Digestive Disease Week DDW 2023

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Digestive Disease Week 2023

Format: 213 videos, size: 236 GB

Course Audience: academicians, clinicians, researchers and trainees working in gastroenterology, hepatology, GI endoscopy, gastrointestinal surgery


DDW is the world’s leading educational forum for academicians, clinicians, researchers and trainees working in gastroenterology, hepatology, GI endoscopy, gastrointestinal surgery and related fields. DDW is where you can accomplish your professional objectives, like updating your knowledge, discovering new advances or expanding your network. Be here for all the exciting possibilities.

AASLD Advances in Cholestatic and Autoimmune Liver Diseases (Video TS Format)

AASLD Alcohol Associated Liver Disease Controversies and Consensus (Video TS Format)

AASLD Contemporary Hepatology for Gastroenterologists (Video TS Format)

AASLD COVID-19 and the Liver What Is the Long and Short of It (Video TS Format)

AASLD Critical But Less Commonly Seen Hepatology (Video TS Format)

AASLD Deciphering the Alphabet Soup of Non-Invasive Tests for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Video TS Format)

AASLD Health Services (Video TS Format)

AASLD Hepatology for Gastroenterologists Symposium (Video TS Format)

AASLD How to Get a Seat at the Table APP Involvement in Professional Societies, Research, Publication and Leadership (Video TS Format)

AASLD Liver Fibrogenesis It Is All About the Scar (Video TS Format)

AASLD Liver Plenary Session Novel Insights and Advances in Liver Disease (Video TS Format)

AASLD Microbiome and Liver Disease The Gut Actually Matters (Video TS Format)

AASLD New Developments in Chronic Hepatitis B and D (Video TS Format)

AASLD Noninvasive Approaches for Diagnosing Fibrosis Cirrhosis (Video TS Format)

AASLD Pan Society Nomenclature Update Introducing New Nomenclature (Video TS Format)

AASLD Practice Guideline Workshop (Video TS Format)

AASLD Prevention and Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma An Ounce of Prevention Better Than a Pound of Cure (Video TS Format)

AASLD Primary Prevention and Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Best Practices in 2023 (Video TS Format)

AASLD Steatosis and Inflammation The Lipid Liver (Video TS Format)

AASLD Stump the Hepatologist (Video TS Format)

AASLD What’s Hot in Liver Transplant and Surgery (Video TS Format)

AASLD What’s New in NASH NAFLD (Video TS Format)

AGA 45 Is the New 50 and 50 the New 55 Epidemiology and Causes of the Shift in Colorectal Cancer Risk (Video TS Format)

AGA A Busy Day of Liver Consults (Video TS Format)

AGA A Day in the GI Office (Video TS Format)

AGA A Decade of Big Data and AI Successes, Failures and Ongoing Opportunities (Video TS Format)

AGA Advances in Screening and Surveillance in Barrett’s Esophagus (Video TS Format)

AGA Advances in Therapeutic Options for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (Video TS Format)

AGA Advancing Clinical Practice GI Fellow-Directed Quality Improvement Projects (Video TS Format)

AGA All the News That Is FIT to Print (Video TS Format)

AGA Application of Omics to Predict Disease Course and Treatment Outcomes in IBD (Video TS Format)

AGA Approach to a Patient With a Biliary Stricture (Video TS Format)

AGA Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Gastrointestinal Disease (Video TS Format)

AGA Autoimmune Pancreatitis Current Concepts (Video TS Format)

AGA Barry Marshall (Nobel Laureate 2005) and Adrienne Marshall Lecture Helicobacter Pylori Management The Ongoing Uncertainties (Video TS Format)

AGA Basic & Clinical Intestinal Disorders (BCID) Section Basic Distinguished Abstract Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Basic Science Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Best of UEG Week at DDW (Video TS Format)

AGA Best Practices in Eosinophilic Esophagitis (Video TS Format)

AGA Beyond Gut Bacteria Transkingdom Interactions Underlying GI Diseases (Video TS Format)

