Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital 4th National Training Course on Sleep Medicine 2023
Format: 2 videos + 1 pdf, size: 32.7 GB
Course Audience: neurologists
This two-day training course is designed to provide and enhance a basic working knowledge of sleep medicine. It is designed for neurology residents and fellows from across Canada as well as general practitioners, community neurologists, specialists including psychiatry who are interested in a further enhancing their understanding of the current principles and practices in dealing with patients with sleep disorders. This comprehensive course may serve to fulfill part of the preparation requirements for trainees seeking to complete the Royal College Examinations in Neurology. The program will include examination scenarios for trainees wishing to gain experience in examination situations. It will also include ample opportunity and time for networking and one on one with experts in the field of Sleep Medicine.
Many patients presenting to neurology either have primary sleep disorders or suffer from sleep comorbidity. Knowledge on the diagnosis, differential diagnostic considerations, and management of these disorders is therefore mandatory for the general neurologist.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
sleep_medicine_program_booklet_final (PDF Format)
November 16 (Video MP4 Format) (8 hours)November 17 (Video MP4 Format) (7 hours)
Thursday, November 16, 2023
8:15 | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
9:00 |
Opening Remarks
Ron Postuma, Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital (The Neuro) Chair: Milan Nigam, Université de Montréal Session 1: The Basics Sponsored by Eisai Canada |
9:15 | Basics of Sleep Physiology Marcus Ng, MD, University of Manitoba |
9:45 | Basics on the Methods of Investigation for Sleep Disorders Mark Boulos, MD, University of Toronto |
10:15 | Refreshment Pause |
10:45 | Circadian Rhythm: Physiology & Pathology Garima Shukla, MD, Queen’s University |
11:10 | Panel Discussion |
11:40 | Transition and Stretch |
11:45 | Chair: Shelly Weiss, MD, University of Toronto
Session 2: Children & Sleep Sleep Disorders in Children (via Zoom) Evelyn Constantin, MD, McGill University |
12:15 | Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Insomnia Shelly Weiss, MD, University of Toronto |
12:45 | Panel Discussion |
13:05 – 14:20 | Lunch sponsored by Paladin Labs Inc. |
14:25 | Session 3: Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders Diagnosis & Management of Obstructive Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders John Kimoff, MD, McGill University |
14:55 | Q & A |
15:15 | Refreshment Pause |
15:45 | Chair: Milan Nigam, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Université de Montréal
Session 4: Movement Disorders and NREM Parasomnias Restless leg syndrome and Sleep Related Movement Disorders Milan Nigam, MD Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Université de Montréal |
16:15 | NREM Parasomnias & Differential Diagnostic Considerations Ron Postuma, MD, Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital (The Neuro), McGill University |
16:45 | Panel Discussion |
17:15 | Summary & Closing Remarks Mark Boulos, MD, University of Toronto |
18:00 | Evening program – Sponsored by Eisai Canada (Osteria MKT, 1333 Blvd Robert-Bourassa, Montréal, QC H3A 1T9) Cocktail – Speed-dating – Dinner |
Friday, November 17, 2023
8:15 | Registration and breakfast Breakfast à la Montréalaise |
9:00 | Welcome and overview – Day 2 Marcus Ng, University of Manitoba |
9:10 | Chair: Thanh Dang-Vu, Concordia University
Session 5: Insomnia Insomnia Disorder: Evaluation and Management Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD |
9:35 | Cognitive Consequences of Primary Sleep Disorders Véronique Latreille, PhD |
10:00 | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): Hands-on session Véronique Latreille, PhD |
10:25 | Refreshment Pause |
10:40 | Chair: Ron Postuma, Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital (The Neuro), McGill University
Session 6: REM sleep parasomnias and Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence Sponsored by Jazz Pharmaceuticals REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Risk of Neurodegenerative Disease Ron Postuma, MD, Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital (The Neuro), McGill University |
11:10 | Narcolepsy & Other Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence Brian Murray, MD, University of Toronto |
11:40 | Sleep-disordered Breathing in Neuromuscular Disease Mike Fitzpatrick, MD, Queen’s University |
12:10 | Panel Discussion |
12:30 | Lunch sponsored by Paladin Labs Inc. |
13:45 | Hand-on Sessions Patient Case Presentations (Milan Nigam, Marcus Ng, Garima Shukla) |
14:55 | Refreshment pause |
15:10 | Tips and Tricks on How to Land a Sleep-Focused Fellowship Laurel Charlesworth, MD, University of Ottawa |
15:40 | How and why to choose a career in sleep neurology? Experience report. Laurel Charlesworth, MD, University of Ottawa |
16:10 | Closing Remarks – Participation Prize draw Marcus Ng, University of Manitoba |