European Course in Paediatric Radiology Chest, Heart and Neck 2022

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European Course in Paediatric Radiology Chest, Heart and Neck 2022

Format: 8 videos + 1 pdf, size: 47 GB

Course Audience: pediatric physician, neuroradiology physician


Dear friends and colleagues,

It is a great pleasure and honor to invite you to the next European Course in Paediatric Radiology ECPR 2022 to occur on Wednesday October 5 until Friday, October 7, 2022 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

This year’s topic will be Paediatric Chest, heart and neck Imaging, presented by an international faculty of renowned speakers in the field of paediatric radiology.

The ECPR 2022 follows the ECPR 2021 virtual MSK Course. It will be the second course of the 3-year Paediatric Radiology Educational Curriculum leading to the acquisition of the European Diploma in Pediatric Radiology (EDiPR). For more information about the diploma please visit (PDF Format). Trainees interested in education and accreditation in paediatric imaging are encouraged to complete all three ECPR courses along with module I of the European Course of Paediatric Neuroradiology (ECPNR) to be eligible for the final EDiPR test.

The ECPR 2022 course in Heraklion will be a hybrid course, designed to welcome visitors from all over the world but also virtually, on a live-streaming platform. All speakers are expected to lecture onsite.

*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below

programme (PDF Format)

Session 1 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 2 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 3 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 4 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 5 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 6 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 7 (Video MP4 Format)

Session 8 (Video MP4 Format)

* Detail: European Course in Paediatric Radiology Chest, Heart and Neck 2022 programme (PDF Format)

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