American Gastroenterological Association Postgraduate Course 2021
Format:20 videos, size: 6.35 GB
Course Audience: gastroenterologist
Bariatric surgery versus bariatric endoscopy for weight loss (Video MP4 Format)
Chicago Classification Gospel or guide (Video MP4 Format)
Determining the right age and intervals to screen for colon cancer in high risk populations (Video MP4 Format)
Endoscopic management of inflammatory bowel disease (Video MP4 Format)
Immune Disease of the Liver AIH, PBC, PSC (Video MP4 Format)
Management of Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis (Video MP4 Format)
New Concepts in Cirrhosis Management (Video MP4 Format)
New medications for gastrointestinal motility disorders (Video MP4 Format)
Noninvasive testing for liver disease (Video MP4 Format)
President’s Welcome & Course Overview (Video MP4 Format)
Product Theater Eosinophilic Esophagitis An Expert’s view on the implications of Type 2 Inflammation (Video MP4 Format)
Staying ahead of the curve on duodenoscope reprocessing how to best avoid infections (Video MP4 Format)
Track A Esophagus (Video MP4 Format)
Track A Liver (Video MP4 Format)
Track A Stomach Small Bowel (Video MP4 Format)
Track B Colon (Video MP4 Format)
Track B IBD (Video MP4 Format)
Track B Pancreatic Biliary (Video MP4 Format)
Updates in Liver Transplantation (Video MP4 Format)
Use of blood testing for choosing, assessing and monitoring biologics in IBD (Video MP4 Format)