International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and the Growing Spine 2023

International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and the Growing Spine 2023

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International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and the Growing Spine 2023

Format: 87 videos, size: 8.23 GB

Course Audience: pediatric orthopedic surgeons, spine surgeons


The 17th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis (ICEOS) and the Growing Spine is scheduled to take place in Charleston, South Carolina, USA, from November 8th to 10th, 2023. Here are the key details:

  • Venue: The event will be held at The Charleston Place, located in historic downtown Charleston.
  • Audience: ICEOS is the world’s leading conference addressing complex scoliosis in the growing child. It will attract approximately 150 surgeons and allied health professionals from around the world.
  • Program Highlights:

    • Informative sessions led by ICEOS leaders sharing clinical cases, debating hot topics, and demonstrating master techniques.
    • Engaging lectures covering topics such as Complex Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS), Non-fusion Scoliosis, and Multidisciplinary Management of the Child with EOS.
    • Interactive round table case discussions on problem-solving and complication management.
    • A keynote lecture by Larry Lenke, MD on “The Transition from Pediatric Spine Surgery to Adulthood.”
    • Over 40 Free Papers presenting the most current and innovative abstracts in EOS and the growing spine.
    • Breakout sessions focusing on new technology.
    • An international faculty of experts in pediatric spine surgery.

  • Abstract Submission: Authors can submit abstracts related to EOS in various categories, including bracing/casting, distraction-based techniques, guided growth, complications, quality/safety, and more.

The 17th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis (ICEOS) and the Growing Spine 2023 is primarily aimed at a diverse audience of healthcare professionals, including pediatric orthopedic surgeons, spine surgeons, pediatricians, nurses, physical therapists, and researchers. Attendees will include experts and practitioners involved in the management and treatment of complex scoliosis in growing children.


Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders A Great Outcome on a 5 Year Old Patient with Congenital Myopathy (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders Case Presentation 14 yo Female Tether for 125ø AIS with Discs Incised 5 Years Post Op (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders Case Presentation 2 Year Old, Progressive Kyphoscoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders Case Presentation 6 Year Old Boy with Anoxic Brain Injury, Spastic Quadriplegia and Progressive Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders Case Presentation Complications Post VEPTR Removal and ASF on a 12 Year Old Female (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders My Worst Case Vertebral Column Resection (Video MP4 Format)

Case Presentations From ICEOS Leaders The Origin of the ICEOS Meeting & My Very First RBD Surgery (Video MP4 Format)

Debates Crankshaft Is Still a Problem (Video MP4 Format)

Debates MRI Should Always Be Carried Out in All Children Presenting With EOS (Video MP4 Format)

Debates MRIs in Early Onset Scoliosis Wait Until SymptomaticAvoid the Anesthesia (Video MP4 Format)

Debates Rib-Based Instrumentation Is Bad for Lungs (Video MP4 Format)

Debates Rib-Based Instrumentation Is Great! (Video MP4 Format)

Debates Tweener – VBT Best Option (Video MP4 Format)

Debates Tweeners – Brace & Then Fuse (Video MP4 Format)

Debates Tweeners Who Is Ideal for MCGR (Video MP4 Format)

Debates With High Density Pedicle Screws, Crankshaft No Longer Exists (Video MP4 Format)

EOS – It’s Complex Anterior Spine Surgery in Skeletal Dysplasia (Video MP4 Format)

EOS – It’s Complex Detecting and Solving Problems When Lengthening MCGRs (Video MP4 Format)

EOS – It’s Complex How to Avoid PJK (Video MP4 Format)

EOS – It’s Complex Kyphectomy for Myelomeningocele Deformity (Video MP4 Format)

EOS – It’s Complex Life After MCGR in the UK (Video MP4 Format)

EOS – It’s Complex Timing of Hemivertebra Excision (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport (Some, Actually Most) Smaller Curves in Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis Improve with Part-Time Bracing (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport 2023 Update on IONM Alerts Cases (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport A Comparative Study of Protocols for Spinal Casting in Severe Early Onset Scoliosis 4-Year Progression-Free Survival Analysis (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Code Loss of Airway Fire Evacuation (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Durotomy in Spine Surgery (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Etiology Remains King Health-Related Quality of Life Outcome at 5 Years Following Growth Friendly Instrumentation for EOS (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Houston, We Have a Chest Tube Problem Surviving the Bad Event (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport How Do You Engage Your OR Team (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport How I Propel My Research Team (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport How to Propel Your Research Team (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Interpersonal Conflict (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Loss of Proximal Fixation (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Screening MRI in Congenital EOS Is it Safe to Delay Advanced Imaging to Decrease Early Anesthesia (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport Surviving the Bad Event Infection (Video MP4 Format)

