Perface Academy Rhino de A-Z 2024
Format: 81 videos, size: 11 GB
Course Audience: cosmetic physician
You will learn step by step everything you need to know about preservative, structured, hybrid, and secondary rhinoplasty.
In addition, you will have access to cutting-edge tools and technologies to incorporate into your office and surgeries, such as standardized photos and cameras, piezo simulations.
But RHINO FROM A to Z is not just about teaching advanced techniques. We also focus on delivering the best possible experience for the rhinoplasty patient
When we started working as plastic surgeons and otolaryngologists, we were frustrated by the lack of effective rhinoplasty learning during our training.
Often, we felt that crucial information was missing for our career and that we had difficulty gaining confidence during surgeries.
That’s when we had the idea to create RHINO FROM A to Z.
WE WANTED TO OFFER A COURSE THAT COULD TEACH EARLY-CAREER SURGEONS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND CURRENT SURGICAL CONCEPTS IN RHINOPLASTY IN A DIDACTIC AND ACCESSIBLE WAY.Moreover, we wanted to help you gain more confidence during surgeries, to properly indicate and contraindicate specific maneuvers, to treat the nose aesthetically and functionally in an effective manner, to align patient expectations, to avoid mistakes, and to have more predictability in outcomes and complications.
Após anos de trabalho duro e dedicação, finalmente lançamos o RHINO DE A Z.
Before the launch of RHINO FROM A to Z, we have helped hundreds of plastic surgeons and otolaryngologists from various countries to achieve success in their careers through our more advanced programs.
Our students are able to learn the most important concepts in rhinoplasty effectively and apply them in practice, which helps them to become more confident and capable surgeons.
Additionally, they are able to provide their patients with an even better rhinoplasty experience, which has a positive impact on both patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes.
While most surgeons work like this:With Rhino from A-Z, you start working like this:
CIRUGIA 4 1. Ana’lisis (Video TS Format)
CIRUGIA 4 10 IMG_7044.MOV (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 2 Extraccio’n de carti’lago de costilla y Fascia abdominal (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 3 IMG_7330 (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 4 Preparacio’n de injertos y Double Se (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 5 Injerto de Crura Lateral Strut y punta (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 6 – Sutura Final (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 7 Injerto de la oreja compuesto (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 8. COLOCACION DEL INJERTO COMPUESTO (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 4 9 – Fat Graft (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 1 – Ana’lisis (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 10 – Base Reduction (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 2 – Incisio’n y diseccio’n (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 3 – Intervencio’n en el dorso y el septo (osteotomi’as) (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 4 – Fijacio’n de dorso y septo (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 5 Tip Treatment (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 6 – Estrechando el dorso (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 7 – DC (Raiz) (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 8 – Footplate Suture (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 5 9- suture final (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 1 – ANA’LISIS (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 10 – FOOTPLATE SUTURE (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 11 – MARCAS PARA REDUCCIO’N DE LA BASE (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 12 – PRF + FDC (DORSUM) (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 13 – SUTURA FINAL (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 14 – REDUCCIO’N DE LA BASE (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 15 – FINAL (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 2 – INCISION AND DISSECTION (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 3 – SEPTUM TREATMENT (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 4 – DORSUM TREATMENT (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 5 – OSTEOTOMI’AS (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 6 – CAUDAL SEPTUM REPOSITIONING (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 7 – Fijacio’n del techo catiloginoso del septo (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 8 – PREPARANDO LOS INJERTOS (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 1 9 – TRATAMIENTO DE LA PUNTA (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 2 1 – Ana’lisis (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 2 2 – INCISION (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 2 3 – TIP TREATMENT (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 2 4 – SEPTUM TREATMENT (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 2 5 – Sutura final (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 2 6 – Llenando la abertura periforme (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 1 – Extraccio’n De Carti’lago De La Costilla Y Fascial Abdominal (reducido) (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 10 Tip Treatment and LCSG (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 11 – Injerto de la punta (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 12 – Sutura final (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 13 – Refinamientos (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 14 – Footplate Suture (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 15 Base Reduction (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 2 – Preparando los injertos (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 3 – Ana’lisis (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 4 Incisio’n y Diseccio’n (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 5 – Tratamiento del dorso (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 6 – Preparando la MISTA (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 7 – Reconstruccio’n del dorso (Spreader Grafts) (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 8 Double Seg (Video TS Format)CIRUGIA 3 9 – Reconstruccio’n del dorso (Spreader Flaps) (Video TS Format)FullSizeRender.mov (Video TS Format)FullSizeRender.MOV_2 (Video TS Format)LIVES 08 MARZO RHINO AZ (Video TS Format)LIVES live 12 abril rhino az (Video TS Format)LIVES LIVE EDITADA 08FEV (Video TS Format)LIVES OSTEOTOMIAS Y PRESERVA’CION DORSAL SIN PIEZO (Video TS Format)LIVES rinoplastia secundaria rhino az (Video TS Format)LIVES video1225811883 (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 1 Clase Evaluacio’n de la nariz (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 10 IMG_7249 (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 11 IMG_7636 (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 12 IMG_7093 (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 13 Clase PLA’STIA DE PUNTA Rompecabezas y Rinoplastia inversa (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 14 Clase PASOS Y SECUENCIA DE TOMA DE DECISIONES Rinoplastia Secundaria (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 15 Clase Rinoplastia Vs. Fillers (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 16 Clase Co’mo tratar y evitar complicaciones en la nariz (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 17 Clase Ana’lisis de CT Scan – Lo que realmente importa para un cirujano (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 2 Clase Decidiendo la secuencia (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 3 Clase Cirugi’a limpia (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 4 Clase Rutina de un cirujano pla’stico (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 5 Clase Luces y sombras (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 6 Clase Osteotomi’as (Video TS Format)RHINO DE A a Z 7 IMG_8022 (Video MP4 Format)RHINO DE A a Z 8 IMG_7876 (Video MP4 Format)RHINO DE A a Z 9 IMG_6973 (Video TS Format)