American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 68th Annual Meeting 2021
Format:190 videos, size: 97.1 GB
Course Audience: psychiatrists, psychiatry residents, pediatricians
Clinical Perspectives 01 Spotlight on Sibling Relationships The Relevance of Sibling Dynamics on the Child and Family (Video MP4 Format)
Clinical Perspectives 02 Transgender Youth Understanding ‘Detransition,’ Nonlinear Gender Trajectories, and Dynamic Gender Identities (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 03 Appealing Applications for Adolescent Mental Health Social Media’s Transformation During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 04 Intervene Early, Intervene Quickly, No Distress Standardized, Evidence-Based Management Approaches to Pediatric Agitation in Hospital-Based Settings (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 05 Movement Disorders Secondary to Psychotropic Medication Prescription The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists’ Dilemma (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 06 Not Just for Hippies Anymore A Review of the Use of Psychedelics in Treatment, Research, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues, and Implications for the Pediatric Population (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 07 School’s Out What Happened to School-Based Mental Health Services (SBMHS) in the COVID-19 Era (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 08 Mental Health Integration With Primary Care Unique Opportunities and Responses in the Face of a Global Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 09 Opening Pandemic’s Box Supporting Developing Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 10 Child and Adolescent Tele-Partial Hospitalization Programs (Tele-PHP) Opportunities and Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 11 The Mental Health Challenges Facing Muslim Youth in the Era of COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 12 Assessment and Treatment of Transition-Age Youth Living With HIV (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 13 Parental Alienation A Simple but Potentially Harmful and Poorly Supported Explanation for the Complex Problem of Parent Contact Resistance Refusal (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 14 Physician Burnout and Maintaining Wellness The Other Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 15 Political Extremism and Hate Group Recruitment of Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 16 Irritability and Reactive Aggression Implications for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Equity (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 17 Technology to the Rescue During COVID-19 Pandemic Implementation of Virtual Technologies Opens New Avenues for Clinical Education, Support, and Care of Clinicians (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 18 Therapist Self-Disclosure (TSD) During Times of Uncertainty (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 19 Young, Black, and Queer Addressing Intersectional Identities in Trauma and Resilience Interventions (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 20 An Aspirational Goal of Zero Suicide Preventing Suicide Deaths Within the Healthcare System Through Individual and Organizational Change (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 21 Pivoting With the Pandemic Challenges and Successes of Child Psychiatry Access Programs Nationwide (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 22 The Many Faces of Pediatric Catatonia Beyond Waxy Flexibility and Echo Phenomena (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 23 Diverse Family Structures LGBTQ Parents, Polyamory, and the Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 24 Evidence-Based Screening, Assessment, and Treatment of Sexually Abused Children A Multidisciplinary Perspective (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 25 Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals With Intellectual Developmental Disorders (IDDs) Current Implications and Lessons for the Future (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 26 ‘My Kid’s Always Online, But What Can I Do About It’ Helping Families Manage Media (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 27 The Sleepless Child Sleep Disorders and Treatments Across Development (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 28 JAACAPxClinical Perspectives More Clinical Ideas Worth Sharing (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 29 The Lights Are Still ON! How Child Psychiatrists and Psychologists Leveraged Networks to Promote Children’s Mental Health in 2020 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 30 When a Video Game Becomes the Treatment Harnessing Digital and Screen Technology as Therapeutic Modalities in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 31 Looking at Adult Outcome of Children With ADHD Via Different Lenses (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 32 The Role of Parenting in Childhood Well-Being and Psychopathology How to Assess, Support, and Intervene in Parenting From Behavioral, Mindful, and Reflective Perspectives (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 33 Management of Complex Pediatric ADHD (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 34 Pediatric Medicine Update COVID-19 Virology, Vaccines, and Pediatric Illness (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 35 Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child Addressing Corporal Punishment Across Cultures and Contexts (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 36 Children and Gun Violence During the Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 37 Translating Evidence-Based Practices for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders in Rural Systems of Care (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 38 Addressing Childhood Maltreatment A Practical Approach for the Child Psychiatrist in a Changing Healthcare System (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 39 Antiracism in Clinical Care A Liberation-Based Health Approach (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 40 Stimulant Use Disorder in Teens and College Students Problems and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 41 Tourette’s Disorder Pathways to Resilience (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 42 The Growing Impact of Climate Change on Pediatric Mental Health, Ways to Address It, and What Psychiatry Can Do to Decrease Its Carbon Footprint (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 43 Life Members Wisdom Clinical Perspectives- From Macro to Micro A Review of Interventions for Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 44 Growing up Different The Impact of Racism on Adolescent Identity (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 45 In Search of the Holy Grail What Is the Right Number of Inpatient Beds (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 46 Health Equity in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Black and Latinx Children and Families What Is My Role (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 47 Managing Adolescents With ADHD Developmental Issues, Emerging Comorbidity, and the Impact of COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 48 The Observation