UCSF Essentials of Primary Care A Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Practice 2024
Format: 6 videos + 22 mp3 + 26 pdfs, size: 32.8 GB
Course Audience: internists, family practitioners, primary care physician
Primary care clinicians must be highly skilled in preventive medicine, cardiovascular risk factors, day-to-day clinical problems, chronic disease management, communication skills, and optimal use of diagnostic tests and new medications. Health disparities and the care of vulnerable patients are a central part of our daily practice as we try to maximize quality, safety, equity, and value. Close collaboration with other specialists, inpatient colleagues, and diverse teams of health professionals is essential for the care of our complex patients. In addition to a full discussion of common problems in primary care and preventive medicine, this course will also focus on clinical skills and problem-solving in dermatology, women’s health, clinical nutrition, neurology, oncology, infectious diseases, and interprofessional collaboration. The course will utilize formal lectures, case discussions, practical workshops, an audience response system, questions and answers, a detailed syllabus, and on-demand access to course recordings. Remote learning opportunities will also be available.
This course, chaired by Dr. Robert B. Baron and taught by some of UCSF’s best teachers, is designed for practicing internists, family practitioners, advance practice providers, and all other health professionals interested in providing high quality primary care.
The purpose of this course is to increase competence and improve clinician practice in primary care. We specifically anticipate improvements in skills and strategies to:
- Implement new guidelines in office-based preventive medicine including cancer prevention, vaccines, and screening and management of cardiac risk factors;
- Develop up-to-date strategies for common office problems including hypertension, lipid disorders, diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, obesity, headache, stroke, dementia, common infections, and covid-19;
- Manage common problems in women’s health including prevention of cervical and endometrial cancer, breast disorders, incontinence, menopause, and vaginal and vulvar disorders;
- Diagnose and treat common and skin disorders, skin infections, and skin cancer;
- Counsel patients to improve eating habits, lose weight, increase physical activity, and use new obesity medications;
- Perform an effective problem-based history and physical examination for common complaints in dermatology, neurology, and gynecology;
- Perform common office procedures in dermatology and office gynecology;
- Understand the best initial management strategies for common cancers, current uses of new cancer medications, use of molecular and genetic testing in oncology, and best practices in prognostication;
- Develop best practices in patient communication, shared decision-making, and interprofessional teamwork;
- Critically evaluate the medical literature, practice guidelines, and new medications, and apply them to clinical practice;
- Address health disparities in health and healthcare;
- Increase the quality of care and decrease medical costs.
Course Outline
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2024
3:00 pm Registration and Check-In Moderator: Robert B. Baron, MD, MS
5:00 Welcome and Course Overview Robert B. Baron, MD, MS5:10 RxG Covid-19: Where Do We Stand? What Have We Learned? Where are We Going? Peter Chin-Hong, MD6:05 RxG Controversies in Cancer Screening 2024: Colon, Breast, Lung, and Prostate Sam Brondfield, MD, MAEd7:00 pm AdjournMONDAY, JULY 29, 2024
7:00 am Continental Breakfast Moderator: Robert B. Baron, MD, MS
7:30 RxG Prevention and Screening for Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Rebecca Jackson MD8:20 RxG Chronic Kidney Disease: Integrating New Tests, New Guidelines, and New Medications Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH9:10 Break9:30 RxG Advances in Prevention and Treatment of Stroke John W. Engstrom, MD10:20 RxG Common Dermatologic Problems: What the Primary Care Clinician Needs to Know Toby A. Maurer, MD11:10 am AdjournTUESDAY, July 30, 2024
7:00 am Continental Breakfast Moderator: Peter Chin-Jong. MD
7:30 RxG Best Practices in Immunization: Keeping Up With New Vaccines and Practice Guidelines Peter Chin-Jong. MD8:20 RxG Management of Diabetes Mellitus: Implementing the 2024 Guidelines Robert B. Baron, MD, MS9:10 RxG Cancer Treatment Today: Distinguishing Among Cancer Therapies and Anticipating Their Side Effects Sam Brondfield, MD, MAEd10:00 Break10:20. Concurrent Workshops (select one) A: RxG Management of Obesity in Office Practice: How Do We Best Utilize the New Medications? Robert B. Baron, MD, MS B: RxG Dermatologic Procedures in Primary Care* Toby A. Maurer, MD11:30 am AdjournWEDNESDAY, July 31, 2024
7:00 am Continental Breakfast Moderator: Sam Brondfield, MD, MAEd
7:30 RxG Novel Cancer Diagnostics: Demystifying Commonly Used Molecular and Genetic Testing in Oncology Sam Brondfield, MD, MAEd8:20 RxG. Heart Failure: New Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH9:10 RxG New Developments in Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia John W. Engstrom, MD10:00. Break10:20. Concurrent Workshops (select one) A: RxG Top 10 Infectious Disease Topics That Will Likely Change Your Practice Peter Chin-Hong, MD B: RxG Maximizing Skills in Office Gynecology for Primary Care Practice* Rebecca Jackson, MD11:30 am AdjournTHURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2024
7:00 am Continental Breakfast Moderator: Rebecca Jackson, MD
7:30 RxG Lumps and Bumps: Best Practices for Benign Breast Conditions Rebecca Jackson, MD8:20 RxG Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer Toby A. Maurer, MD9:10 RxG Best Practices for Diagnosis and Treatment of Migraine and Other Headache Disorders John W. Engstrom, MD10:00 Break10:20. Concurrent Workshops (select one) A: RxG No Longer a Death Sentence: Distinguishing Curable from Incurable Cancer and Improving Prognostication Sam Brondfield, MD, MAEd B: G Mastering the High Yield Neurological Exam John W. Engstrom MD*11:30 am AdjournFRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2024
