Lung Pathology 2019

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Oakstone Lung Pathology 2019

Format:30 videos + 2 pdfs, size: 7.08 GB

Course Audience: pathologist, pulmonologists

1. Mesothelioma (Video MP4 Format)

2. Lymphohistiocytic Neoplasms of the Lung & Pleura & their Differential – A Pulmonary Pathologist’s Perspective (Video MP4 Format)

3. Thymic Pathology – Hyperplasia, Thymoma & Neuroendocrine Tumors (Video MP4 Format)

4. Thymic Carcinoma & other Anterior Mediastinal Malignancies (Video MP4 Format)

5. Typical & Atypical carcinoid & Precursor Lesions (Video MP4 Format)

6. High Grade Neuroendocrine Carcinomas of the Lung (Video MP4 Format)

7. Clinical & Pathologic Features of Pulmonary Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Video MP4 Format)

8. Clinical & Pathologic Features of Adenocarcinoma of the Lung (Video MP4 Format)

9. Lepidic-Predominant Tumors – Rules for Classification & Implications for Staging (Video MP4 Format)

10. Poorly Differentiated & Undifferentiated Tumors of the Lung (Video MP4 Format)

11. Benign Mimics of Lung Cancer (Video MP4 Format)

12. Immunohistochemistry for Lung Carcinomas – Diagnosis (Video MP4 Format)

13. Immunohistochemistry for Lung Cancer – Prediction (Video MP4 Format)

14. Genomic Biomarkers for Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (Video MP4 Format)

15. Overview of Immunotherapy Biomarkers for NSCLC (Video MP4 Format)

16. Interstitial Lung Disease Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

17. Granulomatous Diseases (Video MP4 Format)

18. Microscopy Session – Infectious Diseases (Video MP4 Format)

19. Connective Tissue Disease – Interstitial Lung Disease (Video MP4 Format)

20. Lung Transplant Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

21. Smoking-Related Lung Diseases (Video MP4 Format)

22. Pulmonary Vascular Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

23. Vasculitis (Video MP4 Format)

24. Managing Small Biopsies for Lung Cancer – Specimen Handling for Optimal Diagnostic & Predictive Testing (Video MP4 Format)

25. Microscopy Session – Interpretation of PD-L1 Immunohistochemistry (Video MP4 Format)

26. Atypical Epithelial Proliferation in the Lung – Is It Reactive or Neoplastic (Video MP4 Format)

27. Multiple Lung Tumors – Same or Different (Video MP4 Format)

28. Potpourri of Pulmonary Problems – Special T, N, M Challenges in Lung Cancer Pathology (Video MP4 Format)

29. Microscopy Session – Cytology of Lung Cancers (Video MP4 Format)

30. Reactive Pleuritis vs. Mesothelioma – Making the Distinction (Video MP4 Format)

Questions (PDF Format)

Syllabus (PDF Format)

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