RAAONLINE Anesthesia Package 2024
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Course Audience: anesthesiologists
Anesthesia Package covers 19 specialities into a single package at a discounted price. It combines all aspects from basic to advanced lectures in anesthesia including machines, physics, pharmacology, anatomy, physiology, monitoring, mechanical ventilation, cardiac anesthesia, clinical anesthesia, neuro anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, onco anesthesia, thoracic anesthesia, paediatric anesthesia and many more specialities. There are 100+ faculties covering all the ideal topics for exam going postgraduates. It includes 250+ test series with 3500+ mcq’s, 500+ slides, and 1250+ reading materials as well as seasoned consultants who frequently face specialty cases in their practice. This package refreshes all the important concepts and incorporates latest evidences to safely practice anesthesia for these special groups inside and outside the operating room.
Basic and Advanced Airway
Anesthesia Machine and workstation
Basics of Anesthesia
Cardiac Anesthesia
Clinical Anesthesia
Mechanical Ventilation
Monitoring in Anesthesia
Obstetric Anesthesia
Onco Anesthesia
Pediatric Anesthesia
Perioperative Management
Regional Anesthesia
Thoracic Anesthesia
Transplant Anesthesia
Miller’s Series