7:00 am Continental Breakfast Moderator: Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH
7:30 RxG Management of Coronary Artery Disease: How Should the New Guidelines Change Our Practice? Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH8:20 RxG Management of Lipid Disorders in 2024: Integrating New Diagnostics and New Medications Robert B. Baron, MD, MD9:10 Break9:30 RxG Gynecologic Issues in Older Women Rebecca Jackson, MD10:20 RxG Dermatologic Infectious Disease: Viral, Fungal, and Bacterial Skin Diseases Toby A. Maurer, MD
*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Course Outline section above
AUGUST 1 AM SESSION (Video MP4 Format)
AUGUST 1 Best Practices for Diagnosis and Treatment of Migraine and Other Headache Disorders (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 1 Best Practices for Diagnosis and Treatment of Migraine and Other Headache Disorders (PDF Format)AUGUST 1 Lumps and Bumps- Best Practices for Benign Breast Conditions (PDF Format)AUGUST 1 Mastering the High Yield Neurological Exam (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 1 Mastering the High Yield Neurological Exam (PDF Format)AUGUST 1 No Longer a Death Sentence- Distinguishing Curable from Incurable Cancer and Improving Prognostication (PDF Format)AUGUST 1 Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 1 Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer (PDF Format)AUGUST 2 AM SESSION (Video MP4 Format)AUGUST 2 Dermatologic Infectious Disease- Viral, Fungal, and Bacterial Skin Diseases (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 2 Dermatologic Infectious Disease- Viral, Fungal, and Bacterial Skin Diseases (PDF Format)AUGUST 2 Gynecologic Issues in Older Women (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 2 Gynecologic Issues in Older Women (PDF Format)AUGUST 2 Management of Coronary Artery Disease- How Should the New Guidelines Change Our Practice. (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 2 Management of Coronary Artery Disease- How Should the New Guidelines Change Our Practice. (PDF Format)AUGUST 2 Management of Lipid Disorders in 2024- Integrating New Diagnostics and New Medications (Audio MP3 Format)AUGUST 2 Management of Lipid Disorders in 2024- Integrating New Diagnostics and New Medications (PDF Format)JULY 28 Controversies in Cancer Screening 2024- Colon, Breast, Lung, and Prostate (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 28 Controversies in Cancer Screening 2024- Colon, Breast, Lung, and Prostate (PDF Format)JULY 28 Covid-19- Where Do We Stand. What Have We Learned. Where are We Going. (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 28 Covid-19- Where Do We Stand. What Have We Learned. Where are We Going. (PDF Format)JULY 28 PM SESSION (Video MP4 Format)JULY 29 Advances in Prevention and Treatment of Stroke (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 29 Advances in Prevention and Treatment of Stroke (PDF Format)JULY 29 AM SESSION (Video MP4 Format)JULY 29 Chronic Kidney Disease- Integrating New Tests, New Guidelines, and New Medications (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 29 Chronic Kidney Disease- Integrating New Tests, New Guidelines, and New Medications (PDF Format)JULY 29 Common Dermatologic Problems- What the Primary Care Clinician Needs to Know (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 29 Common Dermatologic Problems- What the Primary Care Clinician Needs to Know (PDF Format)JULY 29 Prevention and Screening for Cervical and Endometrial Cancer (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 29 Prevention and Screening for Cervical and Endometrial Cancer (PDF Format)JULY 30 AM SESSION (Video MP4 Format)JULY 30 Best Practices in Immunization- Keeping Up With New Vaccines and Practice Guidelines (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 30 Best Practices in Immunization- Keeping Up With New Vaccines and Practice Guidelines (PDF Format)JULY 30 Cancer Treatment Today- Distinguishing Among Cancer Therapies and Anticipating Their Side Effects (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 30 Cancer Treatment Today- Distinguishing Among Cancer Therapies and Anticipating Their Side Effects (PDF Format)JULY 30 Dermatologic Procedures in Primary Care (PDF Format)JULY 30 Management of Diabetes Mellitus- Implementing the 2024 Guidelines (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 30 Management of Diabetes Mellitus- Implementing the 2024 Guidelines (PDF Format)JULY 30 Management of Obesity in Office Practice- How Do We Best Utilize the New Medications. (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 30 Management of Obesity in Office Practice- How Do We Best Utilize the New Medications. (PDF Format)JULY 31 Heart Failure- New Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 31 Heart Failure- New Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment (PDF Format)JULY 31 Maximizing Skills in Office Gynecology for Primary Care Practice (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 31 Maximizing Skills in Office Gynecology for Primary Care Practice (PDF Format)JULY 31 New Developments in Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 31 New Developments in Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (PDF Format)JULY 31 Novel Cancer Diagnostics- Demystifying Commonly Used Molecular and Genetic Testing in Oncology (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 31 Novel Cancer Diagnostics- Demystifying Commonly Used Molecular and Genetic Testing in Oncology (PDF Format)JULY 31 PM SESSION (Video MP4 Format)JULY 31 Top 10 Infectious Disease Topics That Will Likely Change Your Practice (Audio MP3 Format)JULY 31 Top 10 Infectious Disease Topics That Will Likely Change Your Practice (PDF Format)MDM25M02_Complete Syllabus (PDF Format)