American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 CME 170
Format: 180 videos, size: 44.6 GB
Course Audience: internist, primary care physician
ACP’s annual premier Internal Medicine Meeting was held from April 28-30, in Chicago, IL. For those who could not attend the live meeting and for Premium Access registrants, you’re covered with CME 170.
If you’re not a Premium Access registrant, order ACP CME 170 now to receive recordings of the meeting sessions to view at your convenience and the opportunity to earn CME credit and MOC points.
60 Minutes Special Report on Hot Issues in Health Policy (Video MP4 Format)
Adrenal Disorders Everything That You Need to Know (Video MP4 Format)Advances in Meningoencephalitis Evaluation and Management (Video MP4 Format)Allergy and Immunology for the Internist Scratching Below the Surface (Video MP4 Format)Alternative Practice Models in Primary Care Is It Time for a Change (Video MP4 Format)Annals of Internal Medicine Recent Articles That Should Influence Practice (Video MP4 Format)Antibiotics and the Inpatient (Video MP4 Format)Antimicrobial Stewardship in Outpatient Practice (Video MP4 Format)Apps on the Wards Not Just for the Millennials (Video MP4 Format)Atrial Fibrillation Insights From the Guidelines for the Practitioner (Video MP4 Format)B12 Deficiency New Insights for an Old Disease (Video MP4 Format)Balancing Act Addressing Social Drivers of Health in Practice (Video MP4 Format)Best Practices in Ambulatory Interprofessional Collaboration (Video MP4 Format)Black Men’s Health (Video MP4 Format)Building Teams and Leaders in Health Care (Video MP4 Format)Burnout Its a Leadership Issue (Video MP4 Format)C. Wesley Eisele Lecture The Future of Telemedicine (Video MP4 Format)Calcium Disorders and Parathyroid Gland in a Nutshell (Video MP4 Format)Cannabis Harmful or Healing (Video MP4 Format)Cardiorenal Syndrome When the Heart and Kidney Come Together (Video MP4 Format)Care for the Inpatient GI Bleed (Video MP4 Format)Caring for the Patient With Limited English Proficiency (Video MP4 Format)Cellulitis and Look-Alikes (Video MP4 Format)Chronic Pain Beyond Opioids (Video MP4 Format)Chronic Peripheral Artery Disease for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls Addiction Medicine and Gastroenterology (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls Perioperative Medicine and Rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Pearls Psychiatry and Infectious Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Cancer Screening Updates and Controversies (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Immunotherapy of Cancer Providing Insights Into Autoimmune Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad It’s All in Your Head (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad Oxygen Supplementation Hospital to Home (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad The Chronic Complications of COVID-19 (Video MP4 Format)Clinical Triad What’s Hot in Sexual Health, Pelvic Floor Disorders, and Contraception (Video MP4 Format)Closing the Compensation Gap (Video MP4 Format)Colon Cancer Screening Who When How (Video MP4 Format)Common Drug Interactions and Side Effects (Video MP4 Format)Complementary and Integrative Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Consult Talk (Video MP4 Format)COPD The Right Diagnosis and Right Care (Video MP4 Format)COVID-19 Lessons Learned (Video MP4 Format)Cultural Shock Navigating A New Culture and Maintaining Identity for the IMG (Video MP4 Format)Debates in Thromboembolism Management (Video MP4 Format)Dementia Evidence for the Practicing Internist (Video MP4 Format)Demystifying Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning for Clinical Care of the Future (Video MP4 Format)Dental Medical Interface A Cornerstone of Interprofessional Health Care (Video MP4 Format)Deprescribing for Care of Older Adults (Video MP4 Format)Diagnostic Reasoning for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as the Secret to Successful Teams (Video MP4 Format)Dr. Ananda Prasad Lecture in Physiology New Understanding of Obesity Adipose Tissue as an Endocrine Organ (Video MP4 Format)Drug Nephrotoxicity in Internal Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Essential Dermatology for the Internist You Can Do This (Video MP4 Format)Ethical Case Challenges Physician Suicide Prevention (Video MP4 Format)Ethics Year in Review in the Face of COVID-19 and Other Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Evaluation of Atypical Chest Pain and Chronic Angina (Video