Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 4th Annual MSK Symposium on Lymphoma 2019
Format:37 videos + 35 pdfs, size: 9.74 GB
Course Audience: medical and radiation oncologists, hematopathologists, scientists, and medical trainees involved in diagnosis, treatment, and biomedical research of lymphoma
Date & Location
Friday, May 10, 2019, 7:30 AM – Saturday, May 11, 2019, 5:00 PM EST, Zuckerman Research Center, 417 East 68th Street, New York, NY
Specialties – Bone Marrow Transplant, Hematology, Molecular Biology, Oncology and Hematology, Pathology, Physician Assistant, Radiation Oncology
This symposium will feature updated information on lymphoma biology, diagnosis, immunology, and genetics, and ongoing efforts to translate the scientific discoveries into novel treatment strategies for a variety of lymphomas. Faculty will review the current standard of care and present their own perspectives on how they treat various types of lymphomas. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss diagnostic and management cases, and how to incorporate biologic and genetic biomarkers into clinical practice and clinical trials.
This symposium is designed for medical and radiation oncologists, hematopathologists, scientists, and medical trainees involved in diagnosis, treatment, and biomedical research of lymphoma.
Program Highlights
Networking Cocktail Reception (Friday, May 11, 5:20-6:30 pm) – Participants are invited to join course director, Dr. Anas Younes, and the entire course faculty for a cocktail reception on Friday evening in the lobby of Zuckerman Research Center.
Special Luncheon Events – Participants are invited to attend two special luncheon events, one hosted by the Adult BMT Service and the other hosted by the Myeloma Service. RSVP for the luncheons is required and can be selected during course registration. Please note that space is limited and we do encourage early registration.
- Adult BMT Luncheon Panel (Friday, May 10, 12:00-1:00 pm)
- Myeloma Luncheon Panel (Saturday, May 11, 12:30-1:30 pm)
- provide up-to-date information on recent molecular diagnostic methods
- provide up-to-date information on recent updates to lymphoma pathology classification
- provide up-to-date information on recent treatment options for patients with Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Biology of MCL (Video MP4 Format)
Biology of MCL (PDF Format)
Can a Lymphoma Cell Think (Video MP4 Format)
Can a Lymphoma Cell Think (PDF Format)
Can We Apply DLBCL Genetic Classification to Targeted Sequencing Panels (Video MP4 Format)
Can We Apply DLBCL Genetic Classification to Targeted Sequencing Panels (PDF Format)
CAR T cell Therapy for Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)
CAR T cell Therapy for Lymphoma (PDF Format)
CAR T cell Therapy for Multiple Myeloma (Video MP4 Format)
CAR T cell Therapy for Multiple Myeloma (PDF Format)
Checkpoint Inhibitors (Video MP4 Format)
Checkpoint Inhibitors (PDF Format)
Clonal Hematopoiesis (Video MP4 Format)
Clonal Hematopoiesis (PDF Format)
Current and Novel Treatment Approaches to FL (Video MP4 Format)
Current and Novel Treatment Approaches to FL (PDF Format)
Frontline Therapy (Video MP4 Format)
Frontline Therapy (PDF Format)
Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Early Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma- PRO STANCE (Video MP4 Format)
Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Early Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma- PRO STANCE (PDF Format)
HL in the Elderly (Video MP4 Format)
HL in the Elderly (PDF Format)
Identification of DLBL Subtypes Requiring Novel Therapy (Video MP4 Format)
Identification of DLBL Subtypes Requiring Novel Therapy (PDF Format)
Immune Receptor Signals in T Cell Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)
Immune Receptor Signals in T Cell Lymphoma (PDF Format)
Intercepting FL with Low Tumor Burden (Video MP4 Format)
Intercepting FL with Low Tumor Burden (PDF Format)
Introduction and Welcoming Remarks (PDF Format)
Introduction to Clinical Diagnostic Genome Sequencing (Video MP4 Format)
Introduction to Clinical Diagnostic Genome Sequencing (PDF Format)
Lymphoma_2019_Brochure (PDF Format)
Management of Newly Diagnose MCL- Are We Ready for Chemo Free Approach (Video MP4 Format)
Management of Newly Diagnose MCL- Are We Ready for Chemo Free Approach (PDF Format)
Marginal Zone Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)
Marginal Zone Lymphoma (PDF Format)
Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Monoclonal Immunoglobulins (Video MP4 Format)
Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Monoclonal Immunoglobulins (PDF Format)
Molecular Biology of Rare Lymphoma Subtypes (Video MP4 Format)
Molecular Biology of Rare Lymphoma Subtypes (PDF Format)
Molecular Classification of DLBCL (Video MP4 Format)
Molecular Classification of DLBCL (PDF Format)
New Insights Into the Biology of Germinal Center Lymphomas (Video MP4 Format)
New Insights Into the Biology of Germinal Center Lymphomas (PDF Format)
Novel Endpoints in Clinical Trials (Video MP4 Format)
Novel Endpoints in Clinical Trials (PDF Format)
Novel Molecular Targets in FL (Video MP4 Format)
Novel Molecular Targets in FL (PDF Format)
Outcome of Relapsed MCL in the Modern Era (Video MP4 Format)
Outcome of Relapsed MCL in the Modern Era (PDF Format)
Panel Discussion I (Video MP4 Format)
Panel Discussion II (Video MP4 Format)
Panel Discussion III (Video MP4 Format)
Panel Discussion IV (Video MP4 Format)
Primary Mediastinal and Grey Zone Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)
Primary Mediastinal and Grey Zone Lymphoma (PDF Format)
Role of Radiation Therapy (Video MP4 Format)
Role of Radiation Therapy (PDF Format)
State of the Lymphoma at MSK (Video MP4 Format)
State of the Lymphoma at MSK (PDF Format)
Targeting the Epigenome of Follicular Lymphoma (Video MP4 Format)
Targeting the Epigenome of Follicular Lymphoma (PDF Format)
Therapy of Newly Diagnosed Patients (Video MP4 Format)
Therapy of Newly Diagnosed Patients (PDF Format)
Therapy of Relapsed HL (Video MP4 Format)
Therapy of Relapsed HL (PDF Format)
Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (Video MP4 Format)
Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (PDF Format)
What Can We Learn from Rare FL Variants (Video MP4 Format)
What Can We Learn from Rare FL Variants (PDF Format)
Whole Genome Sequencing in DLBCL and FL (Video MP4 Format)
Whole Genome Sequencing in DLBCL and FL (PDF Format)