AGA Case breakout C. difficile infection and Microbiota-based therapies (Video TS Format)

AGA Case Studies in Measuring Care and Improving Quality (Video TS Format)

AGA Cellular Plasticity in the GI Tract (Video TS Format)

AGA Challenging Cases Celiac and non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (Video TS Format)

AGA Challenging Cases Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (Video TS Format)

AGA Challenging Cases Managing Common Gastrointestinal Sensorimotor Disorders (Video TS Format)

AGA Challenging Cases Pouchitis, PSC, EIMs (Video TS Format)

AGA Challenging Cases with PPI Therapy Non-Response to PPI Therapy, Managing Patient Concerns of PPI Therapy (Video TS Format)

AGA Charles M. Mansbach II, MD, Memorial Lecture When We Eat How Much Does It Matter (Video TS Format)

AGA Charles S. Lieber Lecture New Frontiers Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease (Video TS Format)

AGA Chief Complaint Bloating (Video TS Format)

AGA Chronic Abdominal Pain How to Differentiate the Look-Alikes (Video TS Format)

AGA Clinical Acute Pancreatitis (Video TS Format)

AGA Clinical Advances in Liver Disease (Video TS Format)

AGA Clinical and Translational Studies in Pediatric IBD (Video TS Format)

AGA Clinical Genetics in Pancreatology (Video TS Format)

AGA Clinical Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Clinical Practice Updates Battle of the Heavyweights (Video TS Format)

AGA Colorectal Cancer Screening and Interval Cancers Effectiveness of Testing Strategies and Risk Stratification (Video TS Format)

AGA Colorectal Cancer Screening and Surveillance High-Risk Populations, Including Hereditary Syndromes and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Video TS Format)

AGA Colorectal Cancer Screening and Surveillance How to Improve Uptake and Adherence and Address Racial Disparities (Video TS Format)

AGA Constipation and Other Functional Colonic Syndromes (Video TS Format)

AGA Controversies in Therapeutic Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

AGA Current Status of Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology (Video TS Format)

AGA Debates in Colon Cancer Screening and Surveillance (Video TS Format)

AGA Diagnostic Controversies in Chronic Pancreatitis (Video TS Format)

AGA Donald O. Castell, MD, Lecture The Diagnosis and Treatment of Esophageal Motility Disorders Where Do We Stand (Video TS Format)

AGA Early Findings From Novel Microbiota-Based Therapies Treatments of Tomorrow (Video TS Format)

AGA Emerging Biomarkers and Translational Discoveries in Liver Disease (Video TS Format)

AGA Emerging GI Cancer Screening Tests (Video TS Format)

AGA Endoscopic Procedures for GERD (Video TS Format)

AGA ENS and Epithelial Interactions in the Pathophysiology of Intestinal Disease (Video TS Format)

AGA Enteroendocrine Cells and Incretins From Basic Science to Blockbuster Drugs (Video TS Format)

AGA Epigenetic Mechanisms Driving GI Cancer (Video TS Format)

AGA Equity and Opportunity in Creating Your New Normal in the GI Workforce (Video TS Format)

AGA Establishing a Career in Esophageal and Gastric Diseases (Video TS Format)

AGA Evolving Concepts in Barrett’s Esophagus Screening and Surveillance (Video TS Format)

AGA Exploiting Neoantigens From Cancer Prevention to Precision Therapeutics (Video TS Format)

AGA Farron and Martin Brotman, MD, Lecture Transforming IBD Care 1 The Biologic Revolution Past, Present and Future (Video TS Format)

AGA Functional and Motility Disorders in Pediatrics (Video TS Format)

AGA Funderburg Symposium Diffuse Gastric Cancer (Video TS Format)

AGA Gastric Adenocarcinoma Precursor Lesions, Early Treatment and Pathogenesis (Video TS Format)

AGA Gastric Epithelial Cell Homeostasis and Dysplasia (Video TS Format)

