American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting 2019
Format:175 videos, size: 19.3 GB
Course Audience: internal medicine doctors and trainees
60 Minutes Special Report on Hot Issues in Health Policy (Video MP4 Format)
A Case-Based Approach to Acute Kidney Injury (Video MP4 Format)A Modern Approach to Tobacco Dependence (Video MP4 Format)Acute Coronary Syndrome Management When the Clock Is Ticking on the Ticker (Video MP4 Format)Adrenal Disorders What’s New (Video MP4 Format)Advanced Dementia Management Challenges and Dilemmas (Video MP4 Format)Allergic Reactions Urgent and Emergent Hospital Management (Video MP4 Format)Annals of Internal Medicine Recent Articles That Should Influence Practice (Video MP4 Format)Antibiotics Made Ridiculously Simple (…or at Least a Heck of a Lot Easier!) (Video MP4 Format)Anticoagulation (Video MP4 Format)Approach to Wound Care for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Back Pain Get Your Patient Back in the Game (Video MP4 Format)Basics of Contract Negotiation What All Internists Need to Know (Video MP4 Format)Best Foot Forward Common Foot and Ankle Complaints That Stumble into the Office (Video MP4 Format)Beyond Surviving in Medicine Strategies to Thrive, Be Well, and Find Joy in Practice (Video MP4 Format)Blood Disorders A High-Value Approach (Video MP4 Format)Busting Medical Myths When Dogma Is for the Dogs (Video MP4 Format)C. Wesley Eisele Lecture Practice Transformation Using the Chronic Care Model (Video MP4 Format)Cancer Survivorship Care in the Era of Team-Based Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Cardiovascular Disease in Women (Video MP4 Format)Care of the Pregnant Patient (Video MP4 Format)Carpe Diem Managing the Inpatient with Seizures (Video MP4 Format)Case-Based Outpatient Management of the Hypertensive Patient (Video MP4 Format)Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Update for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Challenges in Heart Failure Diagnosis and Management (Video MP4 Format)Challenges in the Medical Care of Immigrants (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls Cardiology and Pulmonary Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls Infectious Diseases and Oncology (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls Neurology and Gastroenterology (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Hematuria, Erectile Dysfunction, and Supplemental Testosterone (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Lung Cancer Screening Is It Ready for Prime Time (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Rheumatology Early Diagnoses You Don’t Want to Miss (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Sexual, Genital, and Urinary Health in Women (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (Video MP4 Format)Colon Cancer Screening What’s New (Video MP4 Format)Common ENT Conditions for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Common Neurologic Conundrums for the Internist Peripheral Neuropathy, Tremors, and Vertigo (Video MP4 Format)Commonly Missed Diagnoses in Allergy and Immunology (Video MP4 Format)Consult Talk (Video MP4 Format)Contraception (Video MP4 Format)COPD and Asthma Exacerbations Best Evidence and Best Practice (Video MP4 Format)COPD What’s New for Inpatient and Outpatient Care (Video MP4 Format)Curbside Consultations in Infectious Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Current Controversies in Breast Cancer Risk Assessment, Screening and Survivorship (Video MP4 Format)Deciphering Acid-Base Management (Video MP4 Format)Delirium Evaluation and Management in the Hospital (Video MP4 Format)Dementia, Incontinence, and Falls High-Value Care in the Older Adult (Video MP4 Format)Diabetes Care with Oral and Other Noninsulin Agents What You Need to Know (Video MP4 Format)Diagnosis and Management of Kidney Stones (Video MP4 Format)Dr. Ananda Prasad Lecture in Physiology The Adverse Physiologic Effects of Sleep Loss (Video MP4 Format)Drug Allergies Predicting, Desensitizing, and Managing Them (Video MP4 Format)EHR’s Bigger Picture Population Health and Patient Management (Video MP4 Format)Encephalitis and Meningitis Identification and Management (Video MP4 Format)Ethical Challenges Role Play EHRs in the Service of the Patient (Video MP4 Format)Ethics and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in End-of-Life Care (Video MP4 Format)Ethics, Deprofessionalization, and Physician Well-Being Re-Enchanting Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Evaluation and Treatment of Supraventricular Arrhythmias Feel the Beat (Video MP4 Format)From