5th LAUNCH Lung Ultrasound in Neonates and Children 2023
Format: 12 videos + 1 pdf, size: 6.74 GB
Course Audience: sonographer
The 5th LAUNCH (Lung UltrAsoUnd in Neonates and Children) Congress took place from 19th to 21st October 2023 in Milan, Italy. This congress was organized by Prof. Daniele De Luca and was endorsed by the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC).
The congress was focused on the integration between lung ultrasound and other monitoring techniques. It included a pre-congress hands-on session and masterclasses. A special “meet-the-editor” session was also scheduled with Prof. Dick Tibboel, Editor-in-Chief of Intensive Care Medicine-Paediatric and Neonatal. Of course, there were 2 full days of high-end scientific lectures on lung ultrasound in NICU and PICU.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
Agenda (PDF Format)
Opening and Session 1 There is no air here Lung ultrasound and consolidations (Video MP4 Format)Opening and Session 6 Teaching lung ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)Session 2 Lung ultrasound does not monitor the lung only (Video MP4 Format)Session 3 Monitoring brain and lung it is all connected (Video MP4 Format)Session 4 How to study something that moves (Video MP4 Format)Session 5 Monitoring heart and lung hand in hand (Video MP4 Format)Session 7 Lung ultrasound and the Kidney (Video MP4 Format)Session 8 Monitoring… the machine. What to check and how to do during ECMO (Video MP4 Format)Session 9 The diaphragm a forgotten friend (Video MP4 Format)Session 10 Lung ultrasound in developing countries (Video MP4 Format)Session 11 Monitoring gut and lung (Video MP4 Format)Session 12 ROUND TABLE late breathing news in lung ultrasound (Video MP4 Format)
• Thursday, 19th October
08:25-08:30 GREETINGS and INTRODUCTION Prof. Daniele De Luca08:30-08:50 OPENING LECTURES Can we use big data to understand and monitor a single patient In ICU? (Maurizio Cecconi – Milan, Italy)I Session – There is no air here! Lung ultrasound and consolidations Chair: Nadya Yousef – Paris, France & Francesco Mojoli – Milan, Italy
08:50-09:10 News in lung ultrasound in 2023: where are we? (Daniel Lichtenstein – Paris, France)09:10-09:30 Size of consolidations in neonates: does it matter? (Daniele De Luca – Paris, France)09:30-09:50 Can lung ultrasound distinguish different type of consolidations? (Silvia Mongodi – Pavia, Italy)09:50-10:10 Q&AII Session – “Lung” ultrasound does not monitor the lung only Chair: Francesco Raimondi Naples, Italy & Fabio Mosca Milan, Italy
10:10-10:30 Lung ultrasound and multiorgan failure for congestive overflow (Luna Gargani – Pisa, Italy)10:30-10:50 Lung ultrasound for monitoring the hemodynamically significant PDA (Almudena Alonso – Ojembarrena – Cadiz, Spain)10:50-11:10 CXR or ultrasound to estimate wedge pressure and define congestive lung edema? (Daniele Biasucci – Rome, Italy)11:10-11:15 Q&A11:15-11:30 Coffee BreakIII Session – Monitoring brain and lung: it is all connected! Chair: Shazia Bhombal – Atlanta-GA, USA & Karl Schettler-Munich, Germany
11:30-11:50 Monitoring cerebral activity while assisting ventilation in PICU and NICU (Karl Schettler – Munich, Germany)11:50-12:10 Non-Invasive hemodynamic monitoring in the NICU: which tool is best? (Maria Fraga – Philadelphia, USA)12:10-13:00 4 abstracts presentation (8’ each + 2 questions each: Tot 40 min)12:10-12:20 ID 24 Diaphragm ultrasound in a cardiac paediatric intensive care popula-tion – a retrospective, observational study Anneloes Boers, Netherlands12:20-12:30 ID 36 Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Lung Ultrasound Score, a pilot study evaluating their early correlation in extremely preterm infants. Luca Bonadies, Italy12:30-12:40 ID 43 Retrocardial neonatal pneumonia detected by point of care lung ultrasound but not by chest-x-ray Valentina Orlandi, Italy12:40-12:50 ID 41 Lung ultrasound to identify surfactant requirement in preterm newborns: preliminary data from a prospective, multicenter, observational study Valentina Orlandi, Italy13:00-14:00 Lunch BreakIV Session – How to study something that moves Chairs: Daniele De Luca – Paris, France & Shivani Shankar – Paris, France