AGA Gastroparesis and Small Intestinal Dysmotility (Video TS Format)

AGA Gastroparesis Have We Made Any Progress (Video TS Format)

AGA GI Cancer Risk Assessment and Strategies for Management of Individuals at High Risk What’s New (Video TS Format)

AGA GRG Symposium Emerging Spatial Technologies (Video TS Format)

AGA Gut-Brain Communication (Video TS Format)

AGA Gut-Microbiota-Brain Axis Interactions Between the Microbiome, the Central Nervous System and the Enteric Nervous System (Video TS Format)

AGA Health Care Disparities and Colon Cancer Screening (Video TS Format)

AGA How Can Digital Health Help Take Better Care of Your Patients (Video TS Format)

AGA How Do We End the Arms Race Between Commensals and Opportunistic Pathogens in the Gut (Video TS Format)

AGA How Helicobacter Infection Instructs the Pre-Tumor Microenvironment (Video TS Format)

AGA IBD Care in a Post-COVID World (Video TS Format)

AGA IBD Cytokines, Signaling and Receptors (Video TS Format)

AGA IBD in Special Populations New Insights (Video TS Format)

AGA Immunology, Microbiology & Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IMIBD) Section Distinguished Abstract Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Inflammatory Mechanisms That Drive Luminal GI Cancer (Video TS Format)

AGA Josephine and Michael Camilleri, MD, Lecture Multidisciplinary Approaches for IBS Miracle Therapy or Glorified Placebo (Video TS Format)

AGA Kiron and Kamala Das Symposium Delving Deeper Unraveling the Biologic Architecture of IBD (Video TS Format)

AGA Kristin and David Peura, MD, Lecture Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Gastritis and Its Neoplastic Sequelae (Video TS Format)

AGA Liver & Biliary (LB) Section Distinguished Abstract Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Microbial Control of Host-Drug Transporters (Video TS Format)

AGA Microbiome Therapeutics on the Horizon (Video TS Format)

AGA Morton I. Grossman Distinguished Lectureship Brain-Gut Interactions in IBS Novel Applications for Clinical Practice (Video TS Format)

AGA New Microbiome Mechanisms and Therapies Complement, Cancer, and Customized Probiotics (Video TS Format)

AGA Novel Mechanisms for Diagnosis and Treatment of Colorectal Cancers (Video TS Format)

AGA Optimizing Outcomes Among Hospitalized Patients With Cirrhosis (Video TS Format)

AGA Optimizing Outcomes in Patients with Refractory GERD (Video TS Format)

AGA Pancreatic Cancer Risk Factors, Biology, Diagnosis and Clinical Therapeutics (Video TS Format)

AGA Pancreatic Disorders (PAN) Section Distinguished Abstract Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Patient Cases HCC Management in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape (Video TS Format)

AGA Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (PGHN) Abstract Session 2 (Video TS Format)

AGA Pediatric Gastroenterology (Video TS Format)

AGA Pediatric IBD Clinical and Translational Studies (Video TS Format)

AGA Pediatric Organoid Models of GI Disorders (Video TS Format)

AGA Pharmacomicrobiomics How the Microbiome Modulates Medicine (Video TS Format)

AGA Presidential Plenary (Video TS Format)

AGA Probiotics What’s the New and Now (Video TS Format)

AGA Recent Advances in Understanding, Controlling and Treating Enteric Infections (Video TS Format)

AGA Refractory Liver Disease What Do I Do When My Patient Fails First-Line Therapy (Video TS Format)

AGA Risk Stratification in Barrett’s Esophagus Are We There Yet (Video TS Format)

AGA Signaling Mechanisms Regulating Intestinal Mucosal Homeostasis (Video TS Format)

AGA Signaling Through the ENS in GI Diseases (Video TS Format)

AGA Small Intestinal Microbiome An Underappreciated Driver of Gastrointestinal Disease and Novel Therapeutic Target (Video TS Format)

AGA State-of-the-Art Care in Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders (Video TS Format)

