Academy for Continued Healthcare Learning 7th Annual Physiology of Pacing Symposium 2023
Format: 39 videos, size: 8.06 GB
Course Audience: electrophysiologists, but also open for general cardiologists and electrophysiology fellows in training
The 7th Annual Physiology of Pacing Symposium 2023 is designed to provide clinicians with an in-depth understanding of current methods and strategies to optimize physiological pacing of the heart. This one-day symposium will focus on conduction system pacing (CSP) approaches including His-bundle Pacing (HBP), left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP), and left ventricular septal pacing (LVSP), which are evolving pacing modalities that have the most potential to achieve electrical excitation of the heart through the normal specialized conduction system. Participants will review the history and relevant anatomy of the conduction system with regard to HBP/LBBAP/LVSP, with particular educational emphasis on tips and methods for successful implantation. The program will then serve to provide an overview of clinical applications that have been established and are currently being evaluated through clinical trials. Comparative clinical and/or surgical strategies to achieve cardiac resynchronization through leadless technology, multisite pacing, and left ventricular (LV) endocardial pacing will be highlighted as well, with emphasis of physiologic considerations.
This educational activity is designed for electrophysiologists, but also open for general cardiologists and electrophysiology fellows in training.
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the evolving role of conduction system pacing (CSP) pacing for standard permanent pacing as well as for cardiac resynchronization.
- Describe challenges and methods for implantation technique of permanent His-bundle pacing (HBP), left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP), and left ventricular septal pacing (LVSP)
- Review the relationship between electrical stimulation of the heart with mechanics of myocardial contraction.
- Review history and recent advances of CSP and emerging clinical situations and applications in the setting of narrow and wide QRS morphology patients.
- Review the relevant anatomy of the membranous septum conduction system with relation to the right atrium, tricuspid valve, and ventricular septum.
- Summarize strategies and clinical evidence for the various approaches to achieve cardiac resynchronization including leadless technology, multisite pacing, and left ventricular (LV) endocardial pacing.
- Outline approaches to complications during implant procedures for CSP.
- Discuss approaches for remote monitoring and optimization of CSP and CRT systems.
Beyond Pacing for CRT Non-Response- How do we use Barostim, cardiac contractility modulation (CCM), and AI to improve outcomes (Video MP4 Format)
Biventricular pacing in AV Block- Which populations derive benefit (Video MP4 Format)BiVP in LBBB-What do the trials tell us and how should we deliver leads (Video MP4 Format)Comparative LVAT Between Stimulation Sites-HBP, LBBAP, and LVSP (Video MP4 Format)Comparing outcomes between HBP, LBBAP, and BiV in CRT-gaps in present work and questions for future trials (Video MP4 Format)Complications of CSP and How to avoid them (Video MP4 Format)CSP after for chronically paced patients and after AVN ablation (Video MP4 Format)Debate Where do we go in future trials (Video MP4 Format)Determinants of QRS Characteristics during LBBAP- Width or LVAT (Video MP4 Format)Device selection for non-LBBB- What do the new HRS Guidelines Recommend (Video MP4 Format)Extraction tips and tricks for CPS (Video MP4 Format)HBP as for Bradycardia Pacing- First line or bailout for LBBAP (Video MP4 Format)Hemodynamics of site stimulation- comparing HBP, LBBAP, and LVSP (Video MP4 Format)HOT-CRT LOT-CRT and Cardiac Memory (Video MP4 Format)LB Pacing- Huang 2- lead Technique and Defining Conduction System Capture (Video MP4 Format)LBBAP for CRT in LBBB-Pearls for Implant Success (Video MP4 Format)LBBAP for CRT (Video MP4 Format)LBBAP with stylet driven leads (Video MP4 Format)LBBB associated cardiomyopathy- CRT-P or CRT-D (Video MP4 Format)LBBP versus LV Septal Pacing for Bradycardia Indications- Are their differences in outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Methods and Maneuvers to Identify Conduction System Capture during LBBAP (Video MP4 Format)New data from stylet-driven registries (Video MP4 Format)New developments in Leadless Pacing (Video MP4 Format)New Imaging Techniques of Conduction System Anatomy (Video MP4 Format)New Tools, Stylet- Driven Leads for CSP (Video MP4 Format)Noninvasive Activation Patterns in Conduction System Pacing-Comparing HBP and LBBAP (Video MP4 Format)Optimizing CRT in non-LBBB Patients- Lead Targeting, QLV, and role of Adaptive Algorithms (Video MP4 Format)Panel Discussion- “How best to utilize identify populations and procedures for CRT in LBBB.” (Video MP4 Format)Panel Discussion- “How does pacing site impact electrical activation pattern and hemodynamics.” (Video MP4 Format)Panel Discussion- “How should we approach BiV vs CSP in narrow QRS patients with AV block and normal or moderately reduced LVEF.” (Video MP4 Format)Panel Discussion- “What is the best approach to manage RBB and IVCD patients.” (Video MP4 Format)Pearls for Follow-Up for SCP Devices (Video MP4 Format)Physiological Pacing for HFpEF (Video MP4 Format)Reducing the risk of pacing induced cardiomyopathy-Choosing between BiV vs CSP for patients with advanced AV block (Video MP4 Format)Remote monitoring and use of cloud-based providers for CSP (Video MP4 Format)Returning to the surface ECG-Assessing Level of Block to Inform Device Selection (Video MP4 Format)Thinking out of the box for HF- Sex height and LV size on selecting pacing prescription (CRT, LBBAP and CCM) (Video MP4 Format)UHF-ECG and patterns of activation in pacing- comparing sites of RVP and CSP (Video MP4 Format)What is the role of CSP in IVCD (Video MP4 Format)