AACE 2018 Annual Meeting On Demand
Format:107 videos + 81 pdfs, size: 25.5 GB
Course Audience: endocrinologist
#Medicine and #Socialmedia Untapped Potential (Video MP4 Format)
#Medicine and #Socialmedia Untapped Potential (PDF Format)2018 Bariatric Surgery and its Implications Part Two (Video MP4 Format)AACE Lifelong Learning Board Review Course (Video MP4 Format)Antiresorptive and Anaboic Transitions (Video MP4 Format)Apps and Activity Monitors and How to Use Them Clinically (Video MP4 Format)Apps and Activity Monitors and How to Use Them Clinically (PDF Format)Artificial Sweetners Their Impact on Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Artificial Sweetners Their Impact on Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders (PDF Format)Atypical and Ketosis Prone Diabetes (Video MP4 Format)Behavioral and Medical Nutrition Therapy for Obesity (Video MP4 Format)Behavioral and Medical Nutrition Therapy for Obesity (PDF Format)Best Nutritional Practices for Chronic Weight Management (Video MP4 Format)Bone Mineralization and the Bariatric Patient (Video MP4 Format)Bone Mineralization and the Bariatric Patient (PDF Format)Cardiovascular Outcome Trials in Diabetes (Video MP4 Format)Cardiovascular Outcome Trials in Diabetes (PDF Format)Care Concepts in Women_s Reproductive Endocrinology (Video MP4 Format)Care Concepts in Women_s Reproductive Endocrinology (PDF Format)Changing the Face of Cariovasular Disease in Diabetes (Video MP4 Format)Changing the Face of Cariovasular Disease in Diabetes (PDF Format)Clinical Pearls for the Initial Work Up of the Obese Patient (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls for the Initial Work Up of the Obese Patient (PDF Format)Clinically Significant Endocrine and Nutritional Consequences of bariatric Surgery (Video MP4 Format)Clinically Significant Endocrine and Nutritional Consequences of bariatric Surgery (PDF Format)Current and Evolving appoaches in Osteoporosis Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Current and Evolving appoaches in Osteoporosis Treatment (PDF Format)Current Controversies in Osteoporosis Management (Video MP4 Format)Current Lipid Management The AACE Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Current Lipid Management The AACE Guidelines (PDF Format)Cushing_s Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Cushing_s Syndrome (PDF Format)Demystifying Autonomic Imbalance (Video MP4 Format)Demystifying Autonomic Imbalance (PDF Format)Diabetes Care Across America Results from AACE Multi-City Transcultural Endocrinology Summits (Video MP4 Format)Diabetes Care Across America Results from AACE Multi-City Transcultural Endocrinology Summits (PDF Format)Diabetes Technology Update for Clinicians (Video MP4 Format)Diabetes Technology Update for Clinicians (PDF Format)Dietary Supplements and Health – Hye vs. Evidence (Video MP4 Format)Dietary Supplements and Health – Hye vs. Evidence (PDF Format)Disorders Update on the Genetics of Diabetes Insipidus and Related Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Economics – RVUs and MACRA (Video MP4 Format)Economics – RVUs and MACRA (PDF Format)Effective Use of Meal Replacements for LCDs and VLCDs (Video MP4 Format)Effective Use of Meal Replacements for LCDs and VLCDs (PDF Format)Emergence of the New Classes of Compounds for Manageing Heart Disease in Diabetes Mellitus (Video MP4 Format)Emergence of the New Classes of Compounds for Manageing Heart Disease in Diabetes Mellitus (PDF Format)Emerging Automated Insulin Delivery Systems (Video MP4 Format)Emerging Automated Insulin Delivery Systems (PDF Format)Endocrine Effects of Childhood Cancer and Transitioning to Adult Endocrine Care (Video MP4 Format)Endocrine Effects of Childhood Cancer and Transitioning to Adult Endocrine Care (PDF Format)Endoscopic and bariatric Procedures for Obesity (Video MP4 Format)Evaluation and Treatment of Hyponatremia (Video MP4 Format)Evaluation and Treatment of Hyponatremia (PDF Format)Getting Your First Job – Basics to consider (Video MP4 Format)Getting Your First Job – Basics to consider (PDF Format)Goals and Treatment for Obesity and Prediabetes (Video MP4 Format)Goals and Treatment for Obesity and Prediabetes (PDF Format)Horse or Zebra Unusual Lipid disorders 2 (Video MP4 Format)How to Set Up a Diabetes Technology Practice in the Real World (PDF Format)How to Survive the First years of Practice (Video MP4 Format)How to Survive the First years of Practice (PDF Format)Hypophosphatasia (Alkaline Phosphatase Deficiency) (Video MP4 Format)Hypophosphatasia (Alkaline Phosphatase Deficiency) (PDF Format)Inpatient Diabetes Management 2 (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Diabetes Management (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Diabetes Management (PDF Format)Intensive Insulin Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Intensive Insulin Therapy (PDF Format)Is Metabolic Syndrome a better Predictor of Cardiovascular Risk Than Cardiovascular Risk Scoring Tools (Video MP4 Format)Is Metabolic Syndrome a better Predictor of Cardiovascular Risk Than Cardiovascular Risk Scoring Tools (PDF Format)Is There a Perfect Diet for Health – and Dose Change Matter (Video MP4 Format)Is There a Perfect Diet for Health – and Dose Change Matter (PDF Format)Legislative and Regulatory Update from Washington, DC (Video MP4 Format)Legislative and Regulatory Update from Washington, DC (PDF Format)Long-Term Cardiovascular health in the Bariatric Patient (Video MP4 Format)Long-Term Cardiovascular health in the Bariatric Patient (PDF Format)Male Hypogonadism Choosing the Appropriate Replacement Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Male Hypogonadism Choosing the Appropriate Replacement Therapy (PDF Format)Management of Benign Nodules and Goiter (Video MP4 Format)Management of Benign Nodules and Goiter (PDF Format)Management of Pituitary Disorders in Pregnanc (Video MP4 Format)Management of Pituitary Disorders in Pregnanc (PDF Format)Managing Hypertension in Diabetes (Video MP4 Format)Managing Hypertension in Diabetes (PDF Format)Managing Lipids in Diabetes Mellitus (Video MP4 Format)Managing Lipids in Diabetes Mellitus (PDF Format)Managing Osteoporosis in Chronic Kidney Disease (Video MP4 Format)Managing Osteoporosis in Chronic Kidney Disease (PDF Format)Managing the Hyperglycemia of Diabetes (Video MP4 Format)Managing the Hyperglycemia of Diabetes (PDF Format)Mastering the Changes in a Changing Medicare Environment (Video MP4 Format)Mastering the Changes in a Changing Medicare Environment (PDF Format)Mechanisms of Diabetic Cardiorenal Disease (Video MP4 Format)Mechanisms of Diabetic Cardiorenal Disease (PDF Format)Meet the Legend – Dr. John Potts on Hyperparathyroidism (Video MP4 Format)Meet the Legend Agony and Ecstasy of Translational Medicine in Vitamin D from a Historical Perspective (Video MP4 Format)MEET-THE-EXPERTS SESSION I – Bone Turnover Markers_3A Emerging Tools in the Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (Video MP4 Format)MEET-THE-EXPERTS SESSION I – Bone Turnover Markers_3A Emerging Tools in the Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (PDF Format)MEET-THE-EXPERTS SESSION I – Challenging Pituitary Cases 2 (Video MP4 Format)MEET-THE-EXPERTS SESSION I – Challenging Pituitary Cases (Video MP4 Format)MEET-THE-EXPERTS SESSION I – Challenging Pituitary Cases (PDF Format)Metaboic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Metaboic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents (PDF Format)Microvascular Complications in Metabolic Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Microvascular Complications in Metabolic Syndrome (PDF Format)Minimalistic Initial Therapy Options for Low Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)New concepts in Endocrine Surgery (Video MP4 Format)New Dimensions in Insulin Action and Why They are Important to Know (Video MP4 Format)New Insights into Thyroid Hormone Action (Video MP4 Format)Novel Surgical Approaches Towards the Bariatric Patient (Video MP4 Format)Obesity Pharmacotherapy and Alice in Wonderland Which Cake Will Make You Smaller (Video MP4 Format)Obstacles and Opportunities for Osteoporosis Diagnois and Treatment in Men (Video MP4 Format)Obstacles and Opportunities for Osteoporosis Diagnois and Treatment in Men (PDF Format)Online Applications for Easing the Prior Authorization Process (Video MP4 Format)Online Applications for Easing the Prior Authorization Process (PDF Format)Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Video MP4 Format)Osteogenesis Imperfecta (PDF Format)Osteoporosis Management in Younger Premenopausal Women (Video MP4 Format)Osteoporosis Management in Younger Premenopausal Women (PDF Format)Parathyroid Imaging and Representative Cases (Video MP4 Format)Parathyroid Imaging and Representative Cases (PDF Format)Pharmacotherapy for Obesity (Video MP4 Format)Pharmacotherapy for Obesity (PDF Format)Pheonotypes in Male and Female