Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies Annual Meeting On-Demand 2023
Format: 101 videos, size: 40.5 GB
Course Audience: hematologist
The AABB Annual Meeting brings together the latest research and practice-changing resources for the fields of blood and biotherapies. Colleagues from throughout the world attend to connect, network, learn and advance the field.The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) hosted its 2023 Annual Meeting On-Demand from October 14 to October 17, 2023. Here are some key details about the event:
Content and Topics:
- The meeting covered cutting-edge research, unique perspectives, and practice-changing solutions in the fields of transfusion medicine, blood banking, and biotherapies
Education Sessions:
- The AABB Annual Meeting is renowned for providing top-quality education sessions. These sessions cover new and innovative topics, allowing professionals to stay informed and earn continuing education credits
2023 AABB RBC Transfusion Guidelines Debate Which Restrictive Hemoglobin Threshold (Video TS Format)
2023 Emily Cooley Memorial Award and Lectureship (Video TS Format)2023 Hemphill-Jordan Leadership Award and Lectureship (Video TS Format)2023 Tibor Greenwalt Memorial Award and Lectureship (Video TS Format)A Quality Toolkit to Aid in Conformance to AABB Standard 5.0 (Video TS Format)Armed Services Blood Program Readiness in the Present with a Focus on the Future (Video TS Format)ASHI AABB Joint Session The Problem with Platelets How Perspectives of Various Practitioners Involved in Platelet Support of Refractory Patients Has Led to Continuing Controversies (Video TS Format)Ask the FDA and CMS CLIA (Video TS Format)Ask the Standards (Video TS Format)Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias Updates in Diagnoses, Clinical Care and Translational Science (Video TS Format)Better Together Serology and Genomics to Resolve Red Blood Cell and Platelet Antibody Cases (Video TS Format)Biotherapies Abstract Spotlight (Video TS Format)Biotherapies for Targeting Unwanted Alloantibodies in Transfusion Medicine (Video TS Format)Blood Bank Guy Essentials LIVE (Video TS Format)Blood Group Genotyping and Interpretation of Variant RBC Antigens Using Bioinformatic Tools (Video TS Format)Cellular Starting Material (CSM) Forum (Video TS Format)CEO Panel Abstract Spotlight (Video TS Format)Challenges in Pediatric Apheresis Big Challenges for Small Patients (Video TS Format)Challenging Antibody Investigations in the Immunohematology Reference Lab (Video TS Format)Civilian Walking Blood Banks Considerations for Crisis Readiness and Settings Where Banked Blood is Unavailable (Video TS Format)Clinical Centers as Partners in Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing – Roles, Challenges & Future Considerations (Video TS Format)Coverage and Reimbursement Policy for Transfusion Medicine and Cellular Therapies What U.S. Hospitals Need to Know (Video TS Format)Creative Solutions for Apheresis Supply Chain Challenges (Video TS Format)Critical Role of Analytics Analytical Development for Cell and Gene Therapy Product Acceptance and Licensure (Video TS Format)Cultivating Emotional Intelligence A Guide for Emerging Leaders – Presentation and Round Table Discussion (Video TS Format)Deciphering the Clinical Clues Updates to Protocols and Procedures for Anti-CD47 Agents in Clinical Laboratories (Video TS Format)Defining the Benefits of Blood Collector-Sponsored Efforts to Improve Donor and Community Health (Video TS Format)DEI – The Leader’s Role in Building and Sustaining a DEI Culture Through Staff Engagement (Video TS Format)Designing and Optimizing Massive Hemorrhage Protocols (Video TS Format)Directed Donations and COVID-19 Unvaccinated Donors Ethical Framework and Practical Considerations (Video TS Format)Driver’s Ed Using Audits to Drive Process Improvement (Video TS Format)Effects of Blood Donor Social Behaviors on the Quality and Efficacy of Red Blood Cell Transfusions (Video TS Format)Equity in Healthcare Panel Discussion (Video TS Format)Expecting the Unexpected How Transfusion Services Can Effectively Prepare for Unexpected Information System Downtimes (Video TS Format)Exploring the Dynamics of Hospital Blood Ordering Behaviors Standardized Hospital and Blood Supplier Communication As Key To Inventory Management (Video TS Format)Eyedrops of Human Origin (EDHO) Guidelines for Production, Clinical Use and Regulation (Video TS Format)Go for GOLD A Critical Need for a New GOLD Standard for Blood Cell Recovery and Survival Studies (Video TS Format)Hope in Blood Outpatient Transfusions in the Hospice Patient Population (Video TS Format)HOT TOPIC – Individual Donor Assessment (Video TS Format)How Does the FDA Use Real World Data and Real World Evidence (Video TS Format)How to Build a Pre-Hospital Transfusion Program Between Emergency Medical Services and a Hospital-Based Transfusion Service Versus a Blood Center (Video TS Format)Hyperhemolysis Syndrome Recognition and Current Management Strategies of a Potentially Fatal Transfusion Complication (Video TS Format)Impact of Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions on the Transfusion Service (Video TS Format)Impacting Hemovigilance and Patient Safety with a National Alloantibody Exchange (Video TS Format)Implicit Bias in the Workforce and Healthcare (Video TS Format)Inspection Findings and Updates from FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs Where Does Your Institution Rank Regarding the Most Cited Deficiencies (Video TS Format)Intrauterine Transfusions Transfusing the Tiniest, Is It The Trickiest (Video TS Format)Landsteiner Alter Award (Video TS Format)Leadership and Personal Development Tools to Unlearn Unconscious Bias (workshop) (Video TS Format)Lean is the Enemy of Preparedness Analysis of Contribution of Supply Chain Shortages Affecting Blood Supply for Transfusion Medicine (Video TS Format)Management of IgA-Deficient Blood Products and Patients An Ongoing Challenge (Video TS Format)Managing the Media Tools to Communicate with the Public Effectively (Video TS Format)Massive Transfusion Protocols in Pediatric Patients (Video TS Format)Moving Beyond the Label – How the MPHO Unique Identifier Improves Traceability and Enhances Biovigilance (Video TS Format)Navigating the FDA Licensure Pathway (Video TS Format)New Insights into the Development and Consequences of RBC Alloimmunization (Video TS Format)New Plasma & Platelet Transfusion Guidance for Critically Ill Children by Transfusion Anemia Expert Initiative Control Avoidance of Bleeding, TAXI-CAB (Video TS Format)Novel Data Science Techniques in Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy State-of-the-Art and Future Direction (Video TS Format)Novel Frontiers in Biotherapies Exosomes (inclusive of Extracellular Vesicles) and Cytokines (Video TS Format)Optimizing Apheresis Collections to Enable Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapies (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Arboviruses & Parasites (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Blood Components & Apheresis (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Coagulation & Immunology (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – COVID-19 Seroepidemiology (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Emerging Blood & Biotherapy Products (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Infectious Risk & Donor Policy (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Informatics & Innovation (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Mouse Models (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Novel Alleles (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Patient Blood Management (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Platelets (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Practical Immunohematology (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – RBC Component Quality (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract – Transfusion Service (Video TS Format)Oral Abstract Blood Donor (Video TS Format)Pathogen Reduced Cryoprecipitate Early Experiences and Inventory Management Outcomes (Video TS Format)Perfusion, Not Transfusion Providing Blood Products for Organ Perfusion Before Transplantation (Video TS Format)Platelet Refractoriness Management – How to Treat Refractory Patients When Nothing Else Works (Video TS Format)Plenary Oral Abstract (Video TS Format)Potential Role of Intravenous Hemostatic Agents Adjuncts in Pediatric Trauma A Review of the Evidence for (or Against) Their Use (Video TS Format)Present Day Blood Banking Trials and Tribulations; Staffing Challenges (Video TS Format)REDS Abstract Spotlight (Video TS Format)Release Criteria for Cellular Therapy Products (CTPs) Prior to Distribution Practical Advices That You Need to Know (Video TS Format)Sally Frank Award (Video TS Format)Standardization of Post-Thaw Viability Testing Method for Cryopreserved Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (Video TS Format)Test Your BB Knowledge (Video TS Format)The Approach to Bleeding in Patients Receiving Targeted Factor XI Therapy (Video TS Format)The BLOODSAFE Program Building the Future of Access to Safe Blood in Sub-Saharan Africa (Video TS Format)The Dawn of a New Age Individual Donor Assessment (Video TS Format)The Next Frontier Further Cellular Therapy Manufacturing with ISBT 128 Chain of Identity Identifier (Video TS Format)The Road Not Taken Data-Driven Reasons to Decline a Request for Therapeutic Apheresis (Video TS Format)The Science.or Not Behind Deferrals of Blood Donors With a History of Cancer (Video TS Format)The Unextinct Dinosaurs, Whole Blood in Civilian Transfusion Practice (Video TS Format)THOR AABB Prehospital Transfusion The Latest Evidence and Expert Discussion (Video TS Format)Transfusion Transmissible Infections Monitoring System (TTIMS) Tools to Assess the Safety of the Blood Supply Over Time (Video TS Format)Untangling the Advanced Therapies Landscape Positioning the Community Blood Center for Success (Video TS Format)Use of Apheresis Modalities for the Management of Solid Organ Transplant Rejection (Video TS Format)Using Simulation to Train Nurses and Residents in Therapeutic Apheresis Complications (Video TS Format)Weak RhD Phenotypes and RHD Genotyping Who, What, When, Where, Ho (Video TS Format)Wizardry School of Antigens and Antibodies (Video TS Format)Workforce Development in Cell Processing Labs A Comprehensive Approach to Skills Enhancement and Employee Retention (Video TS Format)