MP4 Format)Food as a Medical Intervention The Impact of Eating Habits on Our Global Health (Video MP4 Format)Food as Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Food Insecurity and Its Impact on Health (Video MP4 Format)Frail Patients in Primary Care I Know It When I See It, but Then What (Video MP4 Format)Functional Dyspepsia (Video MP4 Format)Gallbladder Disease Polyps and Stones and Cholecystitis,Oh, My (Video MP4 Format)Genomic Testing in Primary Care What Is Past Is Prologue (Video MP4 Format)GI Syndromes You Don’t Know Enough About (Video MP4 Format)Giant Cell Arteritis Taking the Headache Out of Diagnosis and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Global Physician Engagement in Workplace Equity and Inclusion The -isms in the Workplace (Video MP4 Format)Health for Persons Experiencing Homelessness (Video MP4 Format)Helicobacter pylori Infection (Video MP4 Format)Hepatitis C in Primary Care Current Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Coding Whats in It for me (Video MP4 Format)High Value Approach to Inpatient Imaging (Video MP4 Format)High-Value Care Time to Bring Patients Into the Conversation (Video MP4 Format)High-Value Perioperative Assessment and Management (Video MP4 Format)Hip Pain The Essentials in Evaluation and Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Hot Topics in Health IT Trends (Video MP4 Format)How to Get Published Surviving the Journal Peer Review Process (Video MP4 Format)Humanism in Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Hypertension in the Era of New Guidelines (Video MP4 Format)IgE-Mediated Diseases for the Internist Whats a Nice Antibody Like You Doing in a Place Like This (Video MP4 Format)Increasing Patient Engagement and Improving Outcomes Join Forces With Patients to Promote Physician Well-Being (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Coding Thinking Inside the Box (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Delirium (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Diabetes Management (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Management of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Management on Telemetry (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Oncologic Emergencies (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Palliative Care (Video MP4 Format)Inpatient Stroke Diagnosis and Management (Video MP4 Format)Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 Highlights (Video MP4 Format)Irritable Bowel Syndrome Optimizing Treatment and Communication Skills (Video MP4 Format)Leveraging Digital Health Tools to Create and Support Equity and Parity (Video MP4 Format)Live Podcast Historical and Ethical Controversies Surrounding the Determination of Death The Last Breath (Video MP4 Format)Making the Most Out of Mentorship (Video MP4 Format)Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)Management of HIV AIDS for the Internist (Video MP4 Format)Managing Blood Pressure in the Seriously III The Highs and the Lows (Video MP4 Format)Mastering the Match for International Students (Video MP4 Format)Mastering the Match for U.S. Students (Video MP4 Format)Medical Myths When Dogma is for the Dogs (Video MP4 Format)More News You Can Use Current Clinical Guidelines for Acute Left-Sided Colonic Diverticulitis (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind Cardiology, COVID-19, and Geriatrics Dementia (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind Neurology, Psychiatry, and Metabolism Nutrition (Video MP4 Format)Multiple Small Feedings of the Mind Pulmonology, Hepatology, and Infectious Diseases (Video MP4 Format)New Entrants to the Health Care Ecosystem Delivery Models of the Future (Video MP4 Format)New Innovations in Diabetes Management (Video MP4 Format)New Medications for Primary Care An Update (Video MP4 Format)News You Can Use Current Clinical Guidelines in Appropriate Use of Short Course Antibiotics and Testosterone Treatment (Video MP4 Format)Nocturia Keeping Up With What Keeps Patients Up (Video MP4 Format)Noninvasive Ventilation Strategies (Video MP4 Format)Obesity Management What Works and What Doesnt (Video MP4 Format)Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Recognition and Effective Management (Video MP4 Format)Oh, My Aching Back to Basics (Video MP4 Format)Oncology Vocabulary 101 (Video MP4 Format)Opening Ceremony (Video MP4 Format)Ophthalmology for the Internist Sight and Sore Eyes (Video MP4 Format)Oral Anticoagulation Patience and Wisdom (Video MP4 Format)Osteoporosis Management Clinician and