AGA State-of-the-Art Management of Acute Pancreatitis and Its Complications (Video TS Format)

AGA Surviving the First Years in Clinical Practice Roundtable With the Experts (Video TS Format)

AGA Technologic Advances in GI Diseases (Video TS Format)

AGA Technology Innovations in GI Thinking Outside of the Box (Video TS Format)

AGA The Future of Innovation in Endoscopy Moving to Greener Pastures (Video TS Format)

AGA The Public Health Crisis in Nutrition Enteral and Parenteral (Video TS Format)

AGA To Divide or Not to Divide Enteric Neurogenesis in the Adult Gut (Video TS Format)

AGA Update for Clinicians on the Use of GI Physiology Tests (Video TS Format)

AGA Upper GI Bleeding (Video TS Format)

AGA-Rome Foundation Lectureship Do Changes in Intestinal Permeability Translate into Clinical Symptoms and Treatments in Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (Video TS Format)

ASGE & European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) (Video TS Format)

ASGE & Federacion Argentina de Asociaciones de Endoscopia Digestiva (FAAED) International Symposium Endoscopic Colonic Resection Beyond Conventional Practice (Spanish Speaking Session) (Video TS Format)

ASGE & Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Society of Australia (GESA) (Video TS Format)

ASGE & Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) International Symposium Early Gastric Cancer, Diagnosis, Staging and Endoscopic Treatment (Video TS Format)

ASGE & Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society (JGES) International Symposium Indication and Strategy of Endoscopic Treatment for Colorectal Neoplasia (Video TS Format)

ASGE & Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (KSGE) International Symposium Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of the Colorectal Lesion Cutting-Edge Technology (Video TS Format)

ASGE & The Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan (DEST) International Symposium Advances in the Management of Early Esophageal Squamous Cell Neoplasia and Barrett’s Neoplasia (Video TS Format)

ASGE & The Hong Kong Society of Digestive Endoscopy (HKSDE) & Chinese Society of Digestive Endoscopy (CSDE) International Symposium New Technology (Video TS Format)

ASGE & World Endoscopy Organization (WEO) International Symposium Artificial Intelligence for Endoscopy Challenges of Globalization (Video TS Format)

ASGE Advanced Bariatric and Metabolic Endoscopy Sponsored By The Association of Bariatric Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

ASGE Advancing Endoscopic Education for the Advanced Fellow (Video TS Format)

ASGE Artificial Intelligence in Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

ASGE Closing Defects and Optimizing Sedation (Video TS Format)

ASGE Colorectal Neoplasia Detection and Histology Characterization – The Quest Continues (Video TS Format)

ASGE Common Challenges in Colonoscopy (Video TS Format)

ASGE Components of a Successful GI APP Program (Video TS Format)

ASGE Cutting Edge in Endoluminal Resection (Video TS Format)

ASGE Debating Complex Colorectal Polyps ASGE Choosing from EMR, ESD, and Surgery Sponsored by the Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection SIG (Video TS Format)

ASGE Endoscopic Challenges in Barrett’s Esophagus (Video TS Format)

ASGE Endoscopy 911 Managing Adverse Events During Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

ASGE ERCP 101 (Video Session) (Video TS Format)

ASGE ERCP 201 (Video TS Format)

ASGE ERCP Quality in 2023 (Video TS Format)

ASGE Esophageal Dilemmas A Case-Based Session Sponsored by Esophageal SIG (Video TS Format)

ASGE EUS Approaches to the Biliary Tree (Video TS Format)

ASGE EUS New Frontiers (Video TS Format)

ASGE EUS-Guided Interventions Outcomes and Innovations (Video TS Format)

ASGE Evolving ERCP Techniques (Video TS Format)

ASGE Getting the Most Out of POEM (Video TS Format)

ASGE Improving Clinical Practice New Technology and Innovation (Video TS Format)

ASGE Improving Your Colon Cancer Prevention Program (Video TS Format)

