UCSF 50th Annual Advances in Internal Medicine 2022
Format: 10 videos + 28 pdfs, size: 18.3 GB
Course Audience: internist, primary care physician
Now in its 50th year, this course reviews the most recent developments and current controversies in the field of internal medicine. Particular emphasis will be placed on topics of clinical relevance to the practicing physician. The course will include:
Didactic Lectures – Clinically active faculty from the Department of Medicine will emphasize recent clinical advances.
Year-in-Review Literature Reviews – Faculty will review major articles from the general medical specialty literature with immediate importance to clinical practice.
Questions and Answers – Ample time will be provided for specific questions and discussions of problems commonly encountered by course participants.
Internal Medicine Topics – Areas to be covered include cardiology, geriatrics, endocrinology, general internal medicine, women’s health, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, hematology and oncology, neurology, rheumatology, and pulmonary disease.
Advances in Internal Medicine is presented by the Department of Medicine and is sponsored by the Office of Continuing Medical Education of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
Participants will acquire knowledge that allows them to:
Better manage medical conditions commonly encountered by the practitioners in internal medicine and related specialties such as diabetes, osteoporosis, obstructive lung disease, and obesity
Bring practice in line with current evidence and updated guidelines for ischemic heart disease, vaccination, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and prevention of stroke
Manage common problems traditionally treated by specialists and recognize indications for referral for conditions such as heart failure, cirrhosis, advanced lung disease, allergies, common neurologic diagnoses, and side effects of modern cancer therapy
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
1 Advances in Heart Failure (PDF Format)
2 Updates in Electrophysiology for the Generalist (PDF Format)3 Advances in Coronary Artery Disease & Interventional Cardiology (PDF Format)4 When to Worry- Oncologic Emergencies & Complications (PDF Format)5 Osteoporosis Treatment – Agents, Monitoring, and Managing Holidays (PDF Format)6 Deprescribing for Older Adults- Beyond the Obvious (PDF Format)7 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment- A Pandora’s Box (PDF Format)8 Health Policy Updates (PDF Format)9 Substance Use Disorders 201- Common Practice Pitfalls and Clinical Pearls (PDF Format)10 Year in Review- Primary Care (PDF Format)11 Updates in Family Planning- (PDF Format)12 Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation (PDF Format)13 Foundational Understanding and Treatment of Obesity (PDF Format)14 Update in Hospital Medicine (PDF Format)15 New Recommendations for Adult Vaccines (PDF Format)16 Sexually Transmitted Infections- Updates on Testing & Treatment (PDF Format)17 COVID-19 Treatment- An Update for Clinicians (PDF Format)18 Management of Cirrhosis in Primary Care (PDF Format)19 Updates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (PDF Format)20 Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Spondyloarthritis (PDF Format)21 Care of the Immunocompromised Patient in the Era of COVID (PDF Format)22 Management of Gynecologic Symptoms in Cancer Survivors (PDF Format)23 Combination Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes – an Update (PDF Format)24 Update on Obstructive Lung Disease (PDF Format)25 End Stage Lung Disease & Transplantation- What the Generalist Needs to Know (PDF Format)26 Neurology Potpourri (PDF Format)27 Update on Stroke (PDF Format)28 What’s New in Allergy, Intolerance & Immunology (PDF Format)June 27 AM Part 1 (Video MP4 Format)June 27 AM Part 2 (Video MP4 Format)June 27 PM (Video MP4 Format)June 28 AM (Video MP4 Format)June 28 PM (Video MP4 Format)June 29 AM (Video MP4 Format)June 29 PM (Video MP4 Format)June 30 AM (Video MP4 Format)June 30 PM Part 1 (Video MP4 Format)June 30 PM Part 2 (Video MP4 Format)
MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2022
7:15 AM Registration
7:55 Welcome & Introduction Hugo Cheng, MD
8:00 Advances in Heart Failure Richard Cheng, MD
8:50 Updates in Electrophysiology for the Generalist Adam Lee, MBBS
9:40 Break (on Your Own)
10:00 Advances in Coronary Artery Disease & Interventional Cardiology Lucas Zier, MD
10:50 When to Worry: Oncologic Emergencies & Complications Sam Brondfield, MD, MA
11:40 Lunch (on Your Own)
1:10 PM Osteoporosis Treatment – Agents, Monitoring, and Managing Holidays Anne Schafer, MD
2:00 Deprescribing for Older Adults: Beyond the Obvious Michael Steinman, MD
2:50 Break (on Your Own)
3:10 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment: A Pandora’s Box Kenneth Lam, MD, MAS
4:00 PM Adjourn
TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2022
7:30 AM Registration
8:00 Health Policy Updates Beth Griffith, MD, MPH
8:50 Substance Use Disorders 201: Common Practice Pitfalls and Clinical Pearls Jessica Ristau, MD
9:40 Break (on Your Own)
10:00 Year in Review: Primary Care Jeff Kohlwes, MD, MPH
10:50 Updates in Family Planning Bimla Schwarz, MD, MS
11:40 Lunch (on Your Own)
1:10 PM Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation Hugo Cheng, MD
2:00 Foundational Understanding and Treatment of Obesity Michelle Guy, MD
2:50 Break (on Your Own)
3:10 Update in Hospital Medicine Brad Sharpe, MD
4:00 PM Adjourn
7:30 AM Registration
8:00 New Recommendations for Adult Vaccines Lisa Winston, MD
8:50 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Updates on Testing & Treatment Ina Park, MD
9:40 Break (on Your Own)
10:00 COVID-19 Treatment: An Update for Clinicians Annie Luetkemeyer, MD
10:50 Management of Cirrhosis
1:10 PM Updates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Sara Lewin, MD
2:00 Updates on Diagnosis and Management of Spondyloarthritis Lianne Gensler, MD
2:50 Break (on Your Own)
3:10 Care of the Immunocompromised Patient in the Era of COVID Jonathan Graf, MD
4:00 PM Adjourn
THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2022, 2022
7:30 AM Registration
8:00 Management of Gynecologic Symptoms in Cancer Survivors Mindy Goldman, MD
8:50 Combination Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes – an Update Robert Rushakoff, MD
9:40 Break (on Your Own)
10:00 Update on Obstructive Lung Disease Stephanie Christenson, MD, MAS
10:50 End Stage Lung Disease & Transplantation: What the Generalist Needs to Know Alyssa Perez, MD
11:40 Lunch (on Your Own)
1:10 PM Neurology Potpourri Megan Richie, MD
2:00 Update on Stroke S. Andrew Josephson, MD
2:50 Break (on Your Own)
3:10 What’s New in Allergy, Intolerance & Immunology Katherine Gundling, MD
4:00 PM Closing and Adjourn Hugo Cheng, MD