Patient Perspectives (Video MP4 Format)Outpatient Coding Getting Paid for What You Do (Video MP4 Format)Outpatient Management of Opioid Use Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Perioperative Anticoagulation (Video MP4 Format)Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Office More Than Hocus Pocus (Video MP4 Format)Posthospital Care of the ICU Survivor The Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) (Video MP4 Format)Practical Approaches to Increasing Immunization Rates (Video MP4 Format)Presentation Skills for Physicians Making Your Next Teaching Presentation Go Better Than Your Last (Video MP4 Format)Preventing Health Care-Associated Infections (Video MP4 Format)Preventive Cardiology High Value Risk Stratification in the Non-cardiac Patient (Video MP4 Format)Primary Care for the Renal Transplant Recipient (Video MP4 Format)Principles for Effective Care Coordination of the Referral Process and Beyond (Video MP4 Format)Professional Well-Being Interventions at the Leadership Level Finding Your Voice and Making the Case (Video MP4 Format)Psychiatry for the Nonpsychiatrist (Video MP4 Format)Quality Improvement Participation to Publication (Video MP4 Format)Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care Opportunities and Challenges (Video MP4 Format)Readmissions Why Haven’t We Fixed This Yet (Video MP4 Format)Reduced and Preserved Ejection Fraction Heart Failure Improving Outcomes (Video MP4 Format)Residents as Educators and Leaders (Video MP4 Format)Rheumatologic Diagnosis From Hand Exam A Handy Skill to Have (Video MP4 Format)Safe Opioid Use in the Hospital (Video MP4 Format)Saturday Plenary Reawaken Your Power, Reaffirm Your Value, and Reinvent the System (Video MP4 Format)Sepsis Management (Video MP4 Format)Sexually Transmitted Infections Challenges in Management (Video MP4 Format)Sickle Cell Anemia Care of the Adult Patient (Video MP4 Format)Social Media and Womens Health Doctor, I Saw This on the Internet (Video MP4 Format)Spirituality in End-of-Life Care Cases That Clarify the Physician.s Role (Video MP4 Format)Steroids in the Acutely III (Video MP4 Format)Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Don’t Be Rash in Making a Diagnosis (Video MP4 Format)Telehealth What Is It Good For (Video MP4 Format)The Curse of the Palpitation (Video MP4 Format)The DEI Shift Podcast Launching a Successful DEI Initiative (Video MP4 Format)The Effect of Aging on the Endocrine System (Video MP4 Format)The Evolution and Application of Digital Health A Joint Session of ACP and the European Federation of Internal Medicine (Video MP4 Format)The General Internist in 2023 (Video MP4 Format)The Highs and Lows of Inpatient Electrolytes (Video MP4 Format)The Role of Financial Profit in Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Thieves Market (Video MP4 Format)Transfer From Surgery What Every Hospitalist Should Know (Video MP4 Format)Transfusion Medicine Principles and Complications (Video MP4 Format)Transgender Health (Video MP4 Format)Transitional Care of Adolescents and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease (Video MP4 Format)Treating Tobacco Users Strategies for Success (Video MP4 Format)Turning Points in History When Disease Hits Leaders (Video MP4 Format)Update in Ambulatory General Internal Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Cardiology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Critical Care Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Endocrinology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Gastroenterology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Geriatric Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Hematology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Hospital Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Infectious Diseases (Video MP4 Format)Update in Nephrology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Oncology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Pulmonary Medicine (Video MP4 Format)Update in Rheumatology (Video MP4 Format)Update in Womens Health (Video MP4 Format)Vaccinations The Ultimate Prevention (Video MP4 Format)Volume Assessment and Fluid Management in the Hospitalized Patient (Video MP4 Format)Volunteerism Opportunities for Late-Career Physicians (Video MP4 Format)What Hospitalists Need to Know About Patients on Dialysis (Video MP4 Format)What I Need to Know About Lipids in 2022 (Video MP4 Format)When Your Medically III Inpatient Has Opioid Use Disorder (Video MP4 Format)Women and Heart Disease (Video MP4 Format)