New York State Pain Society Annual Meeting 2024
Format: 1 videos + 1 pdf, size: 3.8 GB
Course Audience: pain management specialists, family practice physicians, anesthesiologists, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, psychiatrists
The New York State Pain Society Annual Meeting 2024 will be held on April 5, 2024, at the SUNY Global Center in New York City, with an option to attend virtually via simulcast.
The New York State Pain Society is an association of physicians and healthcare practitioners whose mission is to care for people who suffer from acute and chronic pain by advancing research and treatment and to increase the knowledge and skill of the regional professional community.
The 2024 Annual Meeting will attract pain management specialists, family practice physicians with a clinical interest in pain management, anesthesiologists, orthopedics, physiatrists, neurologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, and healthcare professionals from New York who wish to network and learn the latest techniques, treatments, and options chronic pain management as well as the NY Workers Compensation System.
Target Audience
The conference is designed for a wide range of healthcare professionals, including:
- Pain management specialists
- Family practice physicians with an interest in pain management
- Anesthesiologists
- Orthopedic surgeons
- Physiatrists
- Neurologists
- Surgeons
- Psychiatrists
- Physician assistants
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
- Therapists
- Healthcare professionals from New York and neighboring states interested in chronic pain management
Event Highlights
- Educational sessions on the latest techniques, treatments, and options in chronic pain management
- Networking opportunities with professionals from various specialties
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
Agenda Final Final NYSPS and Comp Workshop 2024-5 (PDF Format)
April 5 (Video MP4 Format) (8 hours)
8:00 AM Registration Opens and Breakfast Provided
8:30 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks – Grace Forde MD, President, New York State Pain Society and Paul Pipia MD, President, Medical Society for the State of New YorkSession One: Introduction to Workers Compensation in New York State (4.5 CME/ CE) Moderator: Richard Gasalberti MD
8:40 AM Current Statistics on the Injured Worker in New York – Richard Gasalberti MD9:00 AM Workers Compensation Process – from Injury to Return to Work – Sekhar Upadhyayula MD9:20 AM Examining the Injured Worker and How to Classify an Injury – Is it Surgical or Non-Surgical, Temporary or Permanent? Daniel Choi MD9:40 AM Classification of Injury Mechanism and Treatment Protocols – Paul Pippia MD10:00 AM Networking Break with Exhibitors10:20 AM Trainee Poster Competition Posters 1-6 with Robert Duarte MD, Moderator1. Matthew Cascio DO – Fat Chance to Walk Again: A Case of Spinal Epidrula Lipomatosis2. Jack Leal DO – Epidural Cyst Causing Chronic Back Pain and Spinal Cord Compression3. Nimensha Mehta DO – Kyphoplasty – Beyond Pain Relief4. Mohammad Yasin DO – Pain Management Course After Forequarter Amputation in a Patient with OsteoSarcoma5. Kanwardeep Singh MD – Complex Regional Pain Syndrome S/P CVA in Poly-Substance Abuse Patient10:40 AM Common Pain Management Strategies for the Injured Worker – non-interventional – Carlisle St. Martin MD11:00 AM Common Pain Management Strategies for the Injured Worker – interventional – Romanth Waghmarae MD11:20 AM Issues with Insurance Claims, How MSSNY Can Help –Heather Lopez, VP MSSNY Payment and Practice11:40 AM Legal Considerations as a Workers Compensation Physician and Provider – Lawrence Kobak DPM Esq., General Counsel, NYSPS12:00 Noon Hot Topic: Head, Facial and Oral Pain Management – Lauren Levi DMD MS and Asher Mansdorf DDS12:30 PM Gold Corporate Member Showcase Luncheon with Legally Mine – Lunch Provided to live attendees Proper Use of Legal Entities for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction with John KekelSession Two: P.A.C.T. – Practical Approaches to Comprehensive Treatment of Pain With Charles E. Argoff MD, Oscar de Leon-Casasola MD and Bruce Nicholson MD Jointly Provided by Pri-Med (3.5 CME/ CE) The P.A.C.T. program empowers you with the skills to effectively diagnose and treat pain holistically, highlighting both opioid and nonopioid options. You’ll master the safe integration of opioids into personalized pain management, mitigate risks, and identify signs of opioid dependence. Gain the expertise to optimally manage your patients’ pain and medication use to make a positive impact on public health.
1:30 PM Part One – Practical Approaches to the Comprehensive Treatment of Pain3:00 PM Networking Break with Exhibitors and Trainee Poster Competition posters 7-11 with Robert Duarte MD, Moderator6. Sarah Levin – Contrasting Striatal Neural Circuits and Behavioral Analysis in Response to Acute and Chronic Pain in Mice7. Kumal Aggarwal MD – A Rare Case of Spinal Myoclonus Following Spinal Surgery8. Danielle Levin MD – Retrospective Review of Fluoroscopy-guided Transgulteal Pudendal Nerve Blocks9. Aniroodh Reddy MD – New Knee Problem: Tibial Nerve Block Following Total Knee Arthoplasty10. Kumal Aggarwal MD – Unmasking the Mystery: A Case Report on Myopathy and Vitamin Deficiencies Masquerading as Low Back Pain11. Vince Song – Commparative Efficacy of Orthobiologics and CorticoSteroid Injections in Adhesive Capsulitis Management3:30 PM Part Two – Practical Approaches to the Comprehensive Treatment of Pain5:30 PM Questions, Closing Remarks, Trainee Poster Winners Announced