of Feeding and Play in the Diagnosis of Three Subtypes of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 49 It Takes a Village…a Campus, and More Examining the Impact of Programs for Youth With History of Foster Care Transitioning to Adulthood (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 50 Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Building Sustainable Systems (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 51 iCARE, SPACE, I-PCIT, and Online Mindful Parenting Improving Access by Internet-Delivered Therapies for Young Children and Families (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 52 Pharmacogenetics 2021 An Exploration of the Evidence for Relevant Genes and Gene-Medication Pairs (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 53 New Perspectives on ADHD Filling a Cultural and Technological Knowledge Gap in Child Mental Health (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 54 Friend or Foe The Virtual World and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Era of COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 55 Pediatric Chronic Pain Management During COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 56 Systems of Care A Primer for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 57 Families and Transitioning Youth Working With Transgender Youth and Their Families in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 58 Autism Spectrum Disorder Management of Severe Behavioral and Mood Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 59 Common Psychiatric Comorbidities in Autism Spectrum Disorder ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Catatonia (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 60 Love in Quarantine Addressing Online Sexual Behaviors in Clinical Practice (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 61 Psychiatric Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Asylum Seekers Clinic Models and Best Practices (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 62 Transplant Psychiatry Opportunities for Innovation, Intervention, and Improved Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 63 Understanding the Overlap and Therapeutic Opportunities in Youth With Substance Use and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 64 ‘Telenovela’ Filling a Knowledge Gap in Perinatal Mental Health (Perinatal MH) (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 65 A Phoenix Rises Novel Approaches to Teaching and Supervising Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Child and Adolescent Residency Training Programs (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 66 Buprenorphine Training 2.0 Next Steps After Waiver (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 67 Early Identification of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma Preparedness, Accurate Diagnosis, and Treatment in Children With Intellectual Developmental Disorders (IDDs) (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 68 Outpatient Management of Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, and Aggression in Young Children (Ages 2-7) (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 69 Recognizing and Managing Distorted Disabled Cognition in Delirium (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 70 After Substance Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) You’ve Screened, Now What (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 71 Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs LGBTQ Youth and Experienced Homelessness (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 72 Residential Treatment From a Systems of Care Framework Past, Present, and Future (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 73 Bringing Families Together in Crisis Family-Based Interventions Across Different Settings of Care (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 74 Trauma and Stressor-Related and Substance Use Disorders in Adolescence A Practitioner’s Guide to Understanding and Treating These Co-Occurring Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Perspectives 75 Autoimmune Brain Disorders Advancing the Standard of Care (Video MP4 Format)General Session 01 Karl Menninger, MD, Plenary (Video MP4 Format)General Session 02 Noshpitz Cline History Lecture Breaking Ground Building a Different Future (Video TS Format) (Video MP4 Format)General Session 03 James C. Harris, MD, Developmental Neuropsychiatry Forum Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Identification and Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the United States (Video MP4 Format)General Session 04 Town Meeting 2021 A Year of Hate, Intolerance, and Healing – Where Do We Go From Here- (Video MP4 Format)General Session 05 Lawrence A. Stone, MD, Plenary Mania and Character (Video MP4 Format)Honors Presentations 01 Honors Presentation Highlights (Video MP4 Format)Honors Presentations 02 Prevention The Magic of the Early Years (Video MP4 Format)Honors Presentations 03 Public Health + Human Rights Health Justice The Youth Equity Science (YES) Project for LGBT Youth (Video MP4 Format)Honors Presentations 04 ‘Is the Next School Shooter Sitting Before Me’ Lessons Learned Over Two Decades of Psychiatric Threat Assessment (Video MP4 Format)Institute 1.2 SCSP Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)Institute 1.3 SCSP Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)Institute 1.4 SCSP Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care- A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – Understanding Systemic Racism and Racial Inequity Juvenile Justice System Involvement (Video MP4 Format)Institute 1.5 SCSP Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – Racial Disparities in the Education System- Opportunities to Improve Mental Health Ser (Video MP4 Format)Institute 1.6 SCSP Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care- A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – Black Youth and Suicide Risk A Tale of Disparities in Suicide Care and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Institute 1.7 SCSP Addressing Racially Disparate Outcomes in Child-Serving Systems of Care A Call for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – Improving Substance Use Services and Outcomes for Racially Minoritized Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.1 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Psychopharmacological Importance of Medication Adherence Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Bipolar Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.2 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Psychopharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia From the Prodrome to Treatment Resistance (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.3 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Psychopharmacological Treatment of Adolescents With Cannabis Use Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.4 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Pediatric Delirium Addition and Subtraction in Pharmacologic Management and Goals of Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.5 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Psychopharmacological Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Patients With ADHD (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.6 