The Royal College of Pathologists 6th London GI Pathology Update 2024
Format: 3 videos + 1 pdf, size: 48.2 GB
Course Audience: pathologist
The London GI PATHOLOGY update 2024 is a hybrid event, expanding further to three full days. Wednesday 10th April covers Liver and Pancreatobiliary Pathology while Thursday and Friday 11th and 12th concentrate on Luminal GI Pathology. You can choose to attend in person or to watch live streams or recordings.
The faculty includes previous contributors and new speakers from the UK, Europe and the USA. All are experts in their field with a high level of enthusiasm, an international outlook, and an excellent academic record.
The talks focus on Diagnostic Cellular Pathology. They include recent updates and developments and will mention research findings where appropriate.
The event is suitable for anyone who reports gastrointestinal and/or hepatopancreatobiliary histopathology. Please register to take part in a highly informative and illuminating congress and to interact with colleagues and world experts.The London GI PATHOLOGY update returned in 2023 as an in-person event, enhanced by an additional day. For 2024 we have added a further day to increase the scope of the meeting. So why not join us this April, live and In Person, or Virtually with our HD live-streaming. All delegates will have access to recordings post-meeting.
The speakers are experienced, enthusiastic, high quality specialists from the UK, Europe and the USA with strong commitments to academic and clinical work. The emphasis is on the diagnostic approach, and the lectures include relevant updates and recent developments in a wide range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathology.
The event is suitable for anyone who reports digestive disease pathology. Please join us in London or online for a lively, enjoyable and educational conference.
Dr Odze is currently professor of pathology and consultant pathologist at Tufts medical center and medical school, and president of Dr Robert Odze Pathology LLC, a medical/pathology consulting company (odzepathology.com). Dr Odze has a long history of research in GI diseases, most notably in the science related to cancer development in chronic inflammatory diseases such as Barrett’s esophagus and IBD. In this capacity, Dr Odze has published more than 450 articles, including original research, reviews, book chapter and books. He is editor of the largest and most comprehensive textbook of GI pathology worldwide, titled “Surgical pathology of the GI tract, Liver, Biliary tract, and Pancreas”, which is currently in its 4th edition (released Nov 2022) and is also editor of several major pathology and clinical journals. Dr Odze has a long history of education and teaching, and has given more than 300 lectures over the course of his career.
Professor Neil Shepherd is Professor of Gastrointestinal (GI) Pathology at Gloucestershire Cellular Pathology Laboratory, based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK. He is a specialised GI pathologist and has, and has had, wide-ranging involvement in national and international GI pathological education, training, research, audit, publishing and service provision. He has given more than 150 invited lectures at national & international symposia on GI pathology. He is Editor of Morson & Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology, the flagship UK textbook of GI pathology and Associate Editor for GI pathology for Histopathology, the leading UK journal for Cellular Pathology. He has written seven other books, 40 chapters & more than 200 original articles & reviews. He is a past President, former General Secretary and current Councillor of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology.
Christine Sempoux is Professor of Pathology at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne in Switzerland where she acts currently as the Vice Dean for Academic Careers and Equal Opportunities, and she is the Vice Director of the Institute of Pathology of the Lausanne University Hospital. She achieved her medical studies and pathology training at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium and obtained a PhD degree in Biomedical Sciences in 2002. Prior to move to Switzerland in 2014, she worked as Senior Physician at the Pathology Department of the Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc in Brussels, Belgium.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
April 10 (Video MP4 Format)
April 11 (Video MP4 Format)April 12 (Video MP4 Format)Programme _ London GI Pathology Update (PDF Format)
Wednesday 10 April – HPB
09.25-09.30 Introduction Roger Feakins UK
09.30-10.05 Liver biopsy: iron, copper and other abnormal deposits John Hart USA10.05-10.40 Vascular liver diseases Christine Sempoux CH10.40-11.15 Neoplasia of the ampulla and periampullary region Volkan Adsay TR11.15-11.45 COFFEE 111.45-12.20 Cholangiocarcinoma Yoh Zen UK12.20-13.00 Viral hepatitis John Hart USA13.00-14.00 LUNCH14.00-14.35 The biopsy diagnosis of cirrhosis – trickier that it seems John Hart USA14.35-15.10 Benign tumours of the liver Christine Sempoux CH15.10-15.40 COFFEE 215.40-16.15 Inflammatory disorders of the pancreas Yoh Zen UK16.15-16.55 Pancreatobiliary neuroendocrine neoplasms and mimics Volkan Adsay TR16.55-1700 Closing Remarks Roger Feakins UKThursday 11 April – GI
09.25-09.30 Introduction Roger Feakins UK
09.30-10.20 Diagnosis of colitis in mucosal biopsies Rob Odze USA10.20-10.55 Pathology of inflammatory bowel disease in resections Neil Shepherd UK10.55-11.30 Dysplasia in inflammatory bowel disease Lindsay Alpert USA11.30-12:00 COFFEE 112:00-12:30 Unusual anal pathology Shaun Walsh UK12.30-13.00 Molecular/predictive tests in upper GI cancer Manuel Rodriguez Justo UK13.00-14.00 LUNCH14.00-14.40 Upper GI cancer precursors and hereditary gastric cancer Irene Gullo P14.40-15.15 Rare variants of gastric cancer Fatima Carneiro P15.15-15.45 COFFEE 215.45-16.20 Eosinophil-rich disorders of the GI tract Nicole Panarelli USA16.20-16.55 Mimics of neoplasia in the luminal GI tract Neil Shepherd UK16.55-1700 Closing Remarks Roger Feakins UKFriday 12 April – GI
09.25-09.30 Introduction Roger Feakins UK
09.30-10.05 Assessment of early colorectal cancer Iris Nagtegaal N10.05-10.40 Polyps and polyposis in the GI tract Fatima Carneiro P10.40-11.15 Coeliac disease, mimics and other enteropathies Nicole Panarelli USA11.15-11.45 COFFEE 111.45-12.20 Non-Helicobacter gastritis Lindsay Alpert USA12.20-13.00 Common mesenchymal tumours of the GI tract Jason Hornick USA13.00-14.00 LUNCH14.00-14.40 Rare and new mesenchymal tumours of the GI tract Jason Hornick USA14.40-15.15 MMR and molecular pathology in colorectal neoplasia Iris Nagtegaal N15.15-15.45 COFFEE 215.45-16.20 Oesophagitis is not always eosinophilic Shaun Walsh UK16.20-16.55 Lymphomas of the GI tract Manuel Rodriguez Justo UK16.55-1700 Closing Remarks Roger Feakins UK