Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Essentials in Neuro-Oncology for the Advanced Practice Provider 2022
Format: 70 videos + 57 pdfs, size: 14.1 GB
Course Audience: neuro-oncology physician
Date & LocationWednesday, June 8, 2022, 8:20 AM – 3:45 PM, Online, New York, NY
SpecialtiesSpecialties – Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neuro-Oncology, Neuroradiology, Neurosurgery, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing, Physician AssistantOverviewNeuro-oncology is a uniquely specialized field requiring providers to have extensive knowledge and understanding to optimize patient care. This course will provide a foundation for advanced practice providers, and other healthcare professionals, who wish to broaden their knowledge in the field of neuro-oncology and gain understanding in the complex management of patients living with cancers of the central nervous system.
This course will provide an overview of neuro-anatomy, management of primary and metastatic brain tumors, leptomeningeal disease, central nervous system lymphoma, as well as, rapid assessment and interventions of neuro-oncologic emergencies. Further discussion will include best practices in supportive care and communication techniques for the neuro-oncology patient and their caregivers. Recent advances in treatments for this complex patient population will also be discussed.
Who Should Attend
This course is intended for APPs, nurse practitioner students, physician assistant students, clinical nurse specialists, registered nurses, and physicians. We are pleased to offer complimentary registration for residents, fellows, APP students, and nursing students to attend this program (details below).
Objectives- Differentiate between primary brain tumors, secondary brain tumors and central nervous system lymphoma.
- Describe the treatment of primary and secondary brain tumors and advances in novel therapies.
- Gain competence in the recognition and treatment of neuro-oncologic emergencies including neuromuscular disorders, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure, and ischemic stroke.
- Employ evidence-based practice regarding supportive care for the neuro-oncologic patient and caregiver.
A Comprehensive Overview of Systemic Therapy (Video MP4 Format)
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Q&A (Video MP4 Format)Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Q&A (Video MP4 Format)Principle of Chemotherapies in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)Principle of Chemotherapies in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PDF Format)Protons for Pediatric CNS Tumors (Video MP4 Format)Protons for Pediatric CNS Tumors (PDF Format)Radiation Therapy for CNS Cancer (Video MP4 Format)Radiation Therapy for CNS Cancer (PDF Format)Recognition and Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure (Video MP4 Format)Recognition and Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure (PDF Format)Secondary Brain Tumors Q&A (Video MP4 Format)Spinal Cord Compression (Video MP4 Format)Spinal Cord Compression (PDF Format)Spine Emergency- Manifestations of Spinal Cord Compression (Video MP4 Format)Spine Emergency- Manifestations of Spinal Cord Compression (PDF Format)Steroid Associated Toxicities (Video MP4 Format)Steroid Associated Toxicities (PDF Format)The Best Treatment Approach for 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