EOS Is a Team Sport The Time and Travel Burden to Families of Children With Early Onset Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

ICEOS-2023-Brochure-Final2 (PDF Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Anterior Thoracoscopic Release (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Bringing New Surgeries to Your PracticeHospitalCountry (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Growing Rods in Marfan Syndrome From A to Z (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Growing Rods in Non-Ambulatory SMA in 2023 (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Halo Gravity Traction From A to Z (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Mehta Casting Waterproof Technique & Table Options (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Patient Specific Drill Guides (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Revision Proximal Junctional Kyphosis Into the Cervical Spine (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Spinal Column Shortening for Recurrent Tethered Spinal Cord (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Spring Distraction System (Video MP4 Format)

Master Techniques – How I Do It From A to Z Temporary Internal Distraction Rods for Severe Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Opening Session A Collaborative Community for Pediatric Spine Research (Video MP4 Format)

Opening Session Liposomal Bupivacaine for Pediatric Patients Undergoing Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers – EOS Complex 3D Changes in Spine Morphology After Spring Distraction System (SDS) Treatment (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers – EOS Complex Activity Capacity in Children With Early Onset Scoliosis Compared to Pulmonary Function (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers – EOS Complex Increased Thoracic Sagittal Spine Length Improves Pulmonary Function in Early-Onset Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers – EOS Complex Lessons Learned From 20 Years of History Using Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers – EOS Complex Risk of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis After Revision of Growing Rod Constructs (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Case Matched Comparison of Spinal Fusion Versus Growing Rods for NF-1 Scoliosis in 8-10 Years of Age (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Cervicothoracic Kyphosis in Patients with Hurler’s Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Documenting the Variation of Proximal Foundation Construct and Their Correlation (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Growing Construct Forces in Early Onset Scoliosis How Do TGR and VEPTR Compare to MCGR (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Growth Modulation Response In Thoracic VBT Depends on Magnitude of Concave Vertebral Body Growth (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Have We Improved Anterior Vertebral Body Tether Outcomes Over Time An Examination of Survivorship Trends (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Impact of Co-Morbidities on Mortality in Neuromuscular Patients with Early Onset Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Impact of Tether Breakage on Successful Outcomes in Anterior Vertebral Body Tethering for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Lateral Atlantoaxial Dislocation as a Comprensatory Mechanism for Congenital Cervicothoracic Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Preserving Pulmonary Function in Mini Open Thoracoscopic Assisted Vertebral Body Tethering (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Range of Motion After O-C2 and C1-2 Posterior Spinal Instrumentation and Fusion in Children (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Risk of Unplanned Return to the Operating Room Following MCGR Treatment (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Safety and Efficacy of Growth Friendly Instrumentation in Patients with SMA Type 1 in the Disease Modifying Treatment Era (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Scoliosis in Osteogenesis Imperfecta Identifying the Factors Affecting Severity and Progression (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers To Crosslink or Not That Is the Question (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers Why Do Some Magnetically Controlleed Growing Rods (MCGR) Lengthen While Others Stall (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Comparison of Perioperative Complication Rates in Congenital Scoliosis Patients With Tethered Cord (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Core Planar Cell Polarity Genes VANGL1 and VANGL2 in Predisposition to Congenital Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Failure to Replace Removed Growth Friendly Implants Results in Deteriorating Radiographic HRQoL Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Honoring Robert Campbell, Jr, MD Innovating EOS (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF How to Avoid Revision of Pediatric Spine Deformity Surgery as an Older Teen or Young Adult (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Limited Surgery for Congenital Scoliosis Is it Truly one and Done (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Long-Term Results From In Situ Fusion for Congenitar Early Onset Scoliosis A Minimum 20 Year Follow-up (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Risk Factors Associated With Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod (MCGR) Complications A Single Center Experience (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Serum Titanium Levels Remain Elevated But Urine Titanium Is Undetectable in Children (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Shilla Growth Guidance Predictors of Best Performers (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Surgical Treatment of Neuromuscular Early Onset Scoliosis With Bilateral Posterior One-Way Rod (OWSER, NEMOST) (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF Ten-Year Trends in Surgical Management of 1207 Congenital Scoliosis Cases and Appropriate Surgical Strategies (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF The Application of Apical Control Techniques in Traditional Dual Growing Rods in the Treatment of Early-Onset Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF The Long-Term Impact of Early Short Segment Fusion in Congenital Scoliosis (Video MP4 Format)

Scientific Papers, Best Paper Award, PSF The Rise and Stumble of Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods How Have Indications Changed Over Time (Video MP4 Format)