Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies Annual Meeting On-Demand 2022
Format: 44 videos, size: 9.7 GB
Course Audience: hematologist
A New Piece of Equipment… Now What (Video MP4 Format)
Armed Services Blood Program Pioneering Collaborations to Forge Ahead Within the Military Health System Transformation (Video MP4 Format)Ask the FDA and CMS CLIA (Video MP4 Format)Ask the Standards (Video MP4 Format)Blood Safety Epidemiological Surveillance and Risk Assessment for Emerging Pathogens (Video MP4 Format)Blood Shortage Triage Team Engaging Hospital Leaders (Video MP4 Format)Cellular Therapy Service Quality System Considerations from a Standards Development and Application Perspective (Video MP4 Format)Changes in the Last Decade in Patient Blood Management Practices (Video MP4 Format)Clear the Way for X-Ray Discussing Benefits of Removing and Replacing Cesium Irradiators with X-Ray (Video MP4 Format)Convalescent Plasma Past, Present, Future (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 Impact on Blood Availability and Transfusion Practices in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Video MP4 Format)Cryopreservation of Cellular Therapy Products for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation During COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond (Video MP4 Format)Cutting Edge Concepts in Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (Video MP4 Format)DEIA in Focus Advancing Equity and Inclusivity for Sexual and Gender Diverse Donors (Video MP4 Format)Desaf¡os Serol¢gicos y Moleculares Dentro Del Sistema Del Grupo Sangu¡neo Rh Serologic and Molecular Challenges Within the Rh Blood Group System (Video MP4 Format)Do More with Less How to Apply the 80 20 Rule to Quality Assurance (Video MP4 Format)Effects of Transfusion on Bone Marrow Health and Transplant Outcomes in Sickle Cell Disease (Video MP4 Format)Ethical Considerations in Blood Supply Management During Critical Blood Shortages (Video MP4 Format)Global Regulatory Pathways for Biotherapies Spotlight on New Regulations in Gulf Cooperation Council and Latin American Countries and the European Union (Video MP4 Format)Heart Transplantation and High-Risk Cardiac Surgery Transfusion Support and Perioperative Therapies (Video MP4 Format)Hemolysis After High-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin An Under-Appreciated Sequelae (Video MP4 Format)How Climate Change May Change Infectious Diseases Risks in Blood Donors and What Can Blood Operators Do to Prepare for Shifting Threat Profiles (Video MP4 Format)Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Blood Collection and Utilization in the United States Preliminary Results from the 2021 National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey (Video MP4 Format)Innovations in Blood Storage to Prevent Red Blood Cell Damage (Video MP4 Format)Is It Time for the Death Knell of the Current US Apheresis Platelet Dose of 3.0 x 1011 (Video MP4 Format)Keeping up with the Donor History Task Force Implementation of DHQ Version 3.0 (Video MP4 Format)Leadership and Personal Development Challenges for Emerging Leaders (Video MP4 Format)Leveraging Your Data Through Replication and Warehousing to Meet Your Blood Bank and Transfusion Service Needs (Video MP4 Format)Low-Yield Platelets An Effective Solution to Our Platelet Shortage (Video MP4 Format)Lowering the Dose of Platelets Is the Timing Right The North American Perspective (Video MP4 Format)LVDS Is It Worth It (Video MP4 Format)Managing the Apheresis Center How Do We Produce Enough Products for the Ever-Increasing Demand (Video MP4 Format)New Frontiers for Unmanipulated Cord Blood as Well as Its Derivatives (Video MP4 Format)Oral Abstract Session Components (Video MP4 Format)Oral Abstract Session Genetic Testing and Product Quality (Video MP4 Format)Oral Abstract Session Infectious Disease (Video MP4 Format)Oral Abstract Session PBM, Hemovigilance, Education (Video MP4 Format)Oral Abstract Session Platelets and Novel Therapeutics (Video MP4 Format)Oral Abstract Session RBC Immunology Mouse Models (Video MP4 Format)Plenary Abstract Session (Video MP4 Format)Transfusion Strategies for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evidence, Guidelines, and Novel Approaches (Video MP4 Format)Under-Recognized Complications of Transfusion (Video MP4 Format)What If the Next Pandemic Is Transmissible by Transfusion Strategies for Protecting the Blood Supply (Video MP4 Format)Who Is Transfusing Blood in Your Neighborhood Trends in Out-of-Hospital Transfusions (Video MP4 Format)