ASGE Incorporating AI in Your Endoscopy Suite Challenges and Solutions Co-Sponsored by the AI Task Force (Video TS Format)

ASGE Innovations to Improve Endoscopic Practice (Video TS Format)

ASGE Meeting the Environmental Challenges of Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

ASGE No Exit to New Exit from the Stomach (Video TS Format)

ASGE Non-Variceal Upper GI Bleeding The Expert’s Toolkit (Video TS Format)

ASGE Obscure and Occult Bleeding A Deep Dive (Video TS Format)

ASGE Out with the Old and in with the New Can Our Technique in ERCP Be Better (Video TS Format)

ASGE Practical Application of Recent ASGE Clinical Practice Guidelines A Case-Based Approach (Video TS Format)

ASGE Presidential Plenary (Video TS Format)

ASGE Safety Not Guaranteed Unforeseen Events During Interventional EUS (Video Session) (Video TS Format)

ASGE Small Bowel Big Problems (Video TS Format)

ASGE Stuck in the Gut, Therapeutic Advances in Obstructive and Non-Obstructive Tracts (Video TS Format)

ASGE Stump the Stars Greg Haber and Friends Tackle Challenging Cases (Video TS Format)

ASGE Third Space for the Referring Endoscopist (Video TS Format)

ASGE Trending Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Training in GI Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

ASGE Updates in Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy Techniques and Outcomes (Video TS Format)

ASGE Upper GI Tract A Potpourri of AI, Imaging, Resection and Myotomy (Video TS Format)

ASGE Video Plenary-Session I (Video TS Format)

ASGE Video Plenary-Session II (Video TS Format)

ASGE Video Plenary-Session III (Video TS Format)

ASGE Video Plenary-Session IV (Video TS Format)

ASGE When Pancreatitis Goes (Really) Bad (Video TS Format)

ASGE World Cup of Endoscopy (Video TS Format)

DDW Basic Late Breaking Abstract Session (Video TS Format)

DDW Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Where Are We Now And Where Do We Need To Go (Video TS Format)

DDW Does Endoscopy Have a Role in the Management of NAFLD (Video TS Format)

DDW Multimodal GERD Management Gastroenterologist and Surgeons Optimizing Treatment Together (Video TS Format)

DDW Multiomics of Gastrointestinal Disorders (Video TS Format)

DDW Portal Hypertension Shifting Paradigms (Video TS Format)

DDW Shark Tank (Video TS Format)

DDW The Evolving Role of the Gastroenterologist for Detecting, Managing, and Preventing IBD-Related Dysplasia and CRC (Video TS Format)

DDW Women’s Health and Liver Disease (Video TS Format)


SSAT Debate II Current Trends and Debates on the Management of Uncomplicated Diverticulitis (Video TS Format)

SSAT Debate III Management of GEJ Cancer – Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy versus Perioperative Chemotherapy for Adenocarcinoma of the Gastroesophageal Junction (Video TS Format)

SSAT Doris and John L. Cameron Guest Oration (Video TS Format)

SSAT Foundation and Awards Ceremony (Video TS Format)

SSAT Kelly and Carlos Pellegrini SSAT-SAGES Joint Symposium How we Educate our Fellows in Robotic, Laparoscopy and Endoscopy, and the Intersection of Bariatric and Foregut Surgery (Video TS Format)

SSAT Legends of GI Surgery (Video TS Format)

SSAT Maja and Frank G. Moody State-of-the-Art Lecture (Video TS Format)

SSAT Panel II Ergonomics and the Surgeon Striking a Healthier Pose (Video TS Format)

SSAT Panel IV SSAT International Partnerships Stories of Success & Bridges to the Future (Video TS Format)

SSAT Plenary Session Best of Colorectal Diseases (Video TS Format)

SSAT Presidential Plenary I (Video TS Format)

SSAT SSAT-ASCRS Joint Symposium The Value of the NAPRC Accreditation (Video TS Format)

SSAT SSAT-Pancreas Club Joint Symposium Modern Management of IPMN (Video TS Format)

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