First-Degree Relatives of Women With PCOS (Video MP4 Format)Pheonotypes in Male and Female First-Degree Relatives of Women With PCOS (PDF Format)Pitfalls and Advancements in the Management of Advanced Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Pituitary and Neuroendocrine Tumors Diagnostic Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Plant Based Diets – Fad or Fabulous! (Video MP4 Format)Plant Based Diets – Fad or Fabulous! (PDF Format)Provocative Questions in Thyroid Nodule Evaluation (Video MP4 Format)Provocative Questions in Thyroid Nodule Evaluation (PDF Format)Salt and Water The Interaction of the Posterior Pituitary and the Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Socioeconomic Update in Thyroid Practice (Video MP4 Format)Socioeconomic Update in Thyroid Practice (PDF Format)Strategies for Transgender Hormone Care The Endocrinologist as Expert (2) (PDF Format)Strategies for Transgender Hormone Care The Endocrinologist as Expert 2 (Video MP4 Format)Strategies for Transgender Hormone Care The Endocrinologist as Expert (Video MP4 Format)Strategies for Transgender Hormone Care The Endocrinologist as Expert (PDF Format)Successful Integration of Non-Physician Providers into Endocrine Practice (Video MP4 Format)Successful Integration of Non-Physician Providers into Endocrine Practice (PDF Format)Surgeon_s Approach to High(er) Risk Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Surgeon_s Approach to High(er) Risk Thyroid Cancer (PDF Format)Surgeon_s Approach to NIFTP and Low Risk Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Surgeon_s Approach to NIFTP and Low Risk Thyroid Cancer (PDF Format)The Development of Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis and New Therapies (Video MP4 Format)The History of Obesity Medicine (Video MP4 Format)The History of Obesity Medicine (PDF Format)The Implications of CVOTs on Diabetes Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)The Implications of CVOTs on Diabetes Guidelines (PDF Format)The Wolf in Sheep_s Clothing (Video MP4 Format)The Wolf in Sheep_s Clothing (PDF Format)The Work-up of Kidney Stone Formers for the Endocrinologist (Video MP4 Format)The Work-up of Kidney Stone Formers for the Endocrinologist (PDF Format)Thyroid and Pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)Thyroid and Pregnancy (PDF Format)Thyroid Cancer Cases (Video MP4 Format)Thyroid Cancer Tumor Board Cases The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Video MP4 Format)Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Thyroid Cancer (PDF Format)Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy (PDF Format)Transgender Maile Social and Medical Aspects of Androgen Therapy (Video MP4 Format)Transgender Maile Social and Medical Aspects of Androgen Therapy (PDF Format)Transition Medicine for the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia patient (Video MP4 Format)Transition Medicine for the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia patient (PDF Format)Type 1 Diabetes in the Pediatric and Adolescent Patient (Video MP4 Format)Type 1 Diabetes in the Pediatric and Adolescent Patient (PDF Format)Undiagnosed Disease Program – Accselerating Endocrinologic Discovery through the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (PDF Format)Undiagnosed Disease Program – Accselerating Endocrinologic Discovery through the (Video MP4 Format)Undiagnosed Disease Program (Video MP4 Format)Unusual Neurorendocrine Tumors (Video MP4 Format)Unusual Neurorendocrine Tumors (PDF Format)Update of GH Testing and Replacement (Video MP4 Format)Update of GH Testing and Replacement (PDF Format)Update on the Molecular Genetics of Thyroid Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Update on the Molecular Genetics of Thyroid Cancer (PDF Format)Updates in Primary Hyperaldosteronism (Video MP4 Format)Updates on Primary Hyperparathyroidism (Video MP4 Format)Updates on Primary Hyperparathyroidism (PDF Format)Using and Interpreting Diabetes Data (Video MP4 Format)Using and Interpreting Diabetes Data (PDF Format)What_s Up with all These Supplements (Video MP4 Format)What_s Up with all These Supplements (PDF Format)Worldwide Epidemic What Should the Endocrinologist and Surgeon Do (Video MP4 Format)Worldwide Epidemic What Should the Endocrinologist and Surgeon Do (PDF Format)zNutritiona Care in Bariatric Surgery short and Long Term Care (Video MP4 Format)zNutritiona Care in Bariatric Surgery short and Long Term Care (PDF Format)