Oakstone The Brigham Board Review in Critical Care Medicine 2022
Format: 45 videos + 2 pdfs, size: 13.4 GB
Course Audience: fellows/trainees and practicing critical care specialists, internists with an interest in critical care
1. Update in Sepsis (Video MP4 Format)
2. Hemodynamic Monitoring (Video MP4 Format)3. Hemorrhagic Shock (Video MP4 Format)4. Evolving Approach to Management of Cardiogenic Shock (Video MP4 Format)5. ARDS – Pathophysiology _ Management (Video MP4 Format)6. Basic _ Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Ventilation (Video MP4 Format)7. Non-invasive Ventilation _ High Flow Oxygen Therapy (Video MP4 Format)8. Mechanical Ventilation – Liberation _ ABCDEF Bundle (Video MP4 Format)9. Acute Coronary Syndromes (Video MP4 Format)10. Arrhythmias in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)11. Indications _ Management of Implantable Electronic Cardiac Devices in ICU Patients (Video MP4 Format)12. Post-Cardiac Arrest Care (Video MP4 Format)13. Pulmonary Embolism in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)14. Acute Pancreatitis (Video MP4 Format)15. GI Bleed (Video MP4 Format)16. Acute Liver Failure (Video MP4 Format)17. Diagnosis _ Management of C. difficile Infection (Video MP4 Format)18. Acute Ischemic Stroke (Video MP4 Format)19. Intracranial Hypertension _ Herniation (Video MP4 Format)20. Seizures _ Status Epilepticus (Video MP4 Format)21. Approach to the Patient with Coma (Video MP4 Format)22. Transfusion Practices in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)23. Coagulopathy in Critical Care Settings (Video MP4 Format)24. Acute Kidney Injury _ Renal Replacement Therapy (Video MP4 Format)25. Acid-base Disorders – ABG’s (Video MP4 Format)26. Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia – Diagnosis, Therapy _ Prevention (Video MP4 Format)27. Infection, FUO _ Antibiotic Use in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)28. Covid Transmission _ the Risk to Healthcare Workers (Video MP4 Format)29. Diagnosis _ Management of Hyperglycemia in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)30. Endocrine Crises in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)31. Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition – Essentials for the Critical Care Specialist (Video MP4 Format)32. Evidence-Based Preventative Therapy in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)33. Treatment of the Patient with Burns _ Inhalational Injuries (Video MP4 Format)34. Abdominal Catastrophes _ Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)35. Critical Illness in Pregnancy (Video MP4 Format)36. Ethical Dilemmas in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)37. Critical Care Pharmacology (Video MP4 Format)38. Toxidromes in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)39. Management of Pain, Agitation _ Delirium in the ICU (Video MP4 Format)40. ICU Issues for the Transplant Patient (Video MP4 Format)41. Mechanical Support Devices in ICU (Video MP4 Format)42. Ultrasound in the ICU – What Every Intensivist Should Know (Video MP4 Format)43. Post Intensive Care Syndrome (Video MP4 Format)44. ICU Pain Management _ Opioid Stewardship (Video MP4 Format)45. Current Best Practice for Management of Severe COVID 19 Pneumonia (Video MP4 Format)Questions (PDF Format)Syllabus (PDF Format)