DocmedED 2020 Classic Lectures in Gastrointestinal Imaging
Format:51 videos + 1 pdf, size: 6.8 GB
Course Audience: radiologist
1. MDCT Evaluation of the Stomach (Video TS Format)
2. MDCT of the Small Bowel IBD and Beyond (Video TS Format)
3. MDCT CTA of the Small Bowel and Mesentery Tumors (Video TS Format)
4. Small Bowel Obstruction When Do I Worry (Video TS Format)
5. CT and MR Enterography (Video TS Format)
6. Crohn’s Disease Evaluation with CT Enterography (Video TS Format)
7. MDCT of Peptic Ulcer Disease (Video TS Format)
8. Standardized Solid Meal Gastric Emptying Study and Alternatives (Video TS Format)
9. Avoiding Misdiagnosis of Acute GI Tract Pathology at CT (Video TS Format)
10. The Acute Abdomen Optimizing Protocols (Video TS Format)
11. Imaging the Patient with Acute Bowel Obstruction (Video TS Format)
12. MDCT of Bowel and Mesenteric Injury (Video TS Format)
13. Bowel Ultrasound (Video TS Format)
14. Imaging of Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding Current Concepts (Video TS Format)
15. Acute Pediatric Abdomen CT (Video TS Format)
16. Imaging of Acute Pancreatitis (Video TS Format)
17. Abdominal Pain in the ER Multimodality Evaluation (Video TS Format)
18. Pitfalls in Imaging of Abdominal Trauma (Video TS Format)
19. MDCT Imaging of Acute Abdominal Pain Which Technique is Optimal (Video TS Format)
20. MRI of the Acute Abdomen (Video TS Format)
21. Ultrasound Evaluation of Acute Abdominal Pain (Video TS Format)
22. A Practical Approach to the Acute Abdomen in Infants and Children (Video TS Format)
23. Doppler Ultrasound Evaluation of the Liver (Video TS Format)
24. MDCT of the Liver How to Evaluate a Liver Mass (Video TS Format)
25. MR of the Liver Vascular Abnormalities (Video TS Format)
26. Benign and Malignant Liver Lesions (Video TS Format)
27. Classification of Focal Liver Lesions (Video TS Format)
28. Liver Elastography (Video TS Format)
29. Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound of the Liver (Video TS Format)
30. Incidental Pancreatic Cystic Lesions When Do I Worry (Video TS Format)
31. Diffuse Liver Disease (Video TS Format)
32. Ultrasound Evaluation of Liver Transplants (Video TS Format)
33. Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy in Acute Conditions (Video TS Format)
34. LI-RADS Fundamentals, Application and Updates (Video TS Format)
35. State of the Art Hepatobiliary Nuclear Imaging (Video TS Format)
36. Challenging Cases in Acute Hepatobiliary Imaging (Video TS Format)
37. Complicated Cholecystitis (Video TS Format)
38. MRI of the Pancreas (Video TS Format)
39. Ultrasound of the Pancreas (Video TS Format)
40. MDCT of Pancreatic Cancer State-of-the-Art (Video TS Format)
41. CT Colonography (Video TS Format)
42. Emerging Tools for Colorectal Cancer Screening (Video TS Format)
43. CT of Colitis (Video TS Format)
44. PET and PET CT in Colorectal Cancer (Video TS Format)
45. Perianal MRI (Video TS Format)
46. CT Evaluation of Appendicitis and Diverticulitis and Their Mimics (Video TS Format)
47. Pearls & Pitfalls in Imaging the Postoperative Abdomen (Video TS Format)
48. Incidental Findings on Abdominal CT (Video TS Format)
49. How to Manage Incidental Lesions in the Abdomen (Video TS Format)
50. Imaging of Solid Organ Injuries What’s New (Video TS Format)
51. MDCT of Blunt Abdominal Trauma (Video TS Format)
CLGIV20 (PDF Format)