Scripps 13th Annual Structural Heart Intervention and Imaging 2024
Format: 42 videos + 1 pdf, size: 18.9 GB
Course Audience: cardiologist, internist, radiologist, primary care physician
Conference Overview
Scripps’ Structural Heart Intervention and Imaging conference is designed to provide a practical, cutting-edge, and live case-based assessment of structural heart disease interventions and cardiovascular imaging. The course will place a strong emphasis on the collaborative nature of these procedures across many disciplines within cardiology. Faculty will discuss clinical guidelines on patient selection, pre-procedural assessment, procedural tips, techniques, and challenges (including concurrent imaging) during the performance of the procedures and conclude with assessment of outcomes and future directions.Conference Highlights
• Multidisciplinary expert faculty from renowned institutions emphasizing a team approach to care• Combination of educational formats including live demonstrations of catheter-based structural heart disease interventional procedures with intraprocedural imaging, clinicalpathological correlations with ex vivo cardiac specimens and pertinent didactic lectures• Interactive formats, panel discussions, Q&A, and more• Live satellite case transmissions, expanded satellite symposia and workshops
Agenda (PDF Format)
Feb 7 Amulet and Talisman Workshop Transcatheter Approaches to Stroke Prevention (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Challenging Cases in Congenital Structural Disease (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Clinical-Pathological Correlations The Interatrial Septum (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 CT Evaluation of LAAO Devices Over Follow-up Do’s and Don’ts (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Echo Evaluation for Peri-device Leak and Device-related Thrombus After LAA Occlusion Definitions and Technique (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 How to Perform and Interpret Exercise Right Heart Catheterization in Your Cath Lab (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Imaging, Devices and Avoiding Complications for Transseptal Puncture (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Incorporating 3D ICE into Your Structural Interventions A Practical Workshop (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Interatrial Shunt Devices to Unload the LA in HFpEF and HFrEF (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Management of Peri-device Leak After LAAO Should I Care and What Should I Do About It (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Mitral TEER with MitraClip (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 The Present and Future Landscape of Devices for LAA Occlusion (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 Transcatheter Approaches to LV Remodeling in Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Feb 7 WATCHMAN FLX Pro Workshop Addressing Unmet Needs in LAA Closure (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Bicvaval Stenting for Tricuspid Regurgitation In Whom and When (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Clinical-Pathological Correlations The Mitral Valve (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Clinical-Pathological Correlations The Tricuspid Valve (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Comprehensive Echo Evaluation of the Mitral Valve Best Practices for the Imager (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Conquering Hostile Femoral Vasculature for Large-Bore Access (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Deep Dive into the Data for Tricuspid TEER (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Diagnosis, Prognosis and Technical Approach to Mitral TEER for Atrial Functional Mitral Regurgitation (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Don’t Forget About the Right Ventricle Defining RV function, RV PA Coupling and Considerations for Tricuspid Intervention (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Improving Mitral TEER Success with Live Multiplanar Reconstruction by Echocardiography (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Key Aspects of the CT Evaluation for TMVR and Valve-in-MAC (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Keys to the Work-up and Management of the Patient with Severe TR Words of Wisdom from a Heart Failure Specialist (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Lifetime Management and Valve Selection in TAVI (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Mitral TEER Defining the Do-able and Selecting the Right Clip Size to Do It With (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 NUVISION Ultrasound Technology Overview and Applications for LAAO and Structural Heart Procedures (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 TEE Guidance for Tricuspid TEER and TTVR Fundamentals for the Imager (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 TMVR Emerging Devices and Data Update (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement Devices, Data Update and Patient Selection (Video MP4 Format)Feb 8 Treatment Strategy for Tricuspid TEER How to Choose Where to Grasp and Which Clip to Use to Achieve Optimal TR Reduction (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 Aortic Stenosis and Insufficiency The Latest in Imaging Evaluation and Prognosis (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 Clinical-Pathological Correlations The Aortic Valve (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 Gradients After TAVR A Big Deal or a Nothing Burger (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 How to Identify and Address the Risk of LVOT Obstruction After Mitral Valve-in-Valve or Valve-in-Ring (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 Lifetime Management of the Younger Patient with Aortic Stenosis (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 Management Pathways for Mitral and Tricuspid Regurgitation Matching the Device with the Patient (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 TAVR for Aortic Insufficiency Who, When and with What (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 TAVR for Aortic Stenosis in 2024 Data and Device Update (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 The Imager During Valve-in-MAC, Ring or Valve Here’s What You Need to Know…and Show (Video MP4 Format)Feb 9 Valve-in-MAC My Approach (Video MP4 Format)