Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Live Surgery DVD 3 2018
Format:1 videos, size: 3.93 GB
Course Audience: cosmetic physician
DVD #3
- Revision Case
- Language: Turkish
- Before & 1 Year After Rhinoplasty Results are included
- Detailed endescopic records
- Surgery date: 3-4 November 2018
A nice demonstration for the treatment of secondary case, which has a quite wide, asymmetric and deviated nasal framework, inverted V deformity, severe tip asymmetry, projected tip, maxillary hypoplasia with severe functional problems in an asymmetric face, via Closed Rhinoplasty. The interventions are structural rhinoplasty, septoplasty, chonca surgery, osteoplasty, asymetric osteotomies, incision-skorring techniques, invisible spreader grafts, fixation of the nasal framework and closing the open roof, creating the dorsal lights, cleasing the previous non-absorbable sutures, tip reconstruction, lateral crural strut grafts, strut graft, dissection and plication of the levator alaque nasi muscle, maxillary augmentation and tip camuflage techniques with levator alaque nasi muscle graft.
* Please note that the DVDs are designed for all surgeons dealing with patients seeking rhinoplasty.
Closed-Atraumatic-Rhinoplasty-Live-Surgery-Video-3 (Video MP4 Format)