14:00-14:20 Diaphragmatic electrical activity as a monitoring tool (Xavier Durrmeye – Paris, France)14:20-14:40 Listening from the lung with FOT: what does it tell us? (Raffaele Dellacà – Milan, Italy)14:40-15:00 What is important to monitor in neonatal critical care? (David Tingay – Melbourne, Australia)15:00-15:10 Q&A15:10-15:20 Coffee BreakV Session – Monitoring heart and lung hand in hand! Chair: Matteo Di Nardo – Roma, Italy & Javier Rodriguez-Fanjul – Badalona, Spain
15:20-15:40 Effect of mechanical ventilation on volume filling and cardiac function in critically ill neonates (Shazia Bhombal – Atlanta-GA, USA)15:40-16:10 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the neonate: lung ultrasound can help cope with it? (Javier Rodriguez – Fanjul -Badalona, Spain)16:10-17:00 4 abstracts presentation (8’ each + 2 question each: Tot 50 min)16:10-16:20 ID 28 Role of lung ultrasound in the evaluation of feeding competence de-velopment in preterm neonates Tiziana Controzzi, Italy16:20-16:30 ID 38 Reliability of lung ultrasound interpretation during high frequency os-cillatory ventilation Diletta Martino, France16:30-16:40 ID 19 Lung ultrasound to predict extubation readiness in children after con-genital heart surgery Yordan Hristov Georgiev, Germany16:40-16:50 ID 14 Predictive capacity of lung ultrasound in the success of extubation in newborns with congenital heart disease Rebeca Gregorio-Hernandez, Spain17:00 End of day• Friday, 20th October
08:25-08:30 GREETINGS and INTRODUCTION – Prof. Daniele De Luca08:30-08:50 OPENING LECTURES News in lung ultrasound in 2023: where are we? (Daniel Lichtenstein – Paris, France)VI Session – Teaching lung ultrasound Chair: Yasser Elsayed – Winnipeg, Canada & Giovanna Chidini – Milan, Italy
08:50-09:10 Implementing a POCUS program in a large referral NICU: how to do it? (Shazia Bhombal – Atlanta-GA, USA)09:10-09:30 Five secrets to teach lung ultrasound to resident and fellows (Nadya Yousef – Paris, France)09:30-09:50 Inter-and intra-rater reliability of lung ultrasound: is it really operator-dependent? (Francesco Raimondi – Naples, Italy)09:50-10:10 Q&AVII Session – Lung ultrasound and the Kidney Chair: Dick Tibboel – Rotterdam, Netherlands & Zaccaria Ricci Firenze, Italy
10:10-10:30 Lung ultrasound and the effect of diuretics in neonates (Almudena Alonso – Ojembarrena – Cadiz, Spain)10:30-10:50 Lung ultrasound to monitor fluid status during pediatric extracorporeal renal replacement therapy? (Marco Allinovi – Florence, Italy)10:50-11:10 Neonatal CVVH is now a reality as much as LUS (Daniele De Luca, Paris, France)11:10-11:15 Q&A11:15-11:30 Coffee BreakVIII Session – Monitoring… the machine. What to check and how to do during ECMO Chairs: Dick Tibboel – Rotterdam, Netherlands & Fabio Mosca – Milan, Italy
