Penn Medicine 150th Anniversary Meeting 50th Anniversary Scheie Eye Institute 2023
Format: 39 videos + 38 pdfs, size: 9.26 GB
Course Audience: neurologist, ophthalmologist
Date & LocationFriday, May 5, 2023, 7:30 AM – Saturday, May 6, 2023, 4:45 PM, BRB Friday, May 5, 2023 and Kozart Auditorium/Scheie Eye Institute/PPMC Saturday, May 6, 2023, Philadelphia, PA
Course OverviewThis course is designed to provide the audience with the most current clinical advances in ophthalmology and highlight on-going research taking place at the Scheie Eye Institute in the fields of glaucoma, anterior segment, retinal diseases, genetics, oculoplastic surgery, neuro-ophthalmology and ocular pathology.
Target AudienceSpecialties – NEUROLOGY, OPHTHALMOLOGYLearning ObjectivesAfter completing this activity, participants should be able to:
- Review the aspects of a clinical glaucoma genetics study that has enrolled 10,000 patients in Philadelphia
- Review how adaptive optics can be used to assess the structure and function of individual photoreceptors
- Discuss how OCT can be used to differentiate among dementias
- Identify and manage complicated oculoplastic cases in the adult and pediatric age group
- Clarify new methods of diagnosis and management of dry eye and ocular surface diseases
- Discuss new diagnostic modalities and ocular imaging techniques
- Review insights into the diagnosis and management of glaucoma
- Discuss new concepts in ocular viral infections
32 Years of Teaching Surgery at Scheie VAH – What We Have Learned (Video MP4 Format)
32 Years of Teaching Surgery at Scheie VAH – What We Have Learned (PDF Format)A Case of Pseudo Pseudotumor Cerebri (Video MP4 Format)A Case of Pseudo Pseudotumor Cerebri (PDF Format)A Review of Design and Statistical Analysis of Ophthalmic Clinical Studies- Opportunities and Challenges of Two Eyes (Video MP4 Format)A Review of Design and Statistical Analysis of Ophthalmic Clinical Studies- Opportunities and Challenges of Two Eyes (PDF Format)A Road Map for Neuroprotective and Restorative Therapy in Glaucoma (Video MP4 Format)A Road Map for Neuroprotective and Restorative Therapy in Glaucoma (PDF Format)An Oral Oxidation-Resistant Lipid as Potential Therapy for AMD- Evidence from Preclinical Models (Video MP4 Format)An Oral Oxidation-Resistant Lipid as Potential Therapy for AMD- Evidence from Preclinical Models (PDF Format)Anterior Segment OCT in Ocular Surface Disease (Video MP4 Format)Anterior Segment OCT in Ocular Surface Disease (PDF Format)Assessment of the Inclusion of Novel Autoantibodies into a Prediction Model to Screen Dry Eye Patients for Sjogren’s Disease (Video MP4 Format)Assessment of the Inclusion of Novel Autoantibodies into a Prediction Model to Screen Dry Eye Patients for Sjogren’s Disease (PDF Format)Biology of Aging- Modeling Human Pathologies Driven by Telomere Dysfunction (Video MP4 Format)Biology of Aging- Modeling Human Pathologies Driven by Telomere Dysfunction (PDF Format)Cellular Links to Inflammation in Glaucoma and Age Related Retinal Degenerations (Video MP4 Format)Cellular Links to Inflammation in Glaucoma and Age Related Retinal Degenerations (PDF Format)Complex Molecular Pathways in Photoreceptors Activate After Decades of Blindness (Video MP4 Format)Complex Molecular Pathways in Photoreceptors Activate After Decades of Blindness (PDF Format)Does Your Baby Have FEVR. 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