UCSF 51st Annual Advances in Internal Medicine 2023
Format: 5 videos + 22 pdfs, size: 25 GB
Course Audience: internist, primary care physician
Department: Medicine
Activity Start Date: June 26, 2023
Activity End Date: June 29, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed primary care practice. Difficult management decisions must now be made in transformed ambulatory environments and via telemedicine. Despite the change in our practice environments, primary care clinicians must continue to focus on preventive medicine, reduction of cardiovascular risk factors, day-to-day clinical problems, chronic disease management, women’s health, geriatrics, behavioral medicine, and optimal use of diagnostic tests and new medications. Health disparities and the care of vulnerable patients are a central part of our daily practice as we try to maximize quality, safety, equity, and value. Close collaboration with other specialists, inpatient colleagues, and diverse teams of health professionals is essential for the care of our complex patients. This course will present a comprehensive review of new developments in outpatient medicine, controversies in primary care practice, and up-to-theminute updates in care of patients with COVID-19. The course will focus on the skills and strategies needed in day-to-day office practice. The curriculum will feature in-depth discussion of challenging cases in preventive medicine, common problems in ambulatory care, and a broad selection of acute and chronic illnesses.
Now in its 51st year, this course reviews the most recent developments and current controversies in the field of internal medicine. Particular emphasis will be placed on topics of clinical relevance to the practicing physician. The course will include:
Didactic Lectures – Clinically active faculty from the Department of Medicine will emphasize recent clinical advances.
Year-in-Review Literature Reviews – Faculty will review major articles from the general medical specialty literature with immediate importance to clinical practice.
Questions and Answers – Ample time will be provided for specific questions and discussions of problems commonly encountered by course participants.
Internal Medicine Topics – Areas to be covered include cardiology, geriatrics, endocrinology, general internal medicine, women’s health, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, hematology and oncology, neurology, rheumatology, and pulmonary disease.
Advances in Internal Medicine is presented by the Department of Medicine and is sponsored by the Office of Continuing Medical Education of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
The purpose of this course is to increase competence and improve clinician practice in internal medicine. We specifically anticipate improvements in skills and strategies to:
- Better manage medical conditions commonly encountered by the practitioners in internal medicine and related specialties, such as vaccination, cancer screening, constipation, anemia, diabetes, chronic pain, and obesity;
- Bring practice in line with current evidence and updated guidelines for conditions such as ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease, COVID-19 infection, and obstructive lung disease;
- Manage common problems traditionally treated by specialists, such as heart failure, palliative care, hyperparathyroidism, and dementia, as well as recognize the indications for referral to a subspecialist.
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below
01_Elmariah_Aortic Stenosis (PDF Format)
03_Aras_Heart Failure (PDF Format)04_Ku_IM Update_Combination Therapy (PDF Format)06_Ho_Pain Mgt (PDF Format)07_Chodos_Smith_Geriatrics (PDF Format)08_Appelle_Vaccines (PDF Format)09_Sharpe_HM Updates (PDF Format)10_Kohlwes_GIM Update (PDF Format)12_Thiara AIM 6_2023 (PDF Format)13_Walsh_Cancer Screening (PDF Format)14_Shlipak_Kidney (PDF Format)15_Winston_COVID-19 (PDF Format)16_Schwartz_Travel Med (PDF Format)17_Doernberg_CDI 2023 (PDF Format)18_Patel_CRC Screening (PDF Format)19_Ko_Constipation (PDF Format)20_Graf_Gout (PDF Format)21_Gross_Achy Pt2 (PDF Format)24_Baugh_Asthma (PDF Format)26_Richie_Neuro Potpourri (PDF Format)27_Rabinovici_Dementia (PDF Format)June 26 (Video MP4 Format)June 27 AM (Video MP4 Format)June 27 PM (Video MP4 Format)June 28 (Video MP4 Format)June 29 (Video MP4 Format)MDM23M20_Syllabus Introduction (PDF Format)
Monday, June 26, 2023
8:00am Welcome & Introduction H. Quinny Cheng, MDCARDIOLOGY Krishan Soni, MD, MBA, FACC8:05 Updates in Structural Heart Disease and Interventional Cardiology Sammy Elmariah, MD, MPH8:50 Updates in Electrophysiology for the Generalist Thomas A. Dewland, MD9:40 Break10:00 Advances in Heart Failure Mandar Aras, MD, PhDENDOCRINOLGY & METABOLISM Umesh Masharrani, MB, BS, MRCP10:50 Combination Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Gregory Ku, MD, PhD11:40 Lunch Break1:10pm Evaluation and Management of an Elevated PTH Level Dolores Shoback, MDGERIATRICS & PALLIATIVE CARE Eric Widera, MD2:00 Pain Management in the Setting of Substance Use Disorder Janet Ho, MD, MPH2:50 Break3:10 Updates in Geriatrics: Innovations and Controversy Anna Chodos, MD, MPH4:00pm AdjournPRIMARY CARE & WOMEN’S HEALTH Robert Baron, MD, MSTuesday, June 27,2023
8:00am Best Practices in Adult Vaccination: Prevent Infection & Health Inequity Nicole Appelle, MD, MPH8:50 Chronic Kidney Disease: Integrating New Test, New Guidelines, and New Medications Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH9:40 Break10:00 Year in Review: Primary Care Jeffrey Kohlwes, MD, MPH10:50 Controversies in Cancer Screening 2023: Colon, Breast, Lung, and Prostate Judith M.E.Walsh, MD, MPH11:40 Lunch Break1:10pm Recent Developments in Management of Obesity Diana Thiara, MDHOSPITAL MEDICINE H. Quinny Cheng, MD2:00 Updates in Perioperative Medicine H. Quinny Cheng, MD2:50 Break3:10 Updates in Hospital Medicine Bradley A. Sharpe, MD4:00pm AdjournINFECTIOUS DISEASES Lisa Winston, MDWednesday, June 28, 2023
8:00am COVID-19: Where Are We Now? Lisa Winston, MD8:50 Travel Medicine in 2023 Brian Schwartz, MD9:40 Break10:00 Updates in Clostridium Difficile Infection Sarah Doernberg, MD, MASGASTROENTEROLOGY Amandeep Shergill, MD10:50 Update in Colorectal Cancer Screening Shreya Patel, MD, MPH11:40 Lunch Break1:10pm State of the Art: Management of Constipation Myung Ko, MDRHEUMATOLOGY Jonathan Graf, MD2:00 Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Fibromyalgia to Long Covid & Everything in Between Andrew J. Gross, MD2:50 Break3:10 Update on Gout: Novel Testing & Treatment Strategies Jonathan Graf, MD4:00pm AdjournHEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY Hope Rugo, MD, FASCOThursday, June 29,2023
8:00am Identifying Cancer Risk and Tailored Care Pamela Munster, MD8:50 Anemia: Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment Neal Dunavin, MD, MS9:40 BreakPULMONARY MEDICINE Neil Trivedi, MD10:00 Updates in Asthma Aaron Baugh, MD10:50 Approach to Severe COPD Julia Maheshwari, MD11:40 Lunch BreakNEUROLOGY S. Andrew Josephson, MD1:10pm Neurology Potpourri Megan B. Richie, MD2:00 Dementia 2023: The Latest on Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Gil D. Rabinovici, MD2:50pm Adjourn