11:30-11:45 Lung ultrasound monitoring in pedriatic ECMO (Matteo di Nardo – Roma, Italy)11:45-12:00 Lung ultrasound monitoring in neonatal ECMO (Luca Bonadies – Padova, Italy)12:00-12:15 Again another device? The essential for monitoring during ECMO (Giacomo Cavallaro – Milan, Italy)12:15-12:20 Q&A Followed by 4 abstract presentation (8’ each+2’ question each)12:20-12:30 ID 3 Extravascular lung water assessement by lung ultrasound in infants following cardiac surgery Evyatar Hubara, Israel12:30-12:40 ID 20 Role of lung ultrasound in optimizing the management of transient tachypnea of the newborn Bibiana Riaño Méndez, Spain12:40-12:50 ID 5 Non-invasive monitoring of lung fluids in very preterm infants during the transitional period: effect of a hemodynamically significant pa-tent ductus arteriosus Ottavio Vitelli, Italy12:50-13:00 ID 21 Pulmonary ultrasound evolution after interventional closure of the ductus in preterm babies Maria Arriaga Redondo13:00-14:00 Lunch BreakIX Session – The diaphragm: a forgotten friend Chairs: Giovanna Chidini – Milan, Italy & Nadya Youssef -Paris, France
14:00-14:20 Diaphragm ultrasound monitoring in preterm neonates (Almudena Alonso – Ojembarrena – Cadiz, Spain)14:20-14:40 Diaphragm ultrasound to predict surfactant need (Victoria Aldecoa-Bilbao – Barcellona, Spain)14:40-15:00 Diaphragmatic ultraound to characterize severity of respiratory failure in infants with bronchiolitis (Ana Gomez – Zamore – Madrid, Spain)15:00-15:10 Q&A15:10-15:20 Coffee BreakX Session – Lung ultrasound in developing countries Chair: (Nady Yousef – Paris, France & Yasser Elsayed – Winnipeg, Canada)
15:20-15:40 Can we use lung ultrasound in pediatric ED in low and middle-income countries? (Luigi Pisani – Amsterdam, Netherlands)15:40-17:00 Benefits and challenges of lung ultrasound implementation in low and middle-income countries (Danilo Buonsenso – Rome, Italy) 4 abstracts presentation (8’ each + 2 question each)16:10-16:20 ID 17 The Role of Laryngeal Ultrasound in the Assessment of Vocal Fold Motion Impairment following Congenital Heart Surgery: a Case Series Yordan Hristov Georgiev, Germany16:20-16:30 ID 22 The efficiency of lung ultrasound score as monitoring of lung condition and prediction of severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm in-fants less than 32 weeks of gestational ages So jin Yoon, South Korea16:30-16:40 ID 23 Implementatation of a standardized sign-based lung ultrasound protocol in a neonatal intensive care unit: an observational study Oliver Firszt, Poland16:40-16:50 ID 12 Association between patent ductus arteriosus flow and home oxygen therapy in premature infants < 26 weeks of gestation Jana Termerova, Czech Republic17:00 End of day• Saturday, 21st October
XI Session – Monitoring gut and lung Chair: Nadya Yousef – Paris, France & Francesco Raimondi Naples, Italy09:00-09:20 NIRS to measure gut oxygenation in critically ill neonates (Jayanta Banerjee – London, UK)09:20-09:40 Lung and gut ultrasound: can they go hand in hand? (Yasser Elsayed – Winnipeg, Canada)09:40-10:50 3 abstracts presentation (8’ each + 2 question each)09:50-10:00 ID 8 Lung POCUS in the cardiac PICU is feasible and accurate but be aware of your apical lung views! Sabien Heisterkamp, Netherlands10:00-10:15 Coffee BreakXII Session – ROUND TABLE: late breathing news in lung ultrasound Chair: Daniele De Luca – Paris, France
10:15-10:30 Relationship between lung aeration and cerebral perfusion (Daniela Biasucci – Rome, Italy)10:30-10:45 Ultrasound or clinical scores to monitor infants with bronchiolitis? (Anna Camporesi – Rome, Italy)10:45-11:00 Meta-analytical data on lung ultrasound to predict surfactant need In preterm neonates (Francesco Raimondi Naples, Italy)11:00-11:15 Quantitative lung ultrasound: can the scores be further improved? (Belhaid Bouhemad – Djon, France)11:15-11:30 AI-assisted lung ultrasound: is it just the beginning? (Nhat Phung Tran Huy – London, UK)11:30-12:00 Q&A and discussion12:00 Wrap up – Daniele De LucaCLOSING REMARKS (Martin Kneijber, Espnic President, via zoom)