Masses of the Neck Bernadette Koch, MD (Video MP4 Format)26 Head and Neck Tumors Karen Moeller, MD (Video MP4 Format)27 Emergency Imaging of the Pediatric Head and Neck Timothy N. Booth, MD (Video MP4 Format)Syllabus (PDF Format)