American Academy of Pediatrics Experience National Conference & Exhibition 2023
Format: 44 videos + 1 pdf, size: 38.8 GB
Course Audience: pediatric physican
Join us for the 2023 AAP National Conference & Exhibition taking place October 20-24 in Washington, DC! The National Conference & Exhibition is the premier venue for pediatric health care professionals to engage and share their passion for the health of all children.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Urology (SOU) will be returning to the 2023 National Conference and Exhibition scheduled to take place October 20-22, 2023 in Washington, DC. The AAP SOU has a fantastic schedule planned which is included in the message below. There is also a call for abstracts which closes on Friday, April 14th.
Call for Abstracts
The SOU will be participating in the call for abstracts. Abstract submissions may be submitted as original research only and will be featured as a poster presentation.
Best abstract recipients for each of the topic areas noted below will also be presented orally during the educational programming of the same topic area. If selected as a best abstract recipient, you will need to ensure your availability on the programming date and time. All presenting authors must be fully registered attendees and must attend the 2023 National Conference in-person in Washington, DC.
Oct 20 Appy Hour a Current Update on Pediatric Appendicitis (Video MP4 Format)
Oct 20 Do You See What I See Recognizing Medical Child Abuse (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Genetic & Metabolic Unknowns How Many Do You Recognize (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Groans from the Groin Scrotal and Testicular Pain (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Improved Prescribing Generics and Biosimilars (Video MP4 Format)Oct 20 Neurodiversity How Do We Integrate Diverse Thinking and Perspectives into Practice (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Acne Vulgaris Update on Approach to Treatment (Repeat) (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 ADHD Uncovering the Complex (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Basic Coding in the Office for Well Visits and Vaccines (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Connecting School System and Health Systems Successes and Opportunities (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Constipation Getting it to Work Out in the End (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Healthcare Disparities in Management of Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetes Technology (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Opening Plenary Session (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Pediatric Obesity and Food Insecurity- Next Steps Beyond Screening (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Protecting Mothers and Infants Through Maternal Immunization (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 Surviving a Social Media Attack (Video MP4 Format)Oct 21 They’re Back The Return of Almost Forgotten Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Chief Complaint I Need a Neurologist (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Obesity (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Council Showcase Federal Vision Overview of the Blueprint for Change (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Council Showcase Pediatricians and School Attendance Innovative Approaches to Prevent Chronic Absenteeism (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 COVID-19 Epidemiology, Prevention, Management, and Sequelae (MIS-C and long COVID) (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Eliminating the Pain of Treating a Child with Functional Abdominal Pain (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Healthy Homes for Healthy Kids Environmental Health Strategies to Address Asthma Disparities (Repeat) (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Improving Health Literacy. One Social Media Platform at a Time (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Pediatric Hearing Loss What’s New in Diagnostics, Prevention and Treatments (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Section Showcase Male Allyship to Promote Gender Equity in Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Oct 22 Sunday Plenary Session (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Beyond our Biases Understanding and Overcoming Biases within the Child Welfare System (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Bullying and What Pediatricians Can Do About It (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 C. difficile Treatment in 2023 Best Practices and What’s on the Horizon (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Children with Disabilities in Crisis in the Emergency Department (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Common Seizure Types and Paroxysmal Nonepileptic Events in Children (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Council Showcase Climate Change Advocacy Local, Regional, and National (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Council Showcase Mental Health in the Young Athlete (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Monday Plenary Session (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Preventing and Responding to Dental Trauma in the Pediatric Office (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Section Showcase New and Emerging Tobacco Products-Epidemiology, Health Effects and Evidence Based Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Oct 23 Section Showcase Polio Eradication and Current Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Oct 24 Allergy Tests How to Properly Use and Avoid Harm (Video MP4 Format)Oct 24 Pediatric Skin of Color (Video MP4 Format)Oct 24 Section Showcase Applying Ethics Principles and Tools to Advocate for Vulnerable Populations (Video MP4 Format)Oct 24 Taking the Pain Out of Pain Management (Video MP4 Format)Oct 24 Tuesday Plenary Session (Video MP4 Format)Virtual-Only Schedule (PDF Format)