Myelodysplastic Syndrome to Myeloproliferation The Mystery of the Marrow (Video MP4 Format)Genetics What the Internist Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)Hand Pain A Common Problem with Many Causes (Video MP4 Format)Handoffs Improving Patient Care Transitions within the Hospital (Video MP4 Format)Health IT within MIPS Advancing Care Information (Video MP4 Format)Helping Your Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Hematologic Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)Hepato-Anxiety Treating Acute Liver Failure and Decompensated Chronic Liver Failure (Video MP4 Format)High-Value Risk Stratification in the Noncardiac Patient Preventive Cardiology (Video MP4 Format)HIV Long-Term Complications, Preexposure Prophylaxis, and Postexposure Prophylaxis (Video MP4 Format)Hospital and Critical Care Radiology That You Should Not Miss When the Radiologist Isn’t Available (Video MP4 Format)Hot Topics for Subspecialists (Video MP4 Format)Hot Topics in Medical Informatics Technology Trends That Are Reshaping Medicine (Video MP4 Format)How to Handle an In-Flight Medical Event Is There a Doctor on Board (Video MP4 Format)Hypertension Management of the Inpatient When High Isn’t a Good Thing (Video MP4 Format)Hypogonadism Sorting through the Controversies (Video MP4 Format)I Can’t Get No Satisfaction Increasing Individual Well-Being and Professional Fulfillment (Video MP4 Format)Improving Care for High Healthcare Utilizers Tailoring Care to the Complex Patient (Video MP4 Format)Improving Individual and Community Health by Addressing Social Determinants of Health (Video MP4 Format)Individualized Menopause Management in 2019 (Video MP4 Format)Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Video MP4 Format)Initial Ventilator Management and Troubleshooting Ventilator Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Innovations in Behavioral Modification Nudging Your Way to Better Care (Video MP4 Format)Innovations in EHR Education (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Diabetes Management Show Me Some Sugar! (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Heart Failure Management Beyond the Basics (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Pain Management in the Era of the Opioid Epidemic (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Sickle Cell Disease Care Managing Our Inpatients to Keep Them Outpatients (Video MP4 Format)Integrating EastWest Medicine into Your Practice (Video MP4 Format)Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 Highlights Key Messages You’ll Want to Take Home (Video MP4 Format)Interstitial Lung Disease What the Internist Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)Irritable Bowel Syndrome New Hope for an Old Problem (Video MP4 Format)Leadership Styles (Video MP4 Format)Making Sense of Chest Pain (Video MP4 Format)Management of Depression and Anxiety for the Internist How Not to Have a Panic Attack (Video MP4 Format)Management of Patients with Gout (Video MP4 Format)Mastering the Match (Video MP4 Format)Media in Healthcare Podcasts, Social Media, and Beyond (Video MP4 Format)Medical Errors and How to Grow from Them (Video MP4 Format)Medical Marijuana Use and Management Update (Video MP4 Format)Medication Management in the Older Adult To Escalate or Deescalate (Video MP4 Format)Minimizing Medical-Legal Risk and Maintaining Inpatient Care Quality Cases from the Trenches (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind Cardiology, Women’s Health, and Hematology & Oncology (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, and Pain Management (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind Neurology, General Internal Medicine, and Nutrition & Exercise (Video MP4 Format)NAFLD NASH Liver Lessons We All Need to Learn (Video MP4 Format)Navigating the Transition from Work to Retirement Challenges and Opportunities for Late Career Internists (Video MP4 Format)New FDA-Approved Medications That You Need to Know About (Video MP4 Format)News You Can Use Current Clinical Guidelines in Obesity, COPD, and Screening Mammography (Video MP4 Format)Nicholas E. Davies Memorial Award Lecture (Video MP4 Format)Noninvasive Ventilation and High-Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy Practical Evidence-Based Strategies (Video MP4 Format)Nutrition and Diet for the Internist 10 Things You Need to Know So You Can Teach Your Patients (Video MP4 Format)Obesity Management Pharmacologic, Surgical, and Postsurgical (Video MP4 Format)Obstructive Sleep Apnea What’s New for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Office-Based Assessment of the Older Adult Keep Mom Moving (Video MP4 Format)Osteoporosis High-Value Care (Video MP4 Format)Outpatient Coding Do It Right and Get Paid for What You Do (Video MP4 Format)Palliative Care in the Noncancer Inpatient (Video MP4 Format)Palliative Care Optimal Use in the Current World of Oncology (Video MP4 Format)Pancreas Problems Unraveling the Mysteries (Video MP4 Format)Pancreatitis Acute and Chronic Management (Video MP4 Format)Patient Priority Care Best Practices on How to Implement in Your Practice (Video MP4 Format)Perioperative Cardiac Evaluation (Video MP4 Format)Perioperative Controversies (Video MP4 Format)Physician Competency and Aging (Video MP4 Format)Practical Electrolyte Management Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, and More (Video MP4 Format)Practical Office Orthopedics for the Primary Care Physician Knee and Shoulder (Video MP4 Format)Practical Strategies for Increasing Adult Immunization While Improving Equity, Efficiency and Reimbursement (Video MP4 Format)Practical Tips to Help You Care for Refugees (Video MP4 Format)Presentation Skills for Physicians Making Your Next Teaching Presentation Go Better than Your Last (Video MP4 Format)Prostate Cancer What’s New in Diagnosis and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Public Policy and the Opioid Epidemic (Video MP4 Format)Pulmonary Hypertension The Needle or the Haystack in Dyspnea Admissions (Video MP4 Format)Quality Improvement for the Practicing Hospitalist (Video MP4 Format)Quality Payment Program 101 Making the Most Out of MACRA (Video MP4 Format)Quality Payment Program Advanced Understanding and Improving Performance (Video MP4 Format)Review of New Community-Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus What the Internist Needs to Know and Do about Preventive Care (Video MP4 Format)Shock and Sepsis Management to Save Lives (Video MP4 Format)Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (Video MP4 Format)Stable Ischemic Heart Disease (Video MP4 Format)Stress Testing Choosing the Right Test for the Right Patient at the Right Time (Video MP4 Format)Stroke and TIA Inpatient Evaluation and Management (Video MP4 Format)Syncope Management The Three Es of Care (Effective, Efficient, and Economical) (Video MP4 Format)Telling the Patient’s Story in the EHR World (Video MP4 Format)The Aging Planet Impact Upon Health and Healthcare Delivery (Video MP4 Format)The French Disease at 500 A History of Syphilis (Video MP4 Format)The Not Lost Art of the Physical Diagnosis An Evidence-Based Approach (Video MP4 Format)The Opioid Epidemic and the Role of the Internist (Video MP4 Format)The Role of a Trusted Credential in an Increasingly Untrusting World (Video MP4 Format)The Top 10 Practice Transformation Lessons from the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (Video MP4 Format)Thieves’ Market (Video MP4 Format)Thyroid Emergencies What to Do on the Front Lines (Video MP4 Format)Top 10 Medication Errors (Video MP4 Format)Top 5 High-Value Care Topics in Inpatient Medicine Things We Do for No Reason (Video MP4 Format)Transitions of Care A Joint Session of the ACP and the European Federation of Internal Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Understanding Basics of Personal Financial Management (Video MP4 Format)Understanding Clinical Research How to Be a Better-Informed Consumer of the Medical Literature (Video MP4 Format)Update in Ambulatory General Internal Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Cardiology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Critical Care Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Endocrinology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Geriatric Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Hematology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Hospital Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Infectious Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Update in Nephrology and Hypertension (Video MP4 Format)Update in Oncology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Pulmonary Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Women’s Health (Video MP4 Format)Valvular Heart Disease (Video MP4 Format)Vascular Disease from Head to Toe (Video MP4 Format)Vector-Borne Diseases at Home and Abroad (Video MP4 Format)VTE Challenges A Case-Based Panel Discussion (Video MP4 Format)Well-Being for the Physician-in-Training Addressing Burnout and Resiliency (Video MP4 Format)What Internists Need to Know about Diagnosing and Managing Headaches Taking the Ache Out of Headache (Video MP4 Format)Who Really Needs a Work-up for Hereditary Thrombophilia (Video MP4 Format)