Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Thoracic Pathology Course 2023
Format: 43 videos + 35 pdfs, size: 26.72 GB
Course Audience: pathologists, pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, and radiologists, including physicians in training
OverviewThis on demand course provides a current review of thoracic pathology with clinical, radiologic, and molecular correlations. The program consists of a series of presentations, including some multidisciplinary sessions on lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, and non-neoplastic lung disease. Updates on the 2021 WHO Classification of Lung Tumors, the 8th Edition TNM Staging Classification, the ATS/ERS Classification of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias, and Guidelines for Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis are included. Most speakers will be expert lung pathologists, but there will also be clinical and radiologic presentations by well-known thoracic clinicians and radiologists. Their presentations will illustrate the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to solving difficult problems in thoracic disease
Target Audience
The target audience for this on demand program includes pathologists, pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, and radiologists, including physicians in training.
On Demand Content and Access Instructions
This on demand contains 3O+ recorded lectures from the live program that took place live on September 29-October 1, 2023, along with PDFs of the faculty presentations (slides). For a complete list of available sessions and speakers.
To purchase this on demand program, select the Register tab above and complete all necessary information including payment. Once you have successfully registered, access to the course materials will be available under the Course Content tab.
This on demand program is available for purchase through April 30, 2024. Once purchased, access to the content along with with claiming credit will be available through July 31, 2024.
Objectives- State current concepts in lung, pleural and mediastinal pathology
- Recall the clinically relevant advances and technology in molecular pathology of lung cancer
- Define the importance of correlation between clinical, radiologic and pathologic data in diagnosis and management of interstitial lung disease
- Recognize the significance of lung biopsy and multidisciplinary correlation for the diagnosis of non-neoplastic lung disease with a focus on interstitial pneumonias, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and acute lung injury
- Comprehend the most recent histologic concepts in lung cancer diagnosis and classification including problematic issues related to spiral CT screening
- Recognize the differential diagnosis for mediastinal and pleural lesions
- Describe the usefulness of cytology in pulmonary, pleural and mediastinal diagnoses
Atypical Epithelial Proliferations- Reactive vs. Malignant (Video MP4 Format)
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