Meetings By Mail 8th Annual Sight & Sounds of Echocardiography 2014
Format:59 videos + 1 pdf, size: 3.06 GB
Course Audience: sonographer
Release Date: August 15, 2014
This comprehensive course is designed to meet physician, techonologist and sonographer Echocardiography Lab CME requirements for certification, with specific focus on quantitative Doppler hemodynamics, structural heart disease, left ventricular dysfunction, transesophageal echo, 3D imaging, diastology, myopericardial diseases, case studies and much more! Learn the latest in echocardiography from this internationally acclaimed faculty
Focus: Quantitative Doppler hemodynamics, structural heart disease, left ventricular dysfunction, transesophageal echo, 3D imaging, diastology, myopericardial diseases, case studies and much more!
Purpose Statement The integration of echocardiograhy into clinical decision making makes it important for physicians, technologists and sonographers to maintain skills and demonstrate competencies. Recent advances in the field of have created new gaps in physician knowledge, especially in relation to new techniques and guidelines for implementation. The 8th Annual Sights and Sounds of Echocardiography addresses these gaps by providing information on new technologies and addressing the usefulness of various echocardiographic techniques for adult and pediatric cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, anesthesiologists, radiologists, sonographers and fellows in training. Specifically, this enduring material focuses upon topics such as quantitiative Doppler hemodynamics, structural heart disease, transesophageal echo, diastology and myopericardial diseases. Futhermore, appropriate use of echocardiography will be discussed as case studies are presented.
Following this enduring material, the participant should be able to:1. Incorporate 2D/3D echocardiography/Doppler information in clinical decision-making, thereby transforming information to knowledge2. Apply state-of-the-art practice of obtaining myocardial mechanics information3. Quantitatively assess Doppler and color flow imaging4. Assess LV function quantitatively (volumes, mass and EF)5. Recognize the usefulness of Doppler for assessing hemodynamics and diastolic function6. Describe the value and limitations of contrast echocardiography7. Summarize the technology, indications and clinical uses of TEE8. Identify roles of cardiovascular ultrasound for structural heart disease9. Apply ASE/ACC/AHA guidelines for valvular heart disease10. Apply knowledge of 3D echocardiography into clinical practice11. Apply for IAC laboratory accreditation of the laboratory
brochure (PDF Format)
Session 1 Basics of Echocardiography Review for Boards Comprehensive Hemodynamics by Doppler Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Basics of Echocardiography Review for Boards Diastolic Function (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Basics of Echocardiography Review for Boards Left Ventricular Systolic Function (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Basics of Echocardiography Review for Boards Myocardial Mechanics (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Basics of Echocardiography Review for Boards Right Ventricle (Video MP4 Format)Session 1 Basics of Echocardiography Review for Boards Stress Echocardiography Theory and Practice (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Athlete Heart Diagnostic Criteria – Guidelines Revisited (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Case Studies Left Ventricular Non Compaction (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Case Studies Pericardial Tamponade (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Case Studies Variants of HCM (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Constrictive Pericarditis (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy State of the Art Multimodality Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Left Ventricular Non Compaction Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Left Ventricular Dysfunction Classification of Cardiomyopathy 2014 (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Left Ventricular Dysfunction CRT Echocardiography Case Studies Responder (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Left Ventricular Dysfunction Epidemic of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction 2014 (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Left Ventricular Dysfunction LVADs An Echocardiographic Perspective (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Case Studies I Doppler Strips, M-Mode, ACHD, MSMR Case Studies Doppler Strips (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Case Studies I Doppler Strips, M-Mode, ACHD, MSMR Infective Endocarditis (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Case Studies I Doppler Strips, M-Mode, ACHD, MSMR M-Mode Echocardiography Is It Still Alive (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 Case Studies I Doppler Strips, M-Mode, ACHD, MSMR MS & MR Board Review Cases (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Case Studies II Aorta, Systemic Illness, IHD Aortic Dissection, Aortic Ulcer, Intramural Hematoma (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Case Studies II Aorta, Systemic Illness, IHD Case Studies Infective Endocarditis. Vegetation, Abscess, Mitral Aortic Intervalvular Fibrosa, Fistula (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Case Studies II Aorta, Systemic Illness, IHD Right Heart Pathologies RV Dysplasia, Ebstein, RV Infarction (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Case Studies II Aorta, Systemic Illness, IHD Stress Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Case Studies II Aorta, Systemic Illness, IHD Systemic Disease and the Heart (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Gerbode, MI, Congenital VSD, Prosthetic Valves & ASD A Very Unusual MI (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Gerbode, MI, Congenital VSD, Prosthetic Valves & ASD Congenital VSD (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Gerbode, MI, Congenital VSD, Prosthetic Valves & ASD Gerbode (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Gerbode, MI, Congenital VSD, Prosthetic Valves & ASD Primum ASD & Sinus Venosus ASD (Video MP4 Format)Session 6 Gerbode, MI, Congenital VSD, Prosthetic Valves & ASD Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Structural Heart Disease I Imaging Functional and Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Structural Heart Disease I Imaging the Mitral Valve (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Structural Heart Disease I New Guidelines for Mitral Regurgitation Operating on Asymptomatic Patients (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Structural Heart Disease I Percutaneous Interventions of the Mitral Valve State of the Ar (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Structural Heart Disease I Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Structural Heart Disease II Aortic Valve Stenosis (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Structural Heart Disease II Asymptomatic Severe AS New Valve Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Structural Heart Disease II Low Gradient, Low Output AS, Low Gradient, Normal EF AS (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Structural Heart Disease II Prevention of Aortic Stenosis Is This a Fantasy (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Structural Heart Disease II TAVR State of the Art 2014 (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Structural Heart Disease III Case Studies With Management Issues (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Structural Heart Disease III Imaging the Right Ventricle (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Structural Heart Disease III Imaging the Tricuspid Valve (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 Structural Heart Disease III LA Appendage Occluders (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 3D Imaging 3D Echo & Fusion Imaging to Guide Transcatheter Procedures (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 3D Imaging 3D Imaging Case (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 3D Imaging 3D Imaging How To Get Started (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 3D Imaging 3D TEE (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 IAC Accreditation IAC Accreditation Everything You Wanted To Know (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 IAC Accreditation IAC accreditation Why Do, Don’t, Simplify (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Sonographer Session I Off Axis Imaging When, How (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Sonographer Session I Read With Mex (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Sonographer Session I Right Heart Study (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 Sonographer Session I Speckle Tracking 101 (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Sonographer Session II CRT Echocardiography Cases (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Sonographer Session II CRT Optimization (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Sonographer Session II Most Challenging Cases (Video MP4 Format)Session 13 Sonographer Session II Role of Echocardiography in New Transcatherter Procedures For Valvular Heart Disease (Video MP4 Format)