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Psychopharmacological Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 2.7 Advanced Psychopharmacology – Pharmacotherapy of Aggression When Might It Be Indicated (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.1 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – Clinical Profile of Psychiatrically Referred Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.2 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – ADHD Comorbidity With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Burden of Traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder in ADHD (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.3 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – Clinical Genetic Testing (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.4 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – Tackling Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidality in Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.5 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – Balancing Risk and Benefit in Managing Irritability and Agitation in Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.6 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviors in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 3.7 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Psychiatrically Referred Youth An Update on Assessment and Management – Burning Issues in the Assessment and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.1The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety- Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats-School Safety Assessments How Psychiatrists Can Help Schools Assess Risk (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.2 The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats – Student Threat Assessment as a Standard School Safety Practice (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.3 The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats – When the School Threat Is ‘Serious and Scary’ How to Assess It and What to Do (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.4 The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats – Learning From a Failure in Threat Assessment Strategies (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.5 The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats – Walking Through a Safety Assessment (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.6 The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats – Digital Dangers How to Think About Incorporating Assessment (Video MP4 Format)Institute 4.7 The Psychiatrist’s Role in School Safety Preventing, Assessing, and Responding to Student Threats – Personal Experiences of Safety Assessment (Video MP4 Format)Institute 5.1 Lifelong Learning Institute Module 18 Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – What’s New in ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, and DMDD (Video MP4 Format)Institute 5.2 Lifelong Learning Institute Module 18 Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – Psychosis Workup, Measurement-Based Care (Video MP4 Format)Institute 5.3 Lifelong Learning Institute Module 18 Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – Review of Papers on Violence, Mood Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Institute 5.4 Lifelong Learning Institute Module 18 Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – Psychiatric, Medical, and Quality-of-Life (Video MP4 Format)Institute 5.5 Lifelong Learning Institute Module 18 Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – Risk Factors, Co-Occurrence (Video MP4 Format)Institute 5.6 Lifelong Learning Institute Module 18 Relevant Clinical Updates for Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – Emerging Topics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)Institute 6.1 Research Institute Heeding the Data The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children – Black American Youth’s Lived Experiences With Racism (Video MP4 Format)Institute 6.2 Research Institute Heeding the Data The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children – Ethnic Racial Identity and Discrimination (Video MP4 Format)Institute 6.3 Research Institute Heeding the Data The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children – Specifying Opportunity to Resolve Race-Based Mental Health Inequity (Video MP4 Format)Institute 6.4 Research Institute Heeding the Data The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children – Systemic Racism and Mental Health Disparities (Video MP4 Format)Institute 6.5 Research Institute Heeding the Data The Impact of Racism on the Lives and Mental Health of Children – Human Rights and Children’s Mental Health A Multilink Bond (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.1 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Serious Emotional Outbursts What Are They Who Has Them (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.2 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Measurement of Emotion Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.3 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts- – Using a Trauma-Informed Lens for Dysregulation and Outbursts (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.4 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Dysregulation and Suicidality in Children and Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.5 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Managing Explosive Outbursts at School (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.6 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Psychosocial Treatment of Youth Irritability From an Evidence-Based Perspective (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.7 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – The Pharmacological Treatment of Outbursts (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.8 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Inpatient and Residential Treatment of Emotion Dysregulation and Outbursts (Video MP4 Format)Institute 7.9 What Have We Learned About Impairing Emotional Outbursts – Outbursts in the Aftertime Where Do We Go From Here (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.1 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – Review of Progress in the Classification (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.2 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.3 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – Genetic Conditions Associated With Intellectual Developmental Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.4 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – Hurtling Toward Precision Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.5 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – Co-Occurring Medical Issues in Intellectual Developmental Disorders (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.6 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – Integrated Care Across the Lifespan for Children and Adolescents (Video MP4 Format)Institute 8.7 Mental Health and Intellectual Developmental Disorder Fundamentals and Frontiers in Science and Clinical Care – ‘Medication Management’ Practice Psychopharmacology (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 01 Heroes Fail Too The Power of Vulnerability and Self-Compassion (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 02 Resident-As-Teacher Program Presents Clinical Teaching Three Ways Nourishing Our Learners While Caring for Our Patients (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 03 Conducting Rigorous and Safe Clinical Research Lessons From the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 04 Clinical Practicum The Student Health and Wellness Center at Morehouse School of Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 05 Spotlight Conversations Addressing Unconscious Bias to Diversify the Physician Workforce in the United States for Better Patient Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 06 The Well Toolkit Helping Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Meet the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Well-Being Requirements Meaningfully (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 07 ‘My PATH to CHILD Psychiatry’ Global Perspectives (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 08 The Impact of Systemic Racial Inequality, Immigration Policies, and Racially Motivated Violence on Children Intersection of Law, Civil Rights, Public Policy, and Public Health (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 09 Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Master Class (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 10 Should We Raise (or Lower) the Drinking Age A Debate on the Effect of a Minimum Legal Age on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 11 The Impact of Patient Suicide on Trainees and Early Career Psychiatrists How Do We Respond (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 12 The Unintended Consequences of Diversity Training K-12 (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 13 Training and Education Summit (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 14 Debate Are Problematic Screen Habits a Behavioral Addiction (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 15 Clinical Practicum Best Practices in the Assessment and Treatment of Neurobehavioral Disorders Associated With Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Exposure (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 16 Telepsychiatry in Clinical Practice Continuing to Provide Quality Care During a Pandemic and Looking Toward the Future (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 17 Telling Stories Effective Communication of Neuroscience for and by Child Psychiatrists (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 18 Thinking About Prescribing What the Therapeutic Alliance, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy, and Relational Principles Teach Us About Psychopharmacology (Video MP4 Format)Other Programs 19 Let’s Talk About War A Discussion on the Place of Armed Conflicts in the Psychiatric Curriculum (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 01 Identifying and Addressing Childhood Trauma in Primary Care (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 02 Bipolar Disorder in Youth New Findings on Biomarkers, Illness Course, and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 03 Gun Laws and Youth Suicide by Firearms Symposium What the Clinician Needs to Know (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 04 ADHD and PTSD (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 05 Advances and Trends in Neuromodulation for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Intellectually Capable Populations (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 06 Crisis Through the Screen Virtual Emergency Care During the Pandemic and Beyond (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 08 Pediatric Treatment-Resistant Depression The Evidence Base for Interventional Psychiatric Modalities (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 09 Parental ADHD and Their Offspring From the Perinatal Period to Early Childhood (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 10 Underrecognized Metabolic and Hormonal Side Effects of Psychotropics (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 11 Research Symposium Leveraging National Data Sources to Rapidly Identify the Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 12 Can We Differentiate Between Unipolar and Bipolar Courses in Pediatric Mood Disorder- (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 13 Advances in Neuroimaging Research (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 14 Peer Supports, Coaching, and Group Interventions to Improve Treatment Engagement and Academic Persistence and Functioning of Transitional-Age Youth (TAY) (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 15 Anxiety Disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder Recent Research and Treatment Advances (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 16 Precision Medicine and Genomically-Guided Treatment in Autism Spectrum Disorder Are We There Yet (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 17 Neural Pathways Linking Childhood Trauma and Adolescent Substance Use The Role of Learning and Decision-Making (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 18 ADHD Neurobiological and Psychosocial Approaches to Prevention and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 19 Understanding Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 20 International Symposium Reciprocal Learning in Global Mental Health (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 22 Reexamining the Overlap Between Conduct Disorder and Bipolar Disorder in Pediatric Psychiatry Clinical, Scientific, and Therapeutic Implications (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 23 Simon Wile Symposium Focus on Diversity and Equity Through a Pediatric Collaborative and Integrated Care Lens (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 24 From Bench to Bedside Investigating Biological Mechanisms of Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 25 The Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Mental Health Service Utilization and Disparities in Care (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 26 Children and Screens Youth Digital Media Use and Mental Health Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 27 Moving Upstream Primary and Secondary Prevention Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Exposure to Adverse Experiences in Early Childhood (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 28 Transdiagnostic Applications and Targets of Mindfulness Interventions in Youth (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 29 Can Genetic Underpinnings Inform Clinical Practice (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 31 COVID-19, Child Mental Health, and Social Determinants (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 32 Further Validating Profiles of Impulsive Aggression in Youth (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 33 Recent Work With Contemporary Computational Methods and Artificial Intelligence to Advance the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 34 New Evidence-Based Approaches to Measuring Emotion Dysregulation (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 35 Successful Strategies for Treating Traumatized Children in Challenging Circumstances (Video MP4 Format)Symposium 36 Reaching for Resilience New Data on Overcoming Adversity in